Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:How is Russia going to train pilots for Carrier landings now?
Oh wait! I forgot!

Paphitis, did you hear the latest about the
Kherson counter-offensive?
You know the impending recapturing of territories, you bragged about the last time you showed up?
Well I’m afraid the Ukrainians got the wrong NATO instructions and headed for Calais!

I did, and you fools fell for it.
There will be an offensive in Kherson, but right now, what Ukraine has done is force Russia to re-inforce Kherson Oblast with 30,000 while the real offensive is occuring near Izum. Ukrainiane is stretching the Russians.
And, the troops in Kherson have nowhere to go because the Ukrainians have cut all supply lines and escape routes.
That's right bitches. Your offensive has stopped. And you are losing trerritory in the Donbass on the Izum Line.
Enjoy your fantasy of Himars destruction despite the US sending more HIMARS Rockets.

You would think there is no point but 16000 rockets are being sent to Ukraine as we speak.
No supply lines, and 3 more command and logsitics posts also destroyed in the last 24 hours.