Get Real! wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:Get Real! wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:What about all the disgusting filth we’ve had to put up with regarding Milti’s dead Mother? Isn’t that the worst kind of personally inappropriate posting?
It is! I sided by Milti many times.
It is fucking idiots like YOU that keep feeding that narcissistic TROLL with your one-sided crap, as if a narcissist is entitled to a monopoly on insults!
You’re as fucking incredibly sick in the head as he is!
You are making LR's trait very difficult.
How on earth could the man distinguish between the nonsense you are sprouting when you are fully drunk, the nonsense you are sprouting when when you are half drunk, and the nonsense you are sprouting when you are sober? It's all nonsense 24/7.

I don’t know WTF you’re on about because I stopped drinking alcohol due to daily medication, years ago!
But it seems to me you’re very eager to join
CLUB TRASH along with the son of the Paphian whore and that LondonTRASH!
Keep going little snake…
I always stand by what I say. There has been huge injustice, provocation, and humiliation by the American- Nato alliance on Russia, and their European vassal states. I want justice been delivered to Russia. I am fascinated by the New World order coming next... You embarrass ALL of us been in favor of Russia as well, for reasons that are mostly different than mine. As for what I think of you, don't push me to provide links to my old posts, proving that I was the FIRST who de-dusted you. What Milti and LR says about you is old news for me.
Been polite to you for the good things you offered in this forum, doesn't change my overall opinion of you. You are right though, I am not an Angel, so always keep a safe distance from me.
You owe Milti a million apologies for what you said and continue saying about his dead mother.
I think he lost his mind with you though. Poor old man...