It is an unnecessary and unwarranted distraction to your posts and since the war is going to continue for a long time yet just to piss off LR, enough is enough!
It is time to move on.

Kikapu wrote:GR, could you please stop with the endings in blue to each of your posts.
It is an unnecessary and unwarranted distraction to your posts and since the war is going to continue for a long time yet just to piss off LR, enough is enough!
It is time to move on.
Londonrake wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:
It doesn't look like, nor do I think, I am SURE that persona analysis is your forte LR.
We 've seen hundreds of those starting from the Robin Hood era.
I wonder how many more we will have to bear.
Problem is, nobody is interested for your own persona analyses. This trait was widely spread in Cypriot villages in the pre-TV age, when such people were called κουτσομποληδες in Greek/ dedikoduler in Turkish --> Gossipers.
We all have our own personal view about everyone else in here, we don't need "teachers" to guide us.
Btw this GR guy must either have have a huge ass for all of us to fit in there, or we are just tiny worms. Which of the two is it?![]()
It’s good to see you posting again Pyrpo.![]()
I actually regret it. My only hope to escape is to get too busy in the next few days, so that I get out by force majeure![]()
Now, where were we?![]()
“Hundreds”? Given there’s only a handful of posters that’s pretty good going for me. Don’t you think![]()
Hundreds, because you do it multiple times on each. E.g. RH was only talking about the creation of money, whereas all your replies had nothing to do with the issue.
“Hood” and I had a long history. Both on and offline. Much more than anybody in here was ever aware of. On the many occasions we met socially I quite liked the man. You can trust me when I say that apart from bruising his ego on forums I never did, or ever intended to do him, any harm. That was not the case with him. He takes his foruming very seriously.
“Persona analyses”? Not sure what you mean.![]()
Persona analysis is when you try to build a description/or image of someone's character. That's not bad per se, assuming you do it correctly and without bias. However when you proceed in filtering out all the negative parts (which could just be the result of initial bias) and then use that repetitively for trashing one's total argumentation that's very bad.
You mention GR.
When I call somebody who repeatedly says he wants to see a nuclear war, where half a billion are killed, which he believes would be cause for great celebration - you know the stuff people like yourself and Kicks ignore - a psychotic nutter. Is that what you mean? To ignore such is to encourage IMHO.
I can only speak for myself. Go on ask GR whether I ignored what he was saying about nuclear war. What did I do when Paphitis took the baton? Go on ask him.
The difference between me and you is that I don't filter GR's (and others') persona to get what I want. I treat him for the whole package. Ignoring parts of what he is saying, is not an encouragement at all, it's just ignoring to save time.
Now if you concentrate on GR's "cause of great celebration" ignoring his very first post that he would sit all night on the sofa hugging his wife waiting for own his death, then yes you 'd end up to a filtered persona analysis.
What about all the disgusting filth we’ve had to put up with regarding Milti’s dead Mother? Isn’t that the worst kind of personally inappropriate posting?
It is! I sided by Milti many times. Do I have to attack GR for the same thing over and over again, on each and every post he makes like Milti does?? Do I have to make a persona analysis like you do, to attack GR on everything he posts? Doesn't he post other useful or interesting things? The topic here is the war in Ukraine, not GR's and Milti's never ending vendetta.Ignore them both on that.
I treat people as they treat me. If they demean and post in derogatory, contemptuous terms - so be it.
Well, I think you are slightly different than the rest of us who attack directly. You ...instigate things.![]()
The end result is the same.
Pyrpolizer wrote:What about all the disgusting filth we’ve had to put up with regarding Milti’s dead Mother? Isn’t that the worst kind of personally inappropriate posting?
It is! I sided by Milti many times.
Get Real! wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:What about all the disgusting filth we’ve had to put up with regarding Milti’s dead Mother? Isn’t that the worst kind of personally inappropriate posting?
It is! I sided by Milti many times.
It is fucking idiots like YOU that keep feeding that narcissistic TROLL with your one-sided crap, as if a narcissist is entitled to a monopoly on insults!
You’re as fucking incredibly sick in the head as he is!
Pyrpolizer wrote:Get Real! wrote:Pyrpolizer wrote:What about all the disgusting filth we’ve had to put up with regarding Milti’s dead Mother? Isn’t that the worst kind of personally inappropriate posting?
It is! I sided by Milti many times.
It is fucking idiots like YOU that keep feeding that narcissistic TROLL with your one-sided crap, as if a narcissist is entitled to a monopoly on insults!
You’re as fucking incredibly sick in the head as he is!
You are making LR's trait very difficult.
How on earth could the man distinguish between the nonsense you are sprouting when you are fully drunk, the nonsense you are sprouting when when you are half drunk, and the nonsense you are sprouting when you are sober? It's all nonsense 24/7.
Get Real! wrote:Kikapu wrote:GR, could you please stop with the endings in blue to each of your posts.
It is an unnecessary and unwarranted distraction to your posts and since the war is going to continue for a long time yet just to piss off LR, enough is enough!
It is time to move on.
You probably didn’t notice but I gave that narcissistic freak one week break to back off and fuck off, but he kept going with his daily insults and provocations throughout this period so the footer is back.
What shocks me is that nobody seems to notice all the crap that fucking little freak keeps posting… it’s as if he is invisible!
I can understand how bored and fed up everyone is of that repetitive narcissistic clown, and them not paying attention to his rants anymore, but nonetheless they are there and totally inexcusable!
Feel free to scroll back and see for yourselves…
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