Good to see you getting away from all that playground "Naaah, naah, nee, naa, naaaah" crap and sticking to the gist of the thread. Although, you still can't of course resist the urge to piss-take.
First though, you address something Paphitis has picked up on, regarding the possibility of the US gifting A10s to Ukraine. Followed by your opinion about how useless they would be. Then, you post an article basically saying the Ukrainians don't want them and would rather opt for F16s.
There’s twaddle about myself, despite the fact I haven't offered an opinion on the aircraft. I've merely pointed out it's you that's giving an "expert" evaluation on its uselessness.

FWIW, I wouldn't underestimate the A10s capabilities. Despite its age the aircraft has been continually upgraded and could see much longer service. That's a matter of debate in the USAF, some of whose senior members want more "sexier" F35s instead. Well, much like it seems the Ukrainians do the F16. The A10 has very high survivability. It’s hard to bring down. It carries an incredible array of armament and bolt-on avionics. Perhaps it's worth taking into consideration that the plane was originally developed for the role of interdicting massed Soviet armour, their being covered in depth by mobile SAMs, in Central Europe.
Now tell me what a "shit stirrer" I am. If it makes you feel better up there.