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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:46 am

Normal vids...

S-300V missile system... ... 9e.caa.mp4

Direct hit from Russian artillery in a Ukie trench...

Grad operator...

HLS vids...

Russian forces advancing...

Another convoy of Russian military equipment for Donbass...

New Cemetery for the Kiev Regime Troops...

Another group of volunteers left Grozny International Airport for Donbass...

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:16 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Ukraine also to get A-10 aircraft.

Oh boy! This is going to be interesting... :D

A-10's are going to be sitting ducks for the Russians.

A-10's are best at close to the ground in open spaces taking out tanks and personal carriers. Useless in wooded areas.

A-10's are great against an enemy without ground to air defenses.

I read Ukraine will get 10 A-10's. I think 10 coffins comes with them!

Wow! Yet another keyboard military expert!

Oh fuck me, what the hell do I know about the usefulness of the A-10s in Ukraine. :D

The author of the following article should have checked in with LR and Paphitis for their expert knowledge on the A-10s usefulness in Ukraine before publishing his report. :lol:

No doubt the author will get an earful from both our resident experts on the A-10s. :D

Ukraine doesn't need A-10 Warthogs that are 'slow' and 'vulnerable' to Russian air defenses, military adviser says

Abbie Shull 16 hours ago

Although top US Air Force officials have suggested that sending A-10 Warthogs to Ukraine to support the country in its fight against Russia is a possibility, a Ukrainian defense adviser said recently that the decades-old ground-attack aircraft are too "slow" and "vulnerable to the enemy's air defenses."

In an interview with Air Force Magazine, Yuriy Sak, an adviser to Ukraine's minister of defense, said Ukraine needs "Western-standard" fighter jets and combat aircraft. Sak said while the A-10, a close-air support platform, is a great "support machine," one that is "durable" and "very deadly," Ukraine needs "fast and versatile" aircraft like the F-16, a multirole fighter jet. :arrow: :arrow: :arrow: ... ?r=US&IR=T
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:19 pm

Turkey calls its invasion of Cyprus as a ....piss Operation.
Russia calls its invasion of Ukraine as a ...military Operation.
A Perverted Psychopath is overjoyed at the prospect of a nuclear war and a Paedophile describes his rape of a child as ...perfectly natural.
My old mate Albert was so right she he said that human stupidity is INFINITE.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jul 26, 2022 12:58 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:...thanks for posting the youtube, i don't do facebook. (Like some of GR's posts i'm afraid it is a bit more complicated than click and play.)

Copy the link of m3u8 stream and paste it here:

With VLC media player press
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:12 pm


Good to see you getting away from all that playground "Naaah, naah, nee, naa, naaaah" crap and sticking to the gist of the thread. Although, you still can't of course resist the urge to piss-take. :wink:

First though, you address something Paphitis has picked up on, regarding the possibility of the US gifting A10s to Ukraine. Followed by your opinion about how useless they would be. Then, you post an article basically saying the Ukrainians don't want them and would rather opt for F16s.

There’s twaddle about myself, despite the fact I haven't offered an opinion on the aircraft. I've merely pointed out it's you that's giving an "expert" evaluation on its uselessness. :?

FWIW, I wouldn't underestimate the A10s capabilities. Despite its age the aircraft has been continually upgraded and could see much longer service. That's a matter of debate in the USAF, some of whose senior members want more "sexier" F35s instead. Well, much like it seems the Ukrainians do the F16. The A10 has very high survivability. It’s hard to bring down. It carries an incredible array of armament and bolt-on avionics. Perhaps it's worth taking into consideration that the plane was originally developed for the role of interdicting massed Soviet armour, their being covered in depth by mobile SAMs, in Central Europe.

Now tell me what a "shit stirrer" I am. If it makes you feel better up there.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 26, 2022 1:57 pm

I never said that the A-10 was a bad aircraft. I only said it was not ideal for the Ukraine theater against Russia, that's all, and the above article states the same.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:29 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Instigator/shit stirrer? :lol: I didn't start this thread and I'm not the one who's posted a couple of thousand links - the vast majority wonderful good news for Russia and its army - then treats anybody who suggests that actually the situation doesn't really support the view - with bully-boy contempt. Or, in your own case K, offers random personal suggestions, unsubstantiated by even sensible extrapolation of cause/effect, basically made up as you go along, ("collecting" NATO weapons FFS :lol: ) then complains about "facts". There's a bit of hypocrisy for you. Perhaps if you got out of GR's "let's blow up the world" ass you might have a better perspective and be able to think for yourself?

Where's the hypocrisy and double standards GR ? Please try to keep it to me, personally, and not the usual racist rant. In your own case you have personally gloated daily about the carnage in Ukraine for nearly 6 months. You're clearly thoroughly enjoying it and can't get enough. That, whilst intermittently personally advocating the desirability of a global nuclear disaster. All in the name of some warped Revelations version of God. Then, you're spitting out mouth-frothing indignant rubbish about the Russians suffering genocide :roll: . Now, that's what you call hypocrisy.

You two don't like people such as Paphitis and myself who disagree with you. Giving as good as you can dish out (something all bully boys definitely can't handle). You seldom address issues raised, instead resorting to adolescent contempt or, in GR's case, sometimes posting disgusting filth. As K once said to me................... you can't handle the truth. :wink:

Yes DT. Spot on! :lol: :lol: :lol:

It doesn't look like, nor do I think, I am SURE that persona analysis is your forte LR.
We 've seen hundreds of those starting from the Robin Hood era.
I wonder how many more we will have to bear.
Problem is, nobody is interested for your own persona analyses. This trait was widely spread in Cypriot villages in the pre-TV age, when such people were called κουτσομποληδες in Greek/ dedikoduler in Turkish --> Gossipers.
We all have our own personal view about everyone else in here, we don't need "teachers" to guide us.

Btw this GR guy must either have have a huge ass for all of us to fit in there, or we are just tiny worms. Which of the two is it? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:42 pm

HLS video streams...

The 1600 "abducted" children of Mariupol return from summer camp...

Some kid in Mariupol makes his way to grandma's house...

Powerful missile strikes on Nikolaev this morning...

The Ukies have struck this bridge like a dozen times but it's still usable!

• Another fine post sponsored by Eleni the filthy whore of Stroumbi!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby miltiades » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:55 pm

The filthy pervert can't resist his necrophiliac tendencies. Psychopath, how many times do I have to tell you to go and top your self. You are a sick bastard full of shit and doesn6 belong in Cyprus. Afghanistan would be an ideal place for you, you will be amongst equally minded bastards. Now go and FUCK YOUR FIL5HY SELF YOU FUCKING PAEDOPHILE.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:59 pm


• Another fine post sponsored by Eleni the filthy whore of Stroumbi!
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