Kikapu wrote:Get Real! wrote:Kikapu wrote:Just out of curiosity, where do you get ALL your facts before posting them here

I’ll have you know he’s the holder of a
Diploma in Advanced Hypocrisy and Double Standards!

So better not mess with him...

LR comes across as an instigator in all topics.
Commonly known as a shit stirrer!
Yes, factually a shit stirrer!

Instigator/shit stirrer?

I didn't start this thread and I'm not the one who's posted a couple of thousand links - the vast majority wonderful good news for Russia and its army - then treats anybody who suggests that actually the situation doesn't really support the view - with bully-boy contempt. Or, in your own case K, offers random personal suggestions, unsubstantiated by even sensible extrapolation of cause/effect, basically made up as you go along, ("collecting" NATO weapons FFS

) then complains about "facts". There's a bit of hypocrisy for you. Perhaps if you got out of GR's "let's blow up the world" ass you might have a better perspective and be able to think for yourself?
Where's the hypocrisy and double standards GR ? Please try to keep it to me, personally, and not the usual racist rant. In your own case you have
personally gloated daily about the carnage in Ukraine for nearly 6 months. You're clearly thoroughly enjoying it and can't get enough. That, whilst intermittently
personally advocating the desirability of a global nuclear disaster. All in the name of some warped Revelations version of God. Then, you're spitting out mouth-frothing indignant rubbish about the Russians suffering genocide

. Now, that's what you call hypocrisy.
You two don't like people such as Paphitis and myself who disagree with you. Giving as good as you can dish out (something all bully boys definitely can't handle). You seldom address issues raised, instead resorting to adolescent contempt or, in GR's case, sometimes posting disgusting filth. As K once said to me................... you can't handle the truth.

Yes DT. Spot on!