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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:23 pm

Londonrake wrote:The important point is, a painful lesson's being learned. Russia can't be relied upon not to use its energy resources as a tool of blackmail.

That’s like someone comes and punches you in the face and the moment you react to it they say…

“See? I’ve just proven you cannot be relied upon to keep your cool!” :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Mon Jul 25, 2022 7:36 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:What I do think though is, the US is sending equipment to Ukraine that are fast out of date or not a real threat to the Russians, but makes good public relations that they are helping Ukraine to win the fight against Russia. However, slowly but surely, the US (NATO) is going down the slippery slope in getting fully involved in Ukraine because now it cannot be seen losing the war there after throwing $60 Billion down the rat hole not to mention losing face.

A lot of your posts on this subject contain the like of "I do think" or "I believe". As I've said earlier, you have a tendency to make things up as you go along to suit your particular agenda. In essence they tend to be baseless opinion though.

Yes, you got me there, LR. :oops:

Hey, what can I say, other than admit that I am not the pretentious prick who knows it all unlike some on here. :lol:

I thought the forum was ALL about giving opinions of what we think we know, we believe and we think, no? :roll:

Perhaps you can point me in the right direction where I can get facts before posting next time! :wink:

Yes, I want to be smart like some of you guys on here who know it all. :lol:

Just out of curiosity, where do you get ALL your facts before posting them here :?:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:25 pm

Total rejection of the corrupt Ukrainian government...

Ukrainian citizens bless Russian equipment and fighters as they pass... <--- What a facepalm for the Ukie government! :lol:

The wife of a Ukie soldier goes on a rant about life and everything... <--- First time I heard Ukrainian swearing! :lol:

Euronews showed thousands of Ukrainians returning to occupied Zaporozhye...
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:48 pm

Kikapu wrote:Just out of curiosity, where do you get ALL your facts before posting them here :?:

I’ll have you know he’s the holder of a Diploma in Advanced Hypocrisy and Double Standards! 8)

So better not mess with him... :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Jul 25, 2022 9:51 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Persistent gas turbine problems surfacing... a little birdie tells me that such problems will exacerbate this coming winter!

Gazprom Unexpectedly Halts Another Nord Stream Turbine Cutting Flows In Half ... ropean-gas

Fasten your seat-belt northern Europe, for a bunch of idioms will soon be echoing very loudly in the winter chill, like…

“Biting off more than you can chew”

“The hand that rocks the… turbine!”

“Never bite the hand that feeds you”

“Punching above one’s weight”

Did the idiots really believe Russia would let them fill up their reserves to 80% to safely consume during the Winter? A little more that 0% is enough for the moment. :wink:

Let's analyze this small post of yours which is so typical.

It's a double-edged sword of course. Such transactions are two sided.

Of course they are two sided. What did you say of the other side though? Nothing!

The important point is, a painful lesson's being learned.
Oh yeah Russia learned a painful lesson! And what's that? Let's see...-->

Russia can't be relied upon not to use its energy resources as a tool of blackmail.

What does "can't rely upon not to use it's energy........" mean? This wording is meaningless. Assuming the word "not" was an error then:

The truth is Russia can effectively rely upon the use of it's energy resources as a tool for blackmail and come out of as a winner. It ALREADY happened and is still happening! It did have some reduction in sales which however were compensated by the increase in prices. It's a zero sum loss for Russia. Whereas the EU can't rely upon it's sanctions and come out of it a winner. It's already losing, Governments are falling one after another... Inflation is rising by the day, the Euro lost ~ 13% to the dollar...
The only logical party here is Russia who looks at the bigger picture of the US actually considering the EU as an antagonist. The sanctions initiated by the US actually aim at harming both the EU and Russia...Russia knows that and will never bend the EU -especially Germany and France- on their knees.

It takes time, but there will now be a relentless shift away from them.

Really?? Show us this relentless shift. There's absolutely no alternative, unless of course you are talking for 3 times the price of LNG from the US and 4 times more expensive nuclear fuel from other sources.

Anybody who thinks Russia losing trade with a billion people in the US, Europe and Asia can be shrugged off, and their wares simply just sold to others is a fantasist.

Here we have a totally fallacious assumption. That the only one who will lose trade will be Russia, whereas those billion people will not lose that very same trade. Perhaps you are not aware that Russia is self sufficient in everything. And yes Russia can trade very competitively with new partners through BRICS. It's not only Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa who are already in BRICS, there are at least 10 more BIG countries in line. For the moment they only hold 24% of the World GDP, imagine what will happen when this grows. World is not static. The most fascinating thing for me about this war in Ukraine is the fact that we are heading towards a New World order. The US $, Euro, Yen, and STG will no longer be the only reserve currencies. BRICS will have their own digital currency too, and we will see whether those currencies will still worth the paper they are printed on or not.

And then we have your invalid statement based on an already fallacious assumption that those people who think as you implied, are fantasists. At best you could claim you are just blind or ignorant of what's coming up. But call others fantasists, based on fallacious arguments/ or incomplete knowledge, makes you what, laughable?

We don't have any of those on this forum of course.

We can always excuse the ignorant. :wink:

Time's not on Putin's - or Russia's - side.

Wow another statement out of the sky!
How do you know is not on Russia's side??
And how do you know is on the side of the US or the EU or the collective West??
All you have to do is wait and see...

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Mon Jul 25, 2022 10:42 pm

Where has this idea of Russia blackmailing EU comes from. Was it not the west that put up the barriers and stopped Russia from exporting its resources using the financial systems which have been used previously for decades. What did Russia do? Simply said if you want my resources then you will have to use my currency however gold and silver would have also sufficed.

WTF is going on with some people.

Let the old boy spill the truth for a change. Now that is unusual especially as far as JB is concerned.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Tue Jul 26, 2022 2:43 am

...thanks for posting the youtube, i don't do facebook. (Like some of GR's posts i'm afraid it is a bit more complicated than click and play.)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Jul 26, 2022 3:19 am

repulsewarrior wrote:...thanks for posting the youtube, i don't do facebook. (Like some of GR's posts i'm afraid it is a bit more complicated than click and play.)

There’s nothing complicated about HLS streams... your browser either supports them or it doesn’t!

You are probably using either Firefox or Chrome, neither of which have native HLS stream support.

However, if you install the VLC Media Player and you then setup Firefox or Chrome to send all .m3u8 urls to it instead of trying to open them, you should be able to watch HLS streams.

The other alternative to watching HLS streams is to DL my browser, or Ms Edge, or use an Apple device.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 26, 2022 6:05 am

Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Just out of curiosity, where do you get ALL your facts before posting them here :?:

I’ll have you know he’s the holder of a Diploma in Advanced Hypocrisy and Double Standards! 8)

So better not mess with him... :?

LR comes across as an instigator in all topics. :shock:

Commonly known as a shit stirrer! :D

Yes, factually a shit stirrer! :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jul 26, 2022 11:14 am

Kikapu wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Just out of curiosity, where do you get ALL your facts before posting them here :?:

I’ll have you know he’s the holder of a Diploma in Advanced Hypocrisy and Double Standards! 8)

So better not mess with him... :?

LR comes across as an instigator in all topics. :shock:

Commonly known as a shit stirrer! :D

Yes, factually a shit stirrer! :roll:

Instigator/shit stirrer? :lol: I didn't start this thread and I'm not the one who's posted a couple of thousand links - the vast majority wonderful good news for Russia and its army - then treats anybody who suggests that actually the situation doesn't really support the view - with bully-boy contempt. Or, in your own case K, offers random personal suggestions, unsubstantiated by even sensible extrapolation of cause/effect, basically made up as you go along, ("collecting" NATO weapons FFS :lol: ) then complains about "facts". There's a bit of hypocrisy for you. Perhaps if you got out of GR's "let's blow up the world" ass you might have a better perspective and be able to think for yourself?

Where's the hypocrisy and double standards GR ? Please try to keep it to me, personally, and not the usual racist rant. In your own case you have personally gloated daily about the carnage in Ukraine for nearly 6 months. You're clearly thoroughly enjoying it and can't get enough. That, whilst intermittently personally advocating the desirability of a global nuclear disaster. All in the name of some warped Revelations version of God. Then, you're spitting out mouth-frothing indignant rubbish about the Russians suffering genocide :roll: . Now, that's what you call hypocrisy.

You two don't like people such as Paphitis and myself who disagree with you. Giving as good as you can dish out (something all bully boys definitely can't handle). You seldom address issues raised, instead resorting to adolescent contempt or, in GR's case, sometimes posting disgusting filth. As K once said to me................... you can't handle the truth. :wink:

Yes DT. Spot on! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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