Paphitis wrote:
I don't take my free speech for granted. It seems you do. I will be the most persecuted forumer along with maybe 1 or 2 others because I have the audacity to support Ukraine and Trump.
I see!
So, what you’re saying is, you ONLY want to project your Free Speech on others without others countering with opposing views with their Free Speech! Say what?
Doesn’t that sound like a One Way Street to you?
I don’t see anyone being persecuted for their views on Ukraine or Trump.
Granted, there’s a lot of piss taking on Trump, but that is the nature of Trump, taking the piss of others and his supporters approve such actions, so taking the piss on CF on Trump or his supporters hardly reaches to the level of being persecuted.
On Ukraine I get labeled as being a Putin apologist by some, and even an enthusiastic Putin apologist no less by others, just because stating where the fault line lies in the whole Ukraine-Russia war. I state things as I see it and not state something because it might make the West look bad just because that is where I have spent most of my life and living. If it wasn’t for Biden trying to protect his son’s dealing in Ukraine and also wanting to be a proxy war president against Russia, you know, Reagan brought down the Berlin Wall to end the Cold War, and Biden brought down Russia and reinstalled the Cold War, both without direct military conflict with Russia, the war in Ukraine would have been over very quickly. I will go one step further and say it would have never started in the first place. It takes a lot of courage to state the facts Paphitis even when it doesn’t look good for the home team!
I am not into “win one for the Gipper” kind of guy, or else I would have supported the division of Cyprus long time ago.