Here’s a little précis of why the Ukraine is TOTAL TRASH and Russia must destroy it:
1. Zelensky, is the last illegal succession of a 2014 coup that overthrew the democratically elected president of the Ukraine.
2. Zelensky has banned all opposition parties. ... 10-others/
3. Zelensky has arrested or liquidated opposition party leaders. ... ournalist/
4. Zelensky has seized all the media. ... enefactor/
5. Zelensky banned the Russian language, news, schools, and even the buying of food by Russian speakers. ... -faithful/
6. The Ukraine has been shelling the Donbas (Russophones) causing 14,000 deaths since 2014. ... re-silent/
7. And not to mention the Ukraine…
• Being the host of 32 of the criminal West’s bio-labs
• Allowing the erection of two American naval bases in the Black sea!
• Having NATO membership aspirations despite being repeatedly warned.
• Having NAZI militias terrorizing the population.
• Being the world’s most corrupt state, and involved in illegal arms trade.
GOD himself commanded comrade Putin to go in and bitch-slap those satanic Ukrainian clowns into submission, and that’s exactly what he’s doing right now for Russia is doing God’s work.
Those who support the US and the Ukraine support SATAN because America is the Whore of Babylon that will be destroyed by Christian Russia, make no mistake about it!
So there you have it! Feel free to ask any questions.