Londonrake wrote:Get Real! wrote:On a different note…
On Monday, or at the latest this coming week… Lithuania may cease to exist!
The little NATO minnows will have to learn that hiding behind “Article 5” while throwing stones, does not guarantee their safety… especially if they are ex-soviet states. ... 022-07-08/I’ll be watching closely as Russia teaches an ant some respect, the soviet way…

There is no "
Soviet way" anymore. That disappeared over 30 years ago. And, haven't we got used to all the posturing threats from Russia over the past 5 months? Take a look at recent exchanges in here for example. Bombastic threats are generally a sign of weakness.
Do you really believe
"Lithuania will cease to exist!". FFS, the Russians are struggling with what's happening in Ukraine. Live up to it. "Get Real!".
All - as usual - total fantasy

Only a total ignoramus would describe Russia’s military operations in the Ukraine as “struggling”, and although you claim to have had a long career in a professional military, you haven’t convinced me Londoner.
I honestly mean no disrespect but something doesn’t quite add up with your posts… you even found it strange that I have “favorite” weapons that I sometimes speak about!
But who in the military doesn’t have favorite weapons… you know the tools of the trade, remember?
It’s also very bizarre for a former professional military man to be going on about the human factor in a war!
So your inability to understand what’s going on militarily in the Ukraine coupled with your sentimental outbursts raise my suspicion that you *may* be telling porkies about your past.

The only way I can associate you with a military career is in a kitchen or I don’t know what (non-combative) else is available out of harm’s way.
Btw, Scot Ritter, a man with a long military career doesn't seem to agree with you either! for my assertion that Lithuania may cease to exist, it’s not as farfetched as you seem to think because if Russia decides to invade and occupy outright, then the state would cease to exist!