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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:27 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Yes according to Bloomberg alright.

They can divert as much as they like to the East but they will not be able to deliver their gas to the east let alone sell all of it.

And China is playing an each way bett because if the west completely pulls out of China, General Motors and IOS/Iphone etc etc etc, they are stuffed!

Russia's reserves have already been expended as we speak, hence why they will default and no Bank is going to take payments in Roubles.

They are on borrowed time.

Again… you’re not looking at the articles I post from Bloomberg and many others, informing us that Russia is making record profits in the East!

Anyway, keep living in that parallel universe Paphitis... :)

You articles are outdated. Russia only had 300 Billion in reserves, and all of it has virtually disappeared by now. In other words, they are skint.

They are also unable to produce aircraft, tanks, drones and missiles as most of their equipment has Western and Asian chips.

They can however produce shells, mortars, and ammunition.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:27 pm

Paphitis wrote:He tells me Kikakpu, Ukrainians are 100% certain they will win the war.

Tell him a Russian supporter (me) is asking what his favorite recreational drugs are… just out of curiosity! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:28 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:He tells me Kikakpu, Ukrainians are 100% certain they will win the war.

Tell him a Russian supporter (me) is asking what his favorite recreational drugs are… :lol:

You will be eating your words soon enough.

This war of attrition is not a war that is winnable. As Ukraine has more soldiers and can send more to the front from their reserves.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:31 pm

Paphitis wrote:Russia only had 300 Billion in reserves, and all of it has virtually disappeared by now. In other words, they are skint.

:? The "reserve" account you've been reading about is just a small account in the US that was used to service debts in the US, that Biden may have pinched.

Err... it's not Russia's savings account but a "pool" of money like they have in every country to service foreign monthly debts.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:36 pm

Paphitis wrote:This war of attrition is not a war that is winnable. As Ukraine has more soldiers and can send more to the front from their reserves.

There’s a huge discrepancy in quality… the Russians are the best in the world while the Ukies are just picked off the streets, forced into a uniform and sent to the front lines.

The Ukraine’s pro force was wiped out during the first month so only untrained useless conscripts are pushed to the front now.

I do feel sorry for the Ukies but what can one do...
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:45 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Russia only had 300 Billion in reserves, and all of it has virtually disappeared by now. In other words, they are skint.

:? The "reserve" account you've been reading about is just a small account in the US that was used to service debts in the US, that Biden may have pinched.

Err... it's not Russia's savings account but a "pool" of money like they have in every country to service foreign monthly debts.

It's not just this, but Europe has reduced its Russian Gas intake by 60%. By Christmas, the target is 90%

The losses to the Russian Economy over the next 5 years will be in the Trillions.

They have also had $330 billion in assets frozen, and the EU is now planning to hand this cash over to Ukraine and they will do it legally as Russia will be tried in the EUCJ in absentia.

The Russians also have a big problem with infantry and losses are very high - which they can't replace.

They also do not have Air Superiority. And with just 4 HIMARS, they have destroyed 22 munition depots, with explosions seen from outer space.

There are over 1000 units of HIMARS and MLRS about to arrive by August. Inagine the destruction then...

And when the Russians stop, they will be an outcast. They will not be able to trade with the west. It's all well and good talking tough over the next 12 months, but that will all stop after that when Russia is on its knees. Already, their supermarket sheves are empty of food and products.

So this all begs the question. Pootin never anticipated such a reaction from the west, and he doesn't have an exit strategy from this mess neither.

Russia is literally up shit creek without a paddle.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:This war of attrition is not a war that is winnable. As Ukraine has more soldiers and can send more to the front from their reserves.

There’s a huge discrepancy in quality… the Russians are the best in the world while the Ukies are just picked off the streets, forced into a uniform and sent to the front lines.

The Ukraine’s pro force was wiped out during the first month so only untrained useless conscripts are pushed to the front now.

I do feel sorry for the Ukies but what can one do...

Russia has made themselves look amateurish to the point they are now a laughing stock. I think it's time Russia stops pretending. If they start a war with NATO, they are FINISHED!

The Ukrainians on the other hand, look like they have fucked Russia up the ass! They have and continue to give a very good account of themsleves.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:50 pm

This war has been a total disaster and not well thought out at all.

NATO today is stronger with Sweden and Finland, and there will be more to join in the future. NATOs credibility is at record levels.

Whereas Russia has empty supermarket shelves and is on the verge of collapse. And has been declared an international pariah with the worst sanctions ever imposed on any country.

Russia is not in a good spot.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:02 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:This war of attrition is not a war that is winnable. As Ukraine has more soldiers and can send more to the front from their reserves.

There’s a huge discrepancy in quality… the Russians are the best in the world while the Ukies are just picked off the streets, forced into a uniform and sent to the front lines.

The Ukraine’s pro force was wiped out during the first month so only untrained useless conscripts are pushed to the front now.

I do feel sorry for the Ukies but what can one do...

Russia has made themselves look amateurish to the point they are now a laughing stock. I think it's time Russia stops pretending. If they start a war with NATO, they are FINISHED!

The Ukrainians on the other hand, look like they have fucked Russia up the ass! They have and continue to give a very good account of themsleves.

:? :lol:

Even the West's media has started telling the sad truth... ... raine.html

The charade is over and it seems you’re the last man still clinging to it!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Jul 10, 2022 4:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:This war of attrition is not a war that is winnable. As Ukraine has more soldiers and can send more to the front from their reserves.

There’s a huge discrepancy in quality… the Russians are the best in the world while the Ukies are just picked off the streets, forced into a uniform and sent to the front lines.

The Ukraine’s pro force was wiped out during the first month so only untrained useless conscripts are pushed to the front now.

I do feel sorry for the Ukies but what can one do...

Russia has made themselves look amateurish to the point they are now a laughing stock. I think it's time Russia stops pretending. If they start a war with NATO, they are FINISHED!

The Ukrainians on the other hand, look like they have fucked Russia up the ass! They have and continue to give a very good account of themsleves.

:? :lol:

Even the West's media has started telling the sad truth... ... raine.html

The charade is over and it seems you’re the last man still clinging to it!

The west's media is pluralistic. There is always 1000 views and opinions all expressed in a broad dialogue in our Democratic and Free juristictions.

But, it's not the west with empty supermarket shelves, or facing bankruptcy or collapse. It's Russia that is caught now in a war of attrition on the west's whim and control. And it is NATO now expanding its sphere of influence.

The question is, for how long can Russia last? That's the question. What we know is it can't last indefinately. But we don't know how long they will last before it all comes crashing down like a house of cards.

The biggest problem the west has is buraecracy. But finally, $50 billion worth of arments are inbound to Ukraine. That is as much as Russia's entire military expenditure.

The tally of losses for Russia, with the passage of time, will be eye watering. I am talking about the loss of trade.
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