Get Real! wrote:The S-500 and other similar weapons, are not “wonder-weapons” but realities…
You misunderstand and obviously haven’t read the Wicki article. Don’t feel guilty about it though.
“Wonder weapons” are certainly real. It’s just they’re systems either in early development, are prototypes or will be deployed in numbers too small to have any impact on the conflict concerned. The threats about using them really come down to little more than bellicose propaganda.
The recent sabre-rattling about the Sarmat 2 is perhaps a good example. It’s just been tested and supposedly isn’t due to commence deployment until the end of this year. That, in order to replace an already existing silo missile in a situation where both sides have had the capability to obliterate the other several times over for half a century. It’s main achievement will likely be to chuck some petrol on the arms-race fire.
To me, the recent Russian hype about wonder weapons seems to have a note of desperation about it. The point I am making. Plus, it gives Vlad a PR equivalent to getting his shirt off - for domestic consumption.
A country 11th on the global GDP chart, spending billions on vanity defence projects, led by a dictator of 22 years standing with imperial expansionist ambitions should set any rational person’s alarm bells ringing. Not you GR!
I looked at your first link. It seems to be something about some Apple TV series and a so-called “space cannon”

Gave up there.
AFAIUI though there are currently about 30 X S500 units. Like the Sarmat,I can’t really see their relevance to what’s happening in Ukraine.