Get Real! wrote:Paphitis wrote:Get Real is delusional because if the Russians can interfere with GPS, there wouldn't be a plane in the sky today.
But aircraft continue to this day shoot RNAV Approaches to minmias as low as 200ft AGL to the Missed Approach Point.
You’re so uneducated you’re extremely annoying!
There are different satellites for different things... ie: civil aviation doesn’t share the same satellites as military affairs, or Internet access, or I don’t know what else is out there.
There are different frequency ranges for civil matters, military matters, and even the world of R/C hobbies has its own range.
Yes they are the exact same satellites as a matter of fact.
GPS is controlled by the US Pentagon, and is a US Asset. Russia has its own called GNSS.
Chy-na has its own.
But I use the US GPS network for most days of my life. I used it just yesterday as a matter of fact.
The US GPS System is used by Aviation globally, even by you liot in Cyprus, because the Merikans let you losers use it and in fact lets the whole world use it.
The onlky thjing Merika does is factor in latent errors, which reduces its accuracy to 30feet. And they can increase these errors exponentially in times of war, but they will warn everyone before hand, because it would disrupt global aviation.
The Staelites you use in your 4wd, and we use in Aviation, to navigate and conduct RNAV Approaches, STAR Arrivals and so forth, are the exact same satelites Merika will use to guide its ICBMS to Moscow.