Londonrake wrote:Get Real! wrote:He’s trying to convince you that the West’s 40-odd countries going out of their way to starve Russia’s 146 million citizens in every way imaginable is an honorable thing to do, while Russia preventing Ukrainian produce from shipping via the Black sea is a horrible crime against humanity!
What’s the matter with you Lordo, did you fail your Western Hypocrisy 101 course?
Boris is about to cancel all your benefits because you’re not toeing the line boy!
Apart from your latest hissy fit, that, preceded by an extensive period of “Your dead mother was a whore” intellectual type stuff, you’ve been posting relentlessly on this war for 90 days now. I’d be surprised if you haven’t hit 1000 or thereabouts. Throughout, you’ve never contributed anything but good news about the Russian army’s outstanding performance. Plus of course how the country’s economy is booming as a result of it’s isolation, caused by the departure of some 1000 western companies and the sanctions regime being imposed. Not forgetting copious stuff about how the much hated west is doomed because of it all.
If you truly believe that’s the case I have to say I admire your Jesuit-like devotion, but sadly have to qualify it by saying that IMHO, not only are you clearly psychotic but also it seems a naive idiot.
Highlighting your nauseating hypocrisy is neither psychotic nor naïve… but I do understand your pain having been exposed, although I don’t agree with making yourself look worse with a personal attack... not that I ever expect a witty comeback from someone like you anyway!