Kikapu wrote:You sound like a broken record sometimes where it becomes monotonous to read the same thing again and again.
How did I become a Russian apologist?
Is that what happens by giving personal opinions and playing devils advocate by looking at the war from an angle which is not in the main media?
WOW, doesn’t it then make you a narrow minded pompous know it all teacher’s pet!
You can follow the general consensus on the war all you want and listen to whatever/whomever you want and I will not you fault you for it as anyone can think and believe anything they want, including mass propaganda delivered by the western media on the war. Enjoy.
As for Blair’s video, some valid points but overall same as any other politician’s views in the west. He is just a another team Player!
God forbid anyone say anything to the contrary or else they will get labeled as Russia’s apologist!
I don’t know who would make such labels?
Oh, wait a minute, you do!
Well, that puts me in a difficult spot. Goodbye G&Ts + fish 'n' chips I guess.
A broken record? The trouble is - well, as it seems to me - the central and most important point of all this keeps being either glossed over or translated into an academic debating issue. That being, Vladimir Putin has initiated the military invasion of a neighbouring country which has so far resulted in the deaths of many thousands of (mostly) civilians. The wanton destruction of entire population centres and enforced relocation of about 10 million of its people. Let's not get into the considerable and mounting evidence of atrocities being perpetrated by the - it increasingly seems - ill discipled (inept) Russian army. I suspect that will all come back to haunt them in good time.
There I go, doing the broken record thing - yet again. But it seems that some - and you are certainly one of them - view it, from our privileged top 10% of the world's wealthy keyboards, as in some way all justifiable. That, on the basis of what appears to me complete fabrications. Absurdities about NATO, Nazi invasion threats and Bio warfare labs. We are though apparently required to soberly consider all these absurdities in the "debate" about this war. Common sense and personal judgement making you "pompous" and "narrow minded".
A Devil's advocate is - well - "
a person who expresses a contentious opinion in order to provoke debate or test the strength of the opposing arguments". Where I come from the contemporary expression tends to be "wind up merchant". Please feel free to express your "opinion" but it seems it's basically something you tend to proffer merely in order to provoke, rather than with any real depth of feeling.
Do you truly believe that the entire sum of the vast spectrum of media we have access to here in the west amounts to nothing more than "propaganda"?
Whilst, for instance, you say nothing about another member who tells us - apparently hand on heart - that people in Mariupol, who's city has been obliterated by the Russian army, are greeting them with flowers and begging them not to leave? It seems, to spare them from the "torture" they've been subjected to? And that they're spending time visiting cinemas? They really need better people in St Petersburgh writing this sort of fairy tale shite. Don't - as a rational person - you agree? Or, do you prefer to remain one of the useful idiot sheep who reject all western media as nonsense?
I'm disappointed at your
"pompous, narrow minded, teachers pet" slur. I thought you were better than that. The epithet "Russian apologist" isn't meant as an offensive term, more a fact, and you Sir have qualified.
I grew up in what you would politely call a very humble (Mr Copperfield
) environment. I clawed my way as far as I could up the greasy poll by initially signing up to an Agoge. Then trading up - literally. FWIW, I don't recognise your assessment of my character and, as an obviously quite well-to-do individual, who's apparently spent his life nomadically across the west and now sits comfortable in Switzerland on his 4 passports I suggest you're being a bit of a hypocrite.