Kikapu wrote:Don’t you find it a little bazaar that a battalion is anywhere from 400 to 1,200 troops, and yet we saw no dead bodies all over the place, but instead a dozen or so various kinds of destroyed military equipment.
I don't expect you - or anybody who supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine - to accept any reports I might happen to post. Which is why I don't usually bother. That's of course the problem with the situation. Conflicting opinions and interpretation of news reports. Although, I don't recall you ever having any concerns at all about anything the great man posted. Including his fervent desire for nuclear war. "Family" or some such twaddle.
Nevertheless, there's still quite a lot of news which at the very least suggests things aren't going Russia's way. No?
Given it's day 79 of the Russian invasion of a neighbouring country - Ukraine - I just wonder whether there will ever come a time when people like you will concede that.
How's the Ukrainian body count today. Did it come up to expectations? Good news if so I imagine.