...about the refugees, and the displaced.
repulsewarrior wrote:
...about the refugees, and the displaced.
Londonrake wrote:So you think that the death of millions in the UK is warranted based upon events which took place - what - a century or so ago? Their "justifiable comeuppance"? Looking back through history and various empire building activities there must be a pretty long account of due reckoning for quite a few countries. Many being overdue a similar comeuppance I suppose.
It isn't just your extraordinary degree of hatred though - you clearly and fervently desire it. That I suggest is the thinking of a madman. Not a rational human being. No?![]()
OK… so now you know that madmen do exist.
Do you really think the US wouldn't retaliate if Russia started "unleashing nukes everywhere"? Again - better be sure - eh?
What makes you think the US strategic nuclear inventory is "neglected"?Do share. Does it apply to the rest of their stuff, outwith the silo based element, too?
I’ve followed everything I could get my hands on over the years pertaining to US nukes; on land (silos), submarine based, and plane based… so yeah the land based are seriously neglected but the subs should be good to go, but their main problem is that if Russia strikes with hypersonics the US’ early warning systems will fail to trigger an automated response.
I have a friend who spent 3 years as the Project Director of a big petrochemical installation in Russia. Based mainly in Moscow. He told me that nothing fucking works in the place. So - what makes you think their missiles are up to scratch? Gut feeling?
The nukes are everything to Russia and something that Putin is personally involved in by following through as the project manager. Right now is the best chance they'll ever get in defeating the US because in 6 months time the US will have cracked the hypersonic riddle and will have caught up. The hypersonic "riddle" if I may call it that, is to create a missile casing that will endure the tremendous heat generated at hypersonic speeds and thus far the Russians and Chinese have succeeded to mass production stage. The US is still frantically fiddling with prototypes but no edge lasts forever... eventually they'll get there.
FWIW the US cancelled a test of the Minuteman 3 in March to avoid "raising tensions". That after Putin put his stategic nuclear forces on high alert and before the big fanfare about the Satan II test. Beware the dictator who's painted himself into a corner and keeps going on about his nuclear weapons.![]()
It was a hypersonic prototype test they cancelled and rightfully so because they know they're lagging in technology and need more time to crack it.
Don't be sure targets on Cyprus aren't on the plot. It wouldn't matter though. In a global nuclear war you're going to get your share, whatever. Your family, too. Although from the depth of your clear desire for self destruction I'm guessing you don't have any children's futures to consider.
If it makes you feel better the fact that Cyprus is Christian Orthodox will also go a long way to spare us from getting nuked by Russia.
I've a lot of faith in humanity actually. Although, the extent of negativity about them in here could be pretty depressing, to the impressionable.
If it makes you feel better the fact that Cyprus is Christian Orthodox will also go a long way to spare us from getting nuked by Russia.
Get Real! wrote:OK… so now you know that madmen do exist.
I’ve followed everything I could get my hands on over the years pertaining to US nukes; on land (silos), submarine based, and plane based… so yeah the land based are seriously neglected but the subs should be good to go, but their main problem is that if Russia strikes with hypersonics the US’ early warning systems will fail to trigger an automated response.
The nukes are everything to Russia and something that Putin is personally involved in by following through as the project manager. Right now is the best chance they'll ever get in defeating the US because in 6 months time the US will have cracked the hypersonic riddle and will have caught up. The hypersonic "riddle" if I may call it that, is to create a missile casing that will endure the tremendous heat generated at hypersonic speeds and thus far the Russians and Chinese have succeeded to mass production stage. The US is still frantically fiddling with prototypes but no edge lasts forever... eventually they'll get there.
It was a hypersonic prototype test they cancelled and rightfully so because they know they're lagging in technology and need more time to crack it.
If it makes you feel better the fact that Cyprus is Christian Orthodox will also go a long way to spare us from getting nuked by Russia.
repulsewarrior wrote:...really? Putin's Church is not a part of the Christian Orthodox Faith as you allude; This Archbishop has isolated himself with his declaration against all the rest, and by declaring this war, Putin's war, a Holy War.
Londonrake wrote:I think everybody on this forum would benefit from less of the stuff between yourself and Milti.
Londonrake wrote:Lordo wrote:Stop getting over excited, there will be no nuclear war exchange.
We may end up in a WW3 situation but nuclear stuff will be kept where they are.
I sincerely hope you're right. I'm not "over excited" but as I've said many times before, we're dealing with one man here who has over 6000 nuclear weapons at his beck and call. I doubt the like of Napoleon, Hitler, Mussolini - even a Ceausescu would have hesitated to use such once they realised the game was up.
Hopefully, some way will appear out of the famous "fog of war" where Putin can get something he can present to the Russian people as a "victory" and that will be the end of the possibility of world wars or nuclear armageddon. Because Mr GR is fantasising if he believes there's absolutely any way we can get to that stage without the ramifications for all of us being horrendous. Whether we get our share of warheads or not.
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