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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Apr 28, 2022 12:06 am hopes that we will see the Problem solved with Mr. Putin, Zelenskiy, and Erdogan shaking hands to the satisfaction of the rest of us, as Heroes. Having found a solution that may be emulated, a solution to their own Constitutional reform, a solution that they may live with together. I remind the readers that we should not be fighting each other, Lest we Forget, that there are bigger enemies which fester and that threaten all Mankind.

Such as it is, what was exposed decades ago in Cyprus, (which exists in Syria, Iraq, and in Libya, to name a few countries,) this fear, its Ignorance, its hatred now tearing Ukrainians apart must be overcome.

None of these Leaders rule countries void of diversity. This, is something to think about. The Problem is far more complex, it is not Cyprus' problem alone, because where it is that there are extremes exposing themselves for "Greekness" and "Turkishness", or"Russianness" and "Azovs", (for their "Naziness") it is most surely the result that their victims will be those quite unlike "them", as Cypriots, as Turks, as Ukrainians, or as Russians, for example.

And, in such cases, none can ignore the political model first fashioned before the French Revolution actually in the USA, what is a BBF (Bicommunal Bizonal Federation); a State, representing all its Citizens without further distinction or discrimination as Individuals equal under the Rule of Law, defending their Freedom. While, in Liberty, as Constituencies at another level of Government, as Persons, as majorities, nurturing their distinct identity by representing toward the minorities living among them Goodwill, in Goodfaith providing in their Agendas for their special needs as well.

we'll see if they publish my comment. ... r_hl=en-US
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:40 am

Kikapu wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Lordo wrote:I don't think so Pyro, things are about to get worse with the moves Nato is doing. They are about to start supply of offensive weapons to Ukraine. They will not rest till Ukraine is completely destroyed.

But how is it going to get fully destroyed when the Russians don't advance??
Did you know that life in Kiev is almost normal? Cafes are full of people, pizza restaurants thrive, commercial activity etc etc...

I don’t think Kiev was ever Russia’s goal to capture. It was a way to make pretend so that major Ukrainian forces can be taken away from the eastern part to protect the capital, which it has always been Russia’s objective to capture and shut out the rest of Ukraine from the Black Sea. For weeks Russian tanks stood idle on the road to Kiev when the west was gloating that the tanks ran out of fuel or broke down or the Russians were just walking away from them because they were against the invasion. This was all made up by west’s myth to increase the Ukrainian soldiers morale. After the Russians withdrew voluntarily , the west celebrated as a victory for Ukraine. Whatever! :wink:

Well they cut that a bit short didn't they.

Sureky they should have stayed to keep the Ukrainians pre-coccupied but they ran away like cowards because it wasn't gouing too well for them and they ran away early when the campain in the east was already pretty much halted by Ukraine as well. Now the Ukrainians can redirect personel and resources to the East where the Russian Advance is pretty much dead.

Look at the maps. The Russians are not making any gains. Soon, they will be in retreat. If an army does not make any advances, they are eventually grinded down. You got to keep moving to survive. Russians are not moving. Ands more and more arms are arriving everyday. Soon, the American Predator Drones will be in Ukraine as well.

What a total stuff up for Russia!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 28, 2022 1:51 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:They've been beaten back from Kiev and now resort to consolidating their positions in East and South Ukraine.

Incorrect, they abandoned Kiev voluntarily and moved elsewhere. They were never defeated from Kiev.

Beaten back huh? :o :shock:
Oh poor LondonRocky, he believes in dreams. :lol: :lol: :lol:



What's the matter with you LondonRocky?
Learning foreign languages now? :lol: :lol: :lol:

The Ukrainians defeated Russia in the north.

The Russians withdrew voluntarily because their addvance was halted and they were taking massive losses. Hence they reytreated.

That equals to defeat. It's very clear that the objective was Kyiv. Russia got close but no cigar.

Yes, Russia was indeed beaten.

Don't kid yourself.

And now we are seeing Russia unable to consolidate in the east as their advance has stopped there as well.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 28, 2022 6:15 am

Ukrainians evacuate areas: Lost defense & supply lines - Double axis hits Slavyansk ... x_tr_hl=en

NATO countries blew entire Stinger inventory on Ukraine – Stocks now empty ... now-empty/

Russia Bolsters Attack In Ukraine's West To Slow Down Western Arms Supply To Kyiv ... eshow.html

The New World Order has come to an end <-- Medvedev interviewed. ... to-an-end/

While Netflix crashes, big tech companies face trouble ... e-trouble/
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:02 am

Have a guess who has been telling you this for years…

The Illusion of Freedom: We’re Only as Free as the Government Allows ... ent_allows
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:35 am

For starters you and the likes of you are free to piss off to as far away from the West that you passionately hate, any time you wish. On your bikes thickos :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 28, 2022 7:41 am

miltiades wrote:For starters you and the likes of you are free to piss off to as far away from the West that you passionately hate, any time you wish. On your bikes thickos :lol:

We’re also free to stay and criticize it all we want busting your balls every single day and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it… especially with your intellect of a retarded 8 year old! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby miltiades » Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:05 am

Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:For starters you and the likes of you are free to piss off to as far away from the West that you passionately hate, any time you wish. On your bikes thickos :lol:

We’re also free to stay and criticize it all we want busting your balls every single day and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it… especially with your intellect of a retarded 8 year old! :lol:

Your entire erroneously perceived " intellectual "existence orbits around a pool of diaroia , :lol:
Still you have a ....big house in MY WEST :) :D :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:29 am

miltiades wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
miltiades wrote:For starters you and the likes of you are free to piss off to as far away from the West that you passionately hate, any time you wish. On your bikes thickos :lol:

We’re also free to stay and criticize it all we want busting your balls every single day and there’s not a damn thing you can do about it… especially with your intellect of a retarded 8 year old! :lol:

Your entire erroneously perceived " intellectual "existence orbits around a pool of diaroia , :lol:
Still you have a ....big house in MY WEST :) :D :lol:

But you can’t even spell diarrhea so what are you doing in the West when you should be living with uneducated sand monkeys in some desert? :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby boomerang » Thu Apr 28, 2022 8:31 am

Chomsky: Our Priority on Ukraine Should Be Saving Lives, Not Punishing Russia

The basic framework for a diplomatic settlement has long been understood and has been reiterated by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. First, neutralization of Ukraine, providing it with a status rather like Mexico or Austria. Second, putting off the matter of Crimea. Third, arrangements for a high level of autonomy for Donbass, perhaps within a federal arrangement, preferably to be settled in terms of an internationally run referendum.

Official U.S. policy continues to reject all of this. High administration officials don’t just concede that “prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the United States made no effort to address one of Vladimir Putin’s most often stated top security concerns — the possibility of Ukraine’s membership into NATO.” They praise themselves for having taken this position, which may well have been a factor in impelling Putin to criminal aggression. And the U.S. continues to maintain this position now, thus standing in the way of a negotiated settlement along the lines Zelenskyy outlined, whatever the cost to Ukrainians.

ok after the cia director, now it's chomsky's turn to fuck off from milti's WEST...
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