...one hopes that we will see the Problem solved with Mr. Putin, Zelenskiy, and Erdogan shaking hands to the satisfaction of the rest of us, as Heroes. Having found a solution that may be emulated, a solution to their own Constitutional reform, a solution that they may live with together. I remind the readers that we should not be fighting each other, Lest we Forget, that there are bigger enemies which fester and that threaten all Mankind.
Such as it is, what was exposed decades ago in Cyprus, (which exists in Syria, Iraq, and in Libya, to name a few countries,) this fear, its Ignorance, its hatred now tearing Ukrainians apart must be overcome.
None of these Leaders rule countries void of diversity. This, is something to think about. The Problem is far more complex, it is not Cyprus' problem alone, because where it is that there are extremes exposing themselves for "Greekness" and "Turkishness", or"Russianness" and "Azovs", (for their "Naziness") it is most surely the result that their victims will be those quite unlike "them", as Cypriots, as Turks, as Ukrainians, or as Russians, for example.
And, in such cases, none can ignore the political model first fashioned before the French Revolution actually in the USA, what is a BBF (Bicommunal Bizonal Federation); a State, representing all its Citizens without further distinction or discrimination as Individuals equal under the Rule of Law, defending their Freedom. While, in Liberty, as Constituencies at another level of Government, as Persons, as majorities, nurturing their distinct identity by representing toward the minorities living among them Goodwill, in Goodfaith providing in their Agendas for their special needs as well.
we'll see if they publish my comment.
https://aeronet-news.translate.goog/vid ... r_hl=en-US