Kikapu wrote:Get Real! wrote:Kikapu wrote:Ukraine asks G7 for $50 billion to cover budget shortfall
The problem is the Ukrainians are useless in battle and burn through everything sent to them very quickly, some of which is no doubt stolen and sold off… I’ll bet by the end of the year Zelensky will rival Musk’s wealth!
This amount is Ukraine’s 1/3 of the GDP in what they want after 2 months of war. They will be asking $250 billion more if the war lasts for a whole year.![]()
This is what happens when you start giving, then the receiver never stops asking for more. The question is, how long is the giver is willing to give, for how long and for how much?
I do not think the west is going to just give, give and give. At some point Ukraine’s usefulness as an “useful idiot” will come to an end for the west. It always happens!
The cost to the west should Ukraine lose wpould be in the Trillions. That's because we would be guaranteed to have more wars in Europe from Russian Expansionism, war in Asia from China over Taiwan and so on.
And that will be the straw that breaks the camel's back, and that's where Get Real's fantasy of a Nuclear Holocaust becomes a very distinct possibility rather than Get Real's sexual fantasy.
Supplying Ukraine with surplus weapons in reality is of no cost at all to the west and Europe than the alternative of any Russian success leading to more destruction and death in the future.
I'm pretty sure, the west would be happy to supply Ukraine for many years to come. Not only that, but when Ukraine wins this war, Ukraine would be the beneficiary of many Billions in Aid from the west so they can pick up the pieces, rebuild, and finally joind the EU and NATO. Yes I did say it.
Ukraine will be joining NATO the way things are going.
Because it appears there will be no peace agreement.