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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:10 am

I thought you were a bit slow on the uptake before paphitis but you seem you have lost the plot.

Why doesn't the US put boots on the ground and defend Ukraine? Go defeat pootin, like saddaam, qadaffi, bin laden and assad...

Instead, you talking about the US invading Cyprus. :roll:

You just contradicted everything you have been saying.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:12 am

Paphitis wrote:Even if it was the Trumps invading, the IQ of the island would rise sharply by 50%

All I see is positives as I said.

Why do you go on the attack against Cyprus all the time? :?

I don’t represent Cyprus on the CF but myself!

Cyprus, is irrelevant to this thread.

Like I said... you're not terribly bright.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:15 am

Maximus wrote:I thought you were a bit slow on the uptake before paphitis but you seem you have lost the plot.

Why doesn't the US put boots on the ground and defend Ukraine? Go defeat pootin, like saddaam, qadaffi, bin laden and assad...

Instead, you talking about the US invading Cyprus. :roll:

You just contradicted everything you have been saying.

Well at least he’s aware that the US only attacks those that can’t defend themselves! :)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:I thought you were a bit slow on the uptake before paphitis but you seem you have lost the plot.

Why doesn't the US put boots on the ground and defend Ukraine? Go defeat pootin, like saddaam, qadaffi, bin laden and assad...

Instead, you talking about the US invading Cyprus. :roll:

You just contradicted everything you have been saying.

Well at least he’s aware that the US only attacks those that can’t defend themselves! :)

Apparently, he can only see positives in bigger countries invading smaller ones, as long as its am3rica doing it. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:38 am

Maximus wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:I thought you were a bit slow on the uptake before paphitis but you seem you have lost the plot.

Why doesn't the US put boots on the ground and defend Ukraine? Go defeat pootin, like saddaam, qadaffi, bin laden and assad...

Instead, you talking about the US invading Cyprus. :roll:

You just contradicted everything you have been saying.

Well at least he’s aware that the US only attacks those that can’t defend themselves! :)

Apparently, he can only see positives in bigger countries invading smaller ones, as long as its am3rica doing it. :roll:

Yes, Murica has all these one-sided “special privileges” that Paphitis finds most honorable!

What a fucked-up character... the saddest part is that he has fathered children! :(
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 26, 2022 3:40 am

Russia captures swaths of territory right around the Ukraine…


That shitty criminal entity that was costing EU citizens money for the past 12 years, is no more!

Just to get an idea of size…

Ukraine: Area 603,628 km2

Turkey: Area 783,356 km2

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:09 am

Come to think of it… given all the crap Russia has received from the West, they don’t need to negotiate anything anymore with the Ukraine but completely capture, demilitarize, and annex the territory to Russia.

The Ukraine’s refusal to surrender and sign the peace agreement early on, has no doubt led to the skyrocketing of the cost of this operation and now somebody has to pay for it.

Since the Ukraine is a high producer of wheat then let that produce pay for the huge expense of the operation.

I’d even change the territory’s name to “Wheatagrad” or something…
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:30 am

Maximus wrote:I thought you were a bit slow on the uptake before paphitis but you seem you have lost the plot.

Why doesn't the US put boots on the ground and defend Ukraine? Go defeat pootin, like saddaam, qadaffi, bin laden and assad...

Instead, you talking about the US invading Cyprus. :roll:

You just contradicted everything you have been saying.

Are you seriously that daft Max?

Yes I got to agree. Cyprus is good low hanging fruit for the US and should invade sooner rather than later based on security and IQ concerns at this point. Plus so that Erdogan can shit his pants.

Considering the fact I think there is something in the water you blokes are drinking. America can further its chemical and bio weapons capability.

But back to reality. Is it really that hard for you to understand why the US has no obligation to put boots on the ground? They are not a NATO member for starters and the Americans are not stupid enough to risk direct conflict with Russia and potential nuclear Holocaust.

You should be very thank full that the US Administration are not sone super dipper crazy lunatics or criminals like Pootin. The world over should be grateful.

America isn’t the country to take the globe back to the Stone Age. Pootin is the most likely to do that especially if our worst fears end up being true such as an attack on any one of the 30 NATO members, such as Poland, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia or Lithuania etc.

So, line up boys and girls and say thank you America for being a hell of a lot more sane than Russia.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:32 am

Btw boys and girls, do you live the Stars and Stripes. It’s a beautiful flag. Represents freedom and democracy.

Represents all that is good in this world at the moment.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:34 am

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Even if it was the Trumps invading, the IQ of the island would rise sharply by 50%

All I see is positives as I said.

Why do you go on the attack against Cyprus all the time? :?

I don’t represent Cyprus on the CF but myself!

Cyprus, is irrelevant to this thread.

Like I said... you're not terribly bright.

I have serious concerns at this point about you guys. Either you are being poisoned by the Russians or you are all drugged out and fried some valuable brain cells.

I’m certain America needs to act to save as many Cypriot brain cells as possible before it’s too late.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Feb 26, 2022 4:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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