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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:09 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Maximus wrote:No its a geniune questioned asked to Paphitis,

if you cant answer it, then leave it.

he is talking about fighting and defending smaller states against agression from bigger states.

Its very principled stance and I agree with his sentiments

So why arent we going to defend Ukraine? we went and liberated many arabs in the middle east from dictators.

But this is happening in the heart of Europe, from Russian expansionism.

I’m sorry but I’m not getting you neither.

Which Arab State are you referring to? They are not under any occupation to my knowledge and most of them are all pretty good US allies as well.

Liberate who and from who?

Oh I see. From dictators you said. It’s not our role to meddle in their affairs whether they have a dictator or not. Some of these states are riled by a Royal Family, and some of them are so advance these days, that in my opinion they are as good as any Scandinavian country or Switzerland. One of my favourite countries is the UAE. I can assure you that it is better to live in UAE than it is to live in Cyprus.


I am not getting you either,

Do you want to conveniently pretend that the west doesnt go around invading countries and toppling dictators?

Like Saddam, the Taliban, Gaddafi and ahem, Assad, to name just a few. If I recall correctly, they were all bad people in your book and you supported those wars.

I am just interested in your opinion after the speech you gave me about fighting and how my thinking is dangerous.

So why has the west left the Ukrainians to fight Russian by themselves? Is it because they are not Arabs that dont need saving from dictators?
Last edited by Maximus on Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:11 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:10 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Indeed. It’s one of the richest countries of Europe for Natural Resources, Gas and Agriculture.

One of the richest in the world as a matter of fact.

Quit posting stupidities the both of you!


I’m talking about the resources and agriculture which hasn’t been developed fully yet.

They are a very resource rich country. One of the richest on the planet only comparable to Arab States, and Australia.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:11 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Indeed. It’s one of the richest countries of Europe for Natural Resources, Gas and Agriculture.

One of the richest in the world as a matter of fact.

Quit posting stupidities the both of you!


I’m talking about the resources and agriculture which hasn’t been developed fully yet.

They are a very resource rich country. One of the richest on the planet only comparable to Arab States, and Australia.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:13 pm

This is the most important part you should all heed from that Wiki article...

However, Ukraine remains among the poorest in Europe and most severely corrupt countries in the continent

This is EXACTLY what Putin has set out to destroy!

Once again he is mopping up the trash from the planet.

America creates the trash and Russia mops it up!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:16 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:So we know one of the reasons is Nato membership. Is there any other? Did Ukraine threaten to close Nord Stream 1 pipline recently?

'ello mate. :)

I've been active on this issue - first for a very long time - clearly because of it's major ramifications.

My understanding is that - certainly from a domestic consumption Russian media point-of-view - there was supposedly an imminent threat that Ukraine would attack Russia. Ipso facto, it was a pre-emptive invasion.

I have to say - and I am not really surprised - that as many Ukrainians are dying, with their capital city it seems under sustained attack by air, rocket/artillery and armour, the almost football supporter jubilation and in essence gloating at their fate by some in here reaches a new low on this - famous for it's lows - forum. I would add I think some should be ashamed of themselves. But that of course is an elusive emotion on CF. Where apparently millions of Americans dying in a nuclear holocaust would be a "cause for celebration like the world has never seen before".

You hit the nail on the head.

It’s extremely embarrassing and hyper hypocritical that Cypriots of all people are rejoicing in the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

My experience of them as a people can only be positive. I had a Ukrainian high school teacher in Australia and later I was seeing a Ukrainian girl for a period of time. A very gorgeous girl too.

As a people, they are wonderful with my limited exposure to them.

But yes, we on this forum should be ashamed of ourselves. It’s literally diabolical that there are some rejoicing as if this is a football match. Hundreds of Ukrainian citizens are being killed each day.

And this is clearly an unprovoked invasion of a free and sovereign country.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:16 pm

You guys really think the corrupt Ukrainian clowns are worth so much risk to the planet, that we should antagonize a nuclear triad???

Start using your fucking heads!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Indeed. It’s one of the richest countries of Europe for Natural Resources, Gas and Agriculture.

One of the richest in the world as a matter of fact.

Quit posting stupidities the both of you!


I’m talking about the resources and agriculture which hasn’t been developed fully yet.

They are a very resource rich country. One of the richest on the planet only comparable to Arab States, and Australia.


Is that all you got! Their agriculture alone is enough to feed 600 million people.

Go plant some Kolokasi!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:19 pm

Paphitis wrote:Is that all you got! Their agriculture alone is enough to feed 600 million people.

Go plant some Kolokasi!

That's all there is... WHEAT, and Russia exports even more.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:I return some hours later and to my dismay the illegitimate government of the Ukraine is still dancing around in some bunker in the heart of Kiev, or so they pretend/say they are.

I was hoping for a swift and decisive ending today so that this criminal government be dragged into a tribunal, judged and executed… but they unfortunately want to play hardball (no doubt at the advice of the West) so as to cause a maximum number of victims and destruction in the Ukraine so as to then point the finger at the great man Putin and say… “There’s the bad guy!”

The diabolical blood-thirsty West knows no bounds and is no doubt pulling the strings from afar via a communication with the criminal Ukrainian regime, with BIG promises that they will make it and that help is on the way, etc!

But the truth of the matter is that Russia cannot and will not allow these clowns to survive… even if they have to nuke them out.

The world knows that very well, yet they’re still giving the Ukrainians false hope that serves nothing but the prolongation and suffering of innocent Ukrainians.

Dream on!

The only criminal here is Pootin.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:20 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Is that all you got! Their agriculture alone is enough to feed 600 million people.

Go plant some Kolokasi!

That's all there is... WHEAT, and Russia exports even more.

No not just wheat but also barley and a myriad of other stuff.

Not to mention coal, uranium, Oil and Gas as well.
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