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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:37 pm

We have witnessed the most irresponsible reactions by the US, the UK and the EU, in dealing with this otherwise very simple “intra-USSR” matter, when nobody should ever underestimate Russian resolve!

Let me remind the immature fools once again...

Russia is a NUCLEAR TRIAD with stockpiles in the range of 6k-7k warheads that can be launched in a dozen ways and of global outreach.

So make NO MISTAKE what you are dealing with… if you are one of those fools who think that such a power can be “diminished” via a ganged up effort of isolation and other childish antics.

If you annoy such a power enough it can and may well turn against the entire planet, and then its goodnight!

So the sooner everyone finds his brain and turns it on, the sooner this debacle will end and we can all get on with life and put it behind us.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:40 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:So what happened to the idea of having Nuclear weapons so it can deter war. Both Russia and America have Nuclear weapons and yet there is no deterence. What a waste of time spending billions a year on them. Just think how much more could be done for the people if that money was put to good use.

Having heard our glorious BoZo give his address Ukraine will be fine because he is behind them and he is praying for them. So they must have god on their side too.

Ukraine doesn't have nuclear weapons. It gave them up to Russia in return for guarantees over its territorial integrity and sovereignty. This was even supported by the USA that they give up their nuclear arsenal in return for guarantees from the US.

What a mistake that turned out to be.

They should have kept them.

Nuclear bombs don't last for ever you know, and the Ukranians didn't have either the expertise or the resources to maintain them, neither did they have operational control over them. The ability to detonate and use them was ALWAYS with Russia.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:44 pm

Maximus wrote:No its a geniune questioned asked to Paphitis,

if you cant answer it, then leave it.

he is talking about fighting and defending smaller states against agression from bigger states.

Its very principled stance and I agree with his sentiments

So why arent we going to defend Ukraine? we went and liberated many arabs in the middle east from dictators.

But this is happening in the heart of Europe, from Russian expansionism.

I’m sorry but I’m not getting you neither.

Which Arab State are you referring to? They are not under any occupation to my knowledge and most of them are all pretty good US allies as well.

Liberate who and from who?

Oh I see. From dictators you said. It’s not our role to meddle in their affairs whether they have a dictator or not. Some of these states are riled by a Royal Family, and some of them are so advance these days, that in my opinion they are as good as any Scandinavian country or Switzerland. One of my favourite countries is the UAE. I can assure you that it is better to live in UAE than it is to live in Cyprus.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:47 pm

Paphitis wrote:A Ukrainian military unit has reportedly told the invading Russian force to “go fuck themselves” before fighting to the very last man.

The impending guerrilla war will make Russia’s 80s adventures look like a picnic.

Not exactly. They were 13 soldiers on an island and the "go fuck yourself" was to the commander of the Russian warship. Within 5 seconds all 13 were gone...
Neither Russia nor the Ukranians are stupid to enter a street war. There will be too many casualties on both sides while it won't change the final outcome by one iota.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:49 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:A Ukrainian military unit has reportedly told the invading Russian force to “go fuck themselves” before fighting to the very last man.

The impending guerrilla war will make Russia’s 80s adventures look like a picnic.

Not exactly. They were 13 soldiers on an island and the "go fuck yourself" was to the commander of the Russian warship. Within 5 seconds all 13 were gone...
Neither Russia nor the Ukranians are stupid to enter a street war. There will be too many casualties on both sides while it won't change the final outcome by one iota.

I was fully aware it was from a Russian ship and it would have taken more than 5 seconds,
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:50 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Maximus wrote:No its a geniune questioned asked to Paphitis,

if you cant answer it, then leave it.

he is talking about fighting and defending smaller states against agression from bigger states.

Its very principles and I agree with his sentiments

So why arent we going to defend Ukraine? we went and liberated many arabs in the middles east against dictators.

But this is happening in the heart of Europe.

No. It just seemed a bit vague for an oldie like me.

I'm not a history buff but I thought that our Arab liberating days were Ottoman empire, Lawrence of Arabia stuff. Sorry Lordo :) . I think we did our share of liberating in 1939 - 45 though. My Dad was there on the longest day! :) Not that you would ever know it, from Mr Macron's efforts nowadays :lol:

I don't think there was ever any intention - nor was it a realistic scenario - that the West would or could defend Ukraine. In fact - good ole Sleepy Joe more or less invited the Russians to invade. As long as it was only a small one apparently.

Is Ukraine in the "heart of Europe". Looks pretty much on the wing to me. Interesting though to read just how much in the way of natural resources they have. Not just being the bread-basket of Europe but also things like Oil/Coal/Uranium. Much of it in the areas taken or under attack actually. That's probably just my natural cynicism though.

Anyway, nice to "talk" to you. I follow all the posts in here and admire your stoicism. I would have given up the loo brush ages ago. :wink:

Indeed. It’s one of the richest countries of Europe for Natural Resources, Gas and Agriculture.

One of the richest in the world as a matter of fact.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:57 pm

Lordo wrote:So we know one of the reasons is Nato membership. Is there any other? Did Ukraine threaten to close Nord Stream 1 pipline recently?

Now is the perfect time to have a oopsy moment and bomb it accidentally.

In fact I think that’s what will happen. Accidentally of course.

If the Russians can shoot down a Malaysian Airliner by accident, then how is it the pipeline can survive?

Let’s have that very expensive gas.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Fri Feb 25, 2022 10:59 pm

Wow. So many nuclear weapon experts.

"Within 5 seconds". Wow - again! You obviously had to be there to say that. Respect.

About 160,000 Russian soldiers, complete with overwhelming armour, artillery, infantry and air support have invaded a neighbouring country, where, as we "speak" they are laying waste to the capital, Kiev. That, apparently, is all Ukraine and the West's fault. Serves them right then I guess.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:06 pm

Paphitis wrote:Indeed. It’s one of the richest countries of Europe for Natural Resources, Gas and Agriculture.

One of the richest in the world as a matter of fact.

Quit posting stupidities the both of you!

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:07 pm

Londonrake wrote:Wow. So many nuclear weapon experts.

"Within 5 seconds". Wow - again! You obviously had to be there to say that. Respect.

About 160,000 Russian soldiers, complete with overwhelming armour, artillery, infantry and air support have invaded a neighbouring country, where, as we "speak" they are laying waste to the capital, Kiev. That, apparently, is all Ukraine and the West's fault. Serves them right then I guess.

Yeh. He obviously thinks it’s that easy to kill some bunkered down soldiers from a ship. Scratching my head as to how myself.

The only way to get them is to really land their own soldiers.

All we know is they were all eventually killed in battle.

I bet though, the Russians lost many more of their own. Like double or triple the amount.

But of course, till now Russia hasn’t lost any soldiers. They must be made of iron.
Last edited by Paphitis on Fri Feb 25, 2022 11:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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