Maximus wrote:No its a geniune questioned asked to Paphitis,
if you cant answer it, then leave it.
he is talking about fighting and defending smaller states against agression from bigger states.
Its very principles and I agree with his sentiments
So why arent we going to defend Ukraine? we went and liberated many arabs in the middles east against dictators.
But this is happening in the heart of Europe.
No. It just seemed a bit vague for an oldie like me.
I'm not a history buff but I thought that our Arab liberating days were Ottoman empire, Lawrence of Arabia stuff. Sorry Lordo

. I think we did our share of liberating in 1939 - 45 though. My Dad was there on the longest day!

Not that you would ever know it, from Mr Macron's efforts nowadays
I don't think there was ever any intention - nor was it a realistic scenario - that the West would or could defend Ukraine. In fact - good ole Sleepy Joe more or less invited the Russians to invade. As long as it was only a small one apparently.
Is Ukraine in the "heart of Europe". Looks pretty much on the wing to me. Interesting though to read just how much in the way of natural resources they have. Not just being the bread-basket of Europe but also things like Oil/Coal/Uranium. Much of it in the areas taken or under attack actually. That's probably just my natural cynicism though.
Anyway, nice to "talk" to you. I follow all the posts in here and admire your stoicism. I would have given up the loo brush ages ago.