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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 27, 2022 5:25 am

Who is really stuck in the Ukraine debacle?

While NATO gloats that Russia is stuck in the Ukraine perhaps that’s exactly what Russia intended in the first place for being “stuck” there will be necessary if they are to have control of Ukrainian resources which can then be used to strangle the West even further!

But the good thing for Russia is that they do have plenty of OPTIONS besides being “stuck” there, but we can’t say the same for NATO who seems really stuck in a merry-go-round of publicity stunts outside the perimeter of Soviet territory as their audiences get wearier of hollow theatrics that lead to nowhere.

You can only play the main actor for so long before everyone realizes that you are actually just the jester and Biden’s dangerously arrogant and ignorant speeches aren’t helping the situation either.

The West has already tired of shifting men and armaments around NATO territory, and they have already issued every threat and insult imaginable against Russia, as well as promoting the worlds most corrupt and incompetent politician as the best thing since sliced bread, and now the futility of it all is getting a little hard to ignore as all the huffing and puffing has led to nothing.

So, as the West’s 30-nation leaderships gradually return home from last month’s super party which was comprised of group hugs, big speeches, big statements, copious amounts of insults and threats, all sprinkled with levels of arrogance the world had never seen before, and finally all wrapped up in plenty of wishful thinking… the jubilation seems to have fizzled out and now everyone has to deal with the massive hangover their shortsighted decisions have brought about.

A hangover that is flirting perilously with the financial collapse of the European Union that will now be even more reliant on the mercy of Russian energy and crops but ones that will no longer be controlled by a willing Putin but rather by an understandably paranoid Putin whose feelings we have hurt beyond repair.

May God help us for we have sinned!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 27, 2022 8:50 am

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:NB. We may not be able to post attachments anymore
Sorry, the board attachment quota has been reached.


Please go to your… Control Panel > Manage Attachments and click on the images table uploaded by DATE (column) so that the older ones appear first, and start deleting your oldest images.

The board has reached its image storing capacity limit so we should all start deleting the old ones.

Anything up to and including say 2004-2015 just blow them away.

I had only 4 pages and they are now all deleted. :D
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 27, 2022 9:02 am

Get Real! wrote:Here’s news for the European and American clowns to which by now it must be sinking in their little peas that...

Russia is NEVER leaving the Ukraine, because now they have access and control of Ukrainian Gas and Crops!

Checkmate! :wink:

Not only that, but Russia will make most of the 44 million Ukrainians become dependent on the EU to feed, clothe and shelter them regardless whether they remain in the western part of Ukraine or as refugees within the EU. The EU countries were being very generous sending arms into Ukraine to fight the Russians, so let’s see how generous they are going to be by becoming a welfare Union for all those in need of essentials to exist. USA will just say it is EU problem and will do very little to help.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 27, 2022 11:50 am

There is light at the end of the tunnel as they say. BoZo has anounced that we can be the energy supplier of the EU selling them wind energy.
So easy when you only neet to promise rather than deliver.

At the end of 2020, there were a total of 29,608 onshore wind turbines in Germany. 420 new onshore wind turbines with a capacity of 1,431 MW were newly installed in 2020

By the beginning of March 2022, the UK had 11,091 wind turbines

As if in some way we can convince Germany to buy our turbines.

BoZo will do better if he sold them hot air coming out of both ends, he is the world leader in that sort of production.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:25 pm

There are many reasons why there is a war in Ukraine. This video explains the main reasons for both sides. :wink:

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:43 pm

He is an asshole. He has missed the real reason for this war.

The real reason is the fact that America has been trying to stop the EU from buying Russian resources so they can buy from America corporations for years. They have created the scenario by enticing Ukraine to try to join Nato knowing full well that Russia would stop it with any means possible which means war and they can then sanction all the Energy supliers from Russia as well as dip into their wealth too. Any resources Ukraine has is insignificant when compared with the trade EU does with Russia.

Anything else is incidental.

BTW the Ukranians have finally realised that they were used as a bate and America has no intention of doing anything substantially to help them. Clearly they have supplied some defensive weapons so they looked as though they were doing something but they are no defence against the Russian fire power. It is a bit like the Brits firing in the air during the bombing of London by the Germans, knowing they had no chance of hitting anything but it made the public feel better.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 27, 2022 12:53 pm

Today, the US has gone into Damage Control Overdrive by repeating the alleged “correction”…

“US not seeking regime change in Russia”

…in multiple ways across the entire West’s media, but the Russians are not stupid.

So much effort has been put into this today that it makes you wonder… what is going on in and around America?

What is prompting America's hysteric reaction?

Have Russian bombers and/or submarines gone into encroachment overdrive? :?

President Biden 'made a difficult situation more difficult'

US President Joe Biden's comment that his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin "cannot remain in power" has prompted strong criticism from veteran US diplomat Richard Haass.

The comments "made a difficult situation more difficult and a dangerous situation more dangerous", tweeted Mr Haass, who is president of the US Council on Foreign Relations.

"That is obvious," he added. "Less obvious is how to undo the damage, but I suggest his chief aides reach their counterparts & make clear the US is prepared to deal with this Russian government."

Mr Haass returned to the subject after the White House qualified President Biden's remarks, saying: "The White House walk back of @POTUS regime change call is unlikely to wash.

"Putin will see it as confirmation of what he’s believed all along. Bad lapse in discipline that runs risk of extending the scope and duration of the war."
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 27, 2022 1:20 pm

Didn't seem much "damage control" in what I've been reading. They were all laying into the walking cadaver.

Seems he got out of his collar again and started making all sorts of noises, which the WH puppeteers are now trying to backtrack on.

Apparently, what the POTUS says these days isn't actually US policy. Unless he's reading it (trying to anyway) from a teleprompter that is. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:25 pm

Zelenskiy, visibly irritated, on Saturday demanded Western nations provide a fraction of the military hardware in their stock piles and asked whether they were afraid of Moscow.

"We've already been waiting 31 days. Who is in charge of the Euro-Atlantic community? Is it really still Moscow, because of intimidation?" he said.

You’ll be waiting forever because they LIED to you!

Nobody was going to come and fight your war on Soviet territory, but you fell for it because you’re an incompetent politician who obviously hasn’t studied history, doesn’t know age-old US-Soviet agreements, and are clearly lacking in basic common sense!

Your best bet... wave the white flag to save what you still can!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby DT. » Sun Mar 27, 2022 2:28 pm

You have to separate the tactical and the strategic perspective here.

Tactically, Russia is doing worse than anyone anticipated. They’re especially doing incomparably worse than Putin had anticipated; there are now multiple lines of evidence that suggest that he calculated on the entire operation taking 48 hours. They are running out of food and fuel, and quite likely also of other supplies—not in general, but where they are needed, and getting them to the right place also costs resources. They are also likely to be running out of money; modern wars are very expensive and you can’t keep an army of this size in the field for an unlimited time.

But they are still advancing, only much, much slower than they thought they would, and not uniformly—some of the pictures of captured Russian vehicles strongly suggest that they have had to retreat at least every now and then. It is far from certain that they will fail to occupy Ukraine, although time is probably beginning to run out because they are likely to be running low on money.

Strategically, Russia has already lost. Even if they should eventually achieve all their objectives, their strategic position will afterwards be immensely weaker than it was before. The economy is devastated, their political position in the world is devastated; their assets are seized, their banks are under severe strain, their allies have deserted them, their currency is in serious trouble and might yet collapse into hyperinflation, foreign capital is fleeing and foreign businesses are closing. None of this will change if they manage to occupy Ukraine; some of it might get even worse, since the occupation will in itself be costly and tie up troops. Their only remaining “friend”, China, looks more like a vulture waiting to feast.

On balance, yes, I would say that they are not only losing—they have already lost. Not in the sense of being totally defeated, but in the sense of ending up in a worse situation than the one they started from
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