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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:35 pm

GR’s ranting posts are becoming increasingly hysterical and irrational. Something I wouldn’t have thought possible a few weeks ago. Much though like the noises beginning to emanate from the Kremlin.

In one respect we seem to agree. God help us all.

I’ve had a good run for my money and can’t complain but worry a lot about my young family and what the future holds for them all. :(
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:38 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:“We aim to starve you to death, Russia!”…so our desirable result is a loud and crystal clear: DEATH TO RUSSIA… and I’m pretty sure that Russia gets it!

Common sense now goes...

Imagine a Russian civilian plane flying over Europe ignoring their sanctions about their national "airspace" and some idiots shooting it down...

Yes, now the likelihood of a dumb move by any party, is exponential.

We have set ourselves up to living on a day-by-day basis!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Mar 22, 2022 2:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:“We aim to starve you to death, Russia!”…so our desirable result is a loud and crystal clear: DEATH TO RUSSIA… and I’m pretty sure that Russia gets it!

Common sense now goes...

Imagine a Russian civilian plane flying over Europe ignoring their sanctions about their national "airspace" and some idiots shooting it down...

Yes, now the likelihood of a dumb move by any party, is exponential.

We have set ourselves up to living on a day-by-day basis!

The “dumb move” was made on Feb 24th. Although, Feb 20 2014 is also a good contender.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:07 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:“We aim to starve you to death, Russia!”…so our desirable result is a loud and crystal clear: DEATH TO RUSSIA… and I’m pretty sure that Russia gets it!

Common sense now goes...

Imagine a Russian civilian plane flying over Europe ignoring their sanctions about their national "airspace" and some idiots shooting it down...

And yet the Turks shot down the Russian Jet fighter down in Southern Turkey. Putin stopped the tourist trade and also stopped buying Turkish Tomatoes and Erdogan was on his knees begging for forgiveness.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:14 pm

Yesterday in Nicosia, we had the first of what I soon expect to become a cataclysm of demonstrations.

Apparently, the “goat herders“ or something like that… were out in protest in front of some government and EU buildings complaining of not being able to make ends meet.

Some government official eventually made his way to the scene to announce some kind of handout to help them out and they then seemed satisfied and dispersed.

So far so good right?

OK, well here’s the problem…

As more and more industries feel financial pressure there’ll be more and more of them out on the streets demanding the same… financial relief!

But our government can only handle so many handouts (and EU permitting) before collapsing itself!

This should gradually progress to the point where fewer and fewer companies will be paying taxes as more and more industries will be placed on life support.

So we are gradually shifting from a free market economy to a handout economy!

Now imagine two dozen EU member states gradually falling into such despair… it can only lead to the EU’s capitulation and that’s when we’ll see all the EU technocrats grab whatever stashes of money they can from the depleting kitty bank while they can, and flee to South America!

I so anticipate this happening in the near future… I don’t know if I should be laughing or crying! :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 22, 2022 3:52 pm

Van filled with Ukraine donations stolen

A van filled with furniture and other items donated to help Ukrainian war victims has been stolen in the UK.

Yup, it’s called desperate people helping themselves! :roll:

We’ll be seeing a lot more of this…
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 22, 2022 4:52 pm

According to the BBC…

'Each day Russia fails is a win for Ukraine'

Funny how when Russia goes on the attack they are expected to wrap it up in 1-2 days or they’ve "lost", whereas when the US or UK go on the attack they can bog down for like 20 years and still call it a “win”!

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Mar 22, 2022 5:12 pm

Russian casualty and material loss figures are pretty sobering. Although, you'd never acknowledge their veracity, of course. Well, unless they came from a .RU source that is.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Tue Mar 22, 2022 6:30 pm

Let’s take a trip down memory lane when the West’s media didn’t have to feed off Zelensky’s backside! :lol:

A brief history of corruption in Ukraine: the dawn of the Zelensky era (from 2020) ... lensky-era

Ukrainian president’s rule becomes increasingly corrupt, authoritarian (from 2021) ... oritarian/

Welcome to Ukraine, the most corrupt nation in Europe (from 2015) ... pe-ukraine

How the West helps corruption in Ukraine (from 2020) ... n-ukraine/

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Tue Mar 22, 2022 7:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:Yesterday in Nicosia, we had the first of what I soon expect to become a cataclysm of demonstrations.

Apparently, the “goat herders“ or something like that… were out in protest in front of some government and EU buildings complaining of not being able to make ends meet.

Some government official eventually made his way to the scene to announce some kind of handout to help them out and they then seemed satisfied and dispersed.

So far so good right?

OK, well here’s the problem…

As more and more industries feel financial pressure there’ll be more and more of them out on the streets demanding the same… financial relief!

But our government can only handle so many handouts (and EU permitting) before collapsing itself!

This should gradually progress to the point where fewer and fewer companies will be paying taxes as more and more industries will be placed on life support.

So we are gradually shifting from a free market economy to a handout economy!

Now imagine two dozen EU member states gradually falling into such despair… it can only lead to the EU’s capitulation and that’s when we’ll see all the EU technocrats grab whatever stashes of money they can from the depleting kitty bank while they can, and flee to South America!

I so anticipate this happening in the near future… I don’t know if I should be laughing or crying! :?

Hang on a moment GR.
The whole problem is the same all over the world. The corporations and rich bastards are not paying their taxes and as if that's not enough they are not paying the workers a living wage. The old herders are consequently not being paid enough for their products so handouts are needed. In reality these handouts are not really being given to those who receive it, they are being given to corporations in a roundabout way. The answer is make the bastards pay a living wage to their workers and you will not have anybody needing handouts.

Interesting bit of news today from one of our Tory ministers. He announced that he was helping people by increasing the the threshold for having to pay Nat Ins to 9500 pounds a year so 6 million workers will not have pay the increase in Nat Ins. He said it it as if it is a big achievement. Like fuck it is. Just stop a moment and think about that. In UK there are 6 million workers who are working and earning less than 9,500 a year. Add to that about 4 million sick and unemployed and you get an idea what it is like to live in the west. In the meantime the rich cunts pay no tax.
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