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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:39 pm

Maximus wrote:
Londonrake wrote:Wbilst that might seem logical - it isn't as simple (what is?) ... 999760.cms


Even without direct sanctions on its energy industry Russia will lose around one million barrels per day (bpd) in oil exports, according to analyst Jarand Rystad,from the 10.5 million bpd it sold last year.

If they lose 10% from the quantity sold, as long as the price is higher than $110 per barrel, they wont lose a thing.

the price was about $100 per barrel at the time of the invasion of Ukraine.

it is as simple as that.

either way, its negligible at the moment.

I don't think so but - this sort of thing takes time of course and for the Russian economy the future all looks increasingly to be ..................................D - O - W - N

Let's not get started on GDP, how the rouble is now worth less than one US cent, essentially worthless. Rocketing inflation. Most of Russia's company bonds now trading as junk. How hundreds of businesses have flooded out of the country - and whilst seizing their assets might make for a good headline - what's the picture on keeping things running? Unemployment's going to rocket.

Well, DT's obviously "the man" on all this stuff.

Anyway, good luck with all that Vlad. Just keep him away from that red button. :shock: ... -invasion/

But apparently....................................................... this is all good news for Russia. :lol: :eyecrazy:

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 20, 2022 5:57 pm

At the realization that the Ukraine is battered and lost, the foolhardy West seems to be switching stories now from the initial rosy…

“Ukrainians are very brave putting up stiff resistance and inflicting great losses to Russia”

…to the realization that 90% of Russian forces that first went in are still intact, and the Ukraine has pretty much folded!

So now the baboon’s new strategy is the belief that they can actually paint the war’s outcome in whichever way they wish using their totalitarian control of the now well-hijacked networks of 40+ nations that make up the “civilized” world!

More on this little chutzpah of the "civilized world", in a future post! :)

So the baboons now have a NEW motto to shove in your face, just in case you don’t get it and it goes like this…

“Putin has been defeated even if he’s won militarily!”

...because we say so and that is an order! 8)

Cool story eh... :)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:18 pm

The Ukraine were never going to win. The odds overwhelming. What's been an eye-opener though is how well they've held the Russians at bay and for so long and how expensive it's turned out have been for Putin. The Russian army's performance has been lamentable, given all the advantages they had. Any idea they could stand against a western country's armed forces, let alone the combined efforts of NATO, now shown for the reality it is.

GR's signature, contemptuous,"baboon" output doesn't I think disguise what's happened in Ukraine. A pretty amazing performance from their fighters and what must have been a sobering experience for the Russians. What will their future relationship be with both that country and the wider world? Even the Chinese appear to be taking steps backwards. They've made themselves pariahs and I can see no change in that in the foreseeable future.

Russian losses are a matter of conjecture of course, due to the obvious nature of the situation, but there are many reports (sorry - from the filthy, criminal West I'm afraid) that they've been significant. Russian state controlled media scoffs and calls it (as they do with any alleged atrocities in Ukraine) "fake news". All readily digested and regurgitated by the usual Social Media useful idiot brigade. You don't have to look too far.

Still in that hidey-hole there GR? :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 20, 2022 6:29 pm

Ukraine’s Zelenskyy says it is time for meaningful security talks <-- have I heard that before? :?

The Ukrainian president called for talks without delay, as he warned Moscow will suffer huge losses due to the war. ... rity-talks

But why warn when you can inflict huge losses and win? Oh sorry you can’t… you’re just talking shit! :lol:

Err no, it’s not about “security talks” because it’s still about your terms of surrender as it’s always been from day one!

Sorry dark dude, but calling Russia's bluff and then getting beaten to a pulp must really suck! :(
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:10 pm

Zelenskyy: Why hasn't Israel introduced strong sanctions against Russia?

Allow me to answer that… it’s because Israel knows what you’re all about:

A spoilt corrupt little prick who was amassing his fortune in Florida trading in armaments, while terrorizing the Ukrainian population and any competition into submission with a huge Nazi-themed militia, and antagonized a neighboring superpower while harboring the world’s most criminal nation’s bio-labs that have already caused incalculable damage to humanity.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, you have caused tremendous damage not only the West’s wealth and prosperity, but you have set back Israel’s foreign policy buildup by at least 15 years from my estimates, liberating Iran into a position of tremendous power while they are now free to pursue nuclear arms as they wish without hindrance!

Any questions after that, Zelensky? :?

No, I didn’t think you’d have any! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:25 pm

...Russia won't lose a thing if he withdraws, only Putin.

Russia has lost this war. It is a war that Putin cannot win, and he has raised the ire against him all over the world. What was Ukraine is gone, a Ukraine more aware of its own distinct identity is born. Russia is weaker, Ukraine has grown stronger. The deaths of so many Russians (and Ukrainians) do not go unnoticed in Russia. Even "Russians" as this war continues will come to understand that their mythic reality comes at a cost to them, too.

It is over, this war for Putin, he is a dead man walking, without a change in intentions, without an epiphany from which he may change us all he dies a pauper; the richest man in the world perhaps but unloved (now hated).

...@ GR, we have our ELAM and our Grey Wolves, and i even posted a video of such Ukrainians; you may like to paint all Ukrainians as Nazis, i do not. for your musings on Israeli relations with him and the People of Ukraine, try again; i bet you can do better than that
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 20, 2022 7:49 pm

Get Real! wrote:Zelenskyy: Why hasn't Israel introduced strong sanctions against Russia?

Allow me to answer that… it’s because Israel knows what you’re all about:

A spoilt corrupt little prick who was amassing his fortune in Florida trading in armaments, while terrorizing the Ukrainian population and any competition into submission with a huge Nazi-themed militia, and antagonized a neighboring superpower while harboring the world’s most criminal nation’s bio-labs that have already caused incalculable damage to humanity.

And as if all that wasn’t enough, you have caused tremendous damage not only the West’s wealth and prosperity, but you have set back Israel’s foreign policy buildup by at least 15 years from my estimates, liberating Iran into a position of tremendous power while they are now free to pursue nuclear arms as they wish without hindrance!

Any questions after that, Zelensky? :?

No, I didn’t think you’d have any! :lol:

Well, I have a few actually. But, what's the point? You OK in there GR? :lol: :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:17 pm

“We are lying about Ukraine!”

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:36 pm

Medvedev, explains it very nicely for those who have a functional brain...

Russia’s economy to see no collapse – Medvedev

Syria to supply Russia with 40,000 mercenaries

According to Ukrainian intelligence, weapons and other equipment will be transferred to Russia and Belarus from Syria in the near future.

Given there's no such thing as "Ukrainian intelligence" I'm reluctant to accept this as fact.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 20, 2022 8:50 pm

I wonder why a country as militarily powerful as Russia would need 40,000 arabs and have to ask the Chinese for material armaments assistance just to sort out the neighbouring "baboons". :?

You OK in there GR? :lol:
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