Maximus wrote:Londonrake wrote:Wbilst that might seem logical - it isn't as simple (what is?) ... 999760.cms
.Even without direct sanctions on its energy industry Russia will lose around one million barrels per day (bpd) in oil exports, according to analyst Jarand Rystad,from the 10.5 million bpd it sold last year.
If they lose 10% from the quantity sold, as long as the price is higher than $110 per barrel, they wont lose a thing.
the price was about $100 per barrel at the time of the invasion of Ukraine.
it is as simple as that.
either way, its negligible at the moment.
I don't think so but - this sort of thing takes time of course and for the Russian economy the future all looks increasingly to be ..................................D - O - W - N
Let's not get started on GDP, how the rouble is now worth less than one US cent, essentially worthless. Rocketing inflation. Most of Russia's company bonds now trading as junk. How hundreds of businesses have flooded out of the country - and whilst seizing their assets might make for a good headline - what's the picture on keeping things running? Unemployment's going to rocket.
Well, DT's obviously "the man" on all this stuff.
Anyway, good luck with all that Vlad. Just keep him away from that red button. ... -invasion/
But apparently....................................................... this is all good news for Russia.