Get Real! wrote:The West’s biased reporting is what creates the confusion to those that exclusively rely on it for news.
But when you hear of the numbers of Ukrainian military dead, wounded and captured… it then all starts to make sense.
ie: For every military vehicle the Ukrainians claim to have disabled/destroyed the Russians are taking out tenfold, and the same goes for the dead, wounded and captured (TENS OF THOUSANDS in each).
The Ukraine no longer has a navy or air-force even, and they’re about to lose complete contact with the Black sea as we speak.
But in all its wisdom, the West has no time for reality when the underlying goal is the sinister destruction of the Ukraine so as to point the finger at the “bad” guy!
It's a waste of time trying to reason with you. You read posts, not with a view to understanding and weighing up what's being said but purely from a POV of how to refute them.
You talk about western biased reporting but just parrot Russian propaganda. Never even taking into consideration, or acknowledging, the fact that absolutely all Russian media is state controlled, which is just another way of saying it reflects only Putin's diktats. That's hypocrisy.
I don't read Russian material, not because of any sort of perceived bias but simply because it's monolithic state dictated propaganda. I look daily at quite a wide range of material though and try to weigh things up. Call me naïve but I don't have the "issues" you've always suffered from.
As far as casualty and attrition rate reports are concerned. It's a variable feast. There's lots of evidence - although your closed mind would convulse at the very thought of considering it - that Russian losses are quite significant. This is clearly proving to be a very expensive and embarrassing invasion for the Russians. The idea, after watching them in the past few weeks being kept at bay by the tiny Ukrainian army, they could stand up to any western nations armed forces, let alone all of them in NATO, is risible.
A factor which worries me considerably is Putin's increasingly deranged behaviour. Threatening an entire section of society deemed to be treacherous by virtue of their “slave-like” Western values in a rambling Stalinist TV broadcast where he talked about the "self purification" of Russian society in which "scum and traitors" (people who disagreed with his actions - something you have the luxury of expressing in the filthy, criminal West) would be "spat out like flys". Now there's another Stalin phenomena appearing. The purging of people at senior levels among his circle.
This is my principal concern. One - single - man has the power to destroy our world. What's his mental state? What will it be if things go badly for him? I appreciate you have no fear of a global nuclear holocaust. In fact, as evidenced by several of your posts, you give the impression of fondly looking forward to it. Absolutely - totally - lunatic.
Your posts come back to haunt you GR.