Some shorts to start...
“Congressman says many were in tears watching Zelensky video”And that’s without even wearing the stilettos!
“Zelensky calls on Biden to be 'the leader of peace'”Huh? Well don’t go ruining it now… Biden rushed you about a trillion worth of arms!
“Zelensky makes his case with theatrical flair”Oh I’m sure he did… the bible does warn of that! Coincidence?
'Peace is more important than income'Yes, that’s why you bought the mansion in Florida! Is it called the “Peace Mansion”?
Zelensky says, is a no fly zone too much too ask?For you sweetheart… anything! Just ask and you shall receive all the way to the pits of hell!
Putin: We won't need to print money to cope with sanctions
Russia's President Vladimir Putin has said the West will not succeed in what he called its attempt to achieve global dominance and dismember Russia, Reuters reports.
Putin has been speaking in a televised government meeting this morning, saying that if the West thinks Russia will step back then it does not understand Russia.
He also spoke about the sanctions designed to hit Russia's economy - but said the central bank does not need to print money and the country has enough financial resources.
"Our economy and business have all necessary resources to meet all the goals set, challenges should only mobilise us," he said.