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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 14, 2022 1:02 am

End of Russian wood pellets mean soaring bills for biomass boiler owners ... er-owners/

Biden Administration Instructs Popular Tik Tok Creators How to Promote War With Russia ... th-russia/

It Is Okay to Hate Russians Says Mark Zuckerberg ... uckerberg/

List of Ukraine Biolabs Documents Removed by US Embassy ... s-embassy/
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:40 am

DT. wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The foolish EU is impervious to serious warnings about what’s coming, and they still think they have the luxury of being clever with Russia!

The EU is poised to come down like a house of cards and the corrupt technocrats and euromeps are all gonna run in different directions to the villas they’ve acquired in Latin America and Asia!

Don’t you have anything better to do than recite over and over your evil little wishlist that the EU will collapse, that the west will capitulate (!) and that Russia will be triumphant?

All that’s missing is a pussy cat and your muahahaha laughter

I'm so glad you can see reason DT.

Get Real and Pyro are trying to tell us that the vast majority of Cypriots are on Russia's side. Well, I just got off the phone with one of my relatives, who is also known to be sympathetic to Russia as a Cyprus "ally" and I asked him directly what side Cypriots are on.

He answered me as if I had asked a dum questions. In Cypriot he said, "naturally, the majority of us are with Ukraine. We do not support Russia's invasion, and how can we"

He added, there are a few boneheads who do support the invasion, like Get Real, but they are usually some idiots with a very simplistic world view and usually elderly, uneducated and people who will always support whoever goes against America or the western viewpoint. So I asked him, would they support a Hitler it was against America. He said, they would support anyone against America including a Hitler. :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:45 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:This war has reached the phase in many regions where many desperate civilians need to adopt to change and survive. It’s the phase where hard decisions have to be made at the realization that the war has been lost.

They now know that the washed out cross-dressing little trannie won’t be coming back... well not unless he wants to spend the rest of his life in the Black Dolphin, and will need to now start assisting the Russian military if they are to return to normality that will enable their survival.

It’s a turning phase, but a dangerous one where in some cases brother will turn against brother for it’s the phase where the opportunists will prosper while the nationalists will perish.

Been gay (assuming he is) doesn't mean anything, hundreds of world leaders were gay, even here in Cyprus we had so many in top positions. Arafat was also gay (or better say bisexual?) Here's a quick list: ... government

Zelensky would make a perfect Lieutenant in the army. But as a head of State, no.

Zalensky has been a great leader for his country and has galvanized the world against pootin. The mere fact he remains with his people, even willing to wear a military uniform and participate in the defence of his country is a massive testament to him as we all look in admiration.

He has managed to inspire his entire country and that makes Zalensky very dangerous to Russia.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 14, 2022 2:49 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The psychopath is putting ideas in Putin’s head… :lol:

Russia can only take Kyiv if it 'razes it to the ground', President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says ... s-12563859

Absolute worse leader I’ve ever come across… you get the impression he wants nothing short of total Ukrainian martyrdom! :?

Good morning Vietnam!

Zalensky has been such a global inspiration. Maybe you lot should take a leaf from his book. Oh wait, on second thoughts, you should all surrender as it's both logical and safe. And you are good at it too.

There is wisdom to the fact that one can lose the battle, but still win the war. Zelensky is determined to lose the battle and the war from the beginning by risking his people and the country. That is not a sign of great leadership. Sometimes in life it is better to sacrifice a little if one must to save the rest and to fight another day. I suppose Zelensky’s way of thinking is that, if Russia razes Ukraine to the ground and he can still remain in power, he could use all of frozen Russian billions in foreign banks to re-build again. That is going to be a long shot to succeed.

If Zalensky surrenders, it's over. If Russia capture Kyiv, Zalensky is done for and if the Russians manage to secure the country, it will be hard for the Ukrainians, because their military will be disbanded and destroyed.

Zalensky and the Ukrainian people have no choice but to fight for as long as all this takes. And if they choose to do so, and it appears they have chosen this, they will defeat Russia.

I predicted before the first day of invasion that Ukraine can defeat Russia. And judging by how things have gone so far, and Russia's rather poor military performance, it appears that I will be proven correct. Russia is now bogged down deep inside Ukraine, taking mass casualties. They have been unable to take anything of any value inside Ukraine and secure it. And Russia's performance has even been qiuite embarrassing.

Zalensky has already won many battles against the Russians. Time and again, Russian offensives are being defeated in the outskirts of Ukrainian towns and cities. many times Russian Forces enter a town or city and are then forced to retreat.

The only thing Russia has is the optical illusion of sending 100 rockets or missiles into civilian targets. Yes lots of destruction of buildings, schools, hospitals but inside these towns and cities in heavy bunkers are the Ukrainian Military and also armed civilians and militais, just waiting for the next Russian push.

Goodluck. Russia is going to need it. Actually I take that back.

If Russia continues this war, their soldiers will likely stare death in the eyes. Thousands of Russians will meet a very grizzly end. Which I might add is very sad. I do not support this destruction, death or war or the death of thousands of Russian soldiers. But Russia did invade, and Ukrainians now have no choice.

And the biggest victory of all belongs to NATO and the West. Looking on, NATO can only feel that Russia isn't exactly what it use to be. If they didn't have Nuclear Weapons, they would have been demolished in 3 days. It would have been a massive rout.

The only thing saving Russia is the deterrance value of their Nuclear Arsenal. Other than that, the Russian Military is simply just not up to scratch to even worry NATO.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby DT. » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:25 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Also what do you mean by "financial system"? Do you mean the Banks + Stock exchange?

It’s flow of capital mate. It doesn’t work with what’s in the govts coffers. You need gov bonds, municipality bonds, infrastructure lending, private corporate debt, private equity, leveraged finance…without this you’re at a standstill. The system has shut them off. My firm is a regulated UK firm and it’s easier for us to touch North Korea right now than Russia.

You mean like the flow of capital we had in Cyprus before 2013 that we didn't know what to do and caused us all sorts of market distortions and bubbles?
Sorry mate but I'd prefer a slower economic advance than this.
And how's Russia's economy be on standstill?? They will still advance but at a lower pace. Plus more safe.
Do you remember the guy "Robin Hood" in this forum? He could have a nice discussion with you about all these.

Sorry I forget that most people have a layman’s view on how capital works in a globalized situation like we have now. Going straight to a local trauma that is easy to understand but completely unrelated with what I wrote is a natural reflex I guess. Anyways happy to explain and discuss but I guess you’ll see the results soon (or what news Putin allows to escape) of what happenes to a medium sized economy when the taps are cut off.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby DT. » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:27 am

Get Real! wrote:Now where's that idiot DT, who overestimates his intelligence?

This ones' for you matey...

Will Russian Gold Sanctions Finally Reveal that The Emperor Has No Clothes?

noclothes.jpg ... inally?s=r

I don’t overestimate anything on me mate. Just have a pretty good idea how much yours is :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Mar 14, 2022 7:42 am

DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
DT. wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:Also what do you mean by "financial system"? Do you mean the Banks + Stock exchange?

It’s flow of capital mate. It doesn’t work with what’s in the govts coffers. You need gov bonds, municipality bonds, infrastructure lending, private corporate debt, private equity, leveraged finance…without this you’re at a standstill. The system has shut them off. My firm is a regulated UK firm and it’s easier for us to touch North Korea right now than Russia.

You mean like the flow of capital we had in Cyprus before 2013 that we didn't know what to do and caused us all sorts of market distortions and bubbles?
Sorry mate but I'd prefer a slower economic advance than this.
And how's Russia's economy be on standstill?? They will still advance but at a lower pace. Plus more safe.
Do you remember the guy "Robin Hood" in this forum? He could have a nice discussion with you about all these.

Sorry I forget that most people have a layman’s view on how capital works in a globalized situation like we have now. Going straight to a local trauma that is easy to understand but completely unrelated with what I wrote is a natural reflex I guess. Anyways happy to explain and discuss but I guess you’ll see the results soon (or what news Putin allows to escape) of what happenes to a medium sized economy when the taps are cut off.

The demise and destruction of the Russian economy is already underway in earnest. The fact that their entire Banking systrem is on its knees and the devaluation of their currency is well underway, will be Russia's and Pootin's demise.

Pootin is literally stuffed and he certainly can't afford for this war to continue for another 3 months. That is all Ukraine needs to do. Hold our for a few weeks and Russian society will disintegrate with a worse economic collapse than what Greece saw.

Russia's economy is only tiny, and before you know it there will be hordes of Russians storming the Kremlin and there will be nothing the Russian Seci=urity Focrs and police can do about it.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 14, 2022 8:59 am

Excellent explanation on Ukraine 6 years before today‘s events of predictions coming true. The only problem was that the West and Ukraine ignored it and as a result, we are where we are today, so now we all have to deal with where the chips fall. It is a long videos, but worth watching.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:15 am

Confucius, he say... :D

“Never back a monkey over a human... you’ll lose your money every time!”

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Mon Mar 14, 2022 9:16 am

Yes. We are where we are today. With 190,000 Russian troops slaughtering the population of a neighbouring country and flattening their cities. What must be the best advert for NATO membership in the organisation’s 73 year history.

Ask the Swedes, Finns, Georgians and Moldavians.
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