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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:23 pm

The only winner here is the Americans. They set up Russia to attack Ukraine with the threat that they were about to accept them in Nato, knowing that Russia would not tolerate it. All along with the intention of breaking the trading link between EU and Russia.

The real question is how long before the Europeans realise this and put a stop to it. In the meantime of course all those who have been killed as well as lost their homes have suffered. The guilty assholes here are the Yanks who play this game time and time again isolating any country that does not serve their interests.

May they rot in hell for all the deaths they have caused and it runs into millions of people.

In the meantime they are sucking up to that other asshole in Saudi Arabia to produce more oil. Saturday he beheaded 81 people in one day some no more guilty that critisizing the Saudi politcs.

In the mean time everybody's attention is diverted to Ukraine.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:51 pm

Lordo wrote:The only winner here is the Americans. They set up Russia to attack Ukraine with the threat that they were about to accept them in Nato, knowing that Russia would not tolerate it. All along with the intention of breaking the trading link between EU and Russia.

The real question is how long before the Europeans realise this and put a stop to it. In the meantime of course all those who have been killed as well as lost their homes have suffered. The guilty assholes here are the Yanks who play this game time and time again isolating any country that does not serve their interests.

May they rot in hell for all the deaths they have caused and it runs into millions of people.

In the meantime they are sucking up to that other asshole in Saudi Arabia to produce more oil. Saturday he beheaded 81 people in one day some no more guilty that critisizing the Saudi politcs.

In the mean time everybody's attention is diverted to Ukraine.

I do agree with all the above BUT… I would not leave out the fact that the overwhelming majority of CITIZENS of the US and the EU are also criminals, for you’ll never hear them condemn their monstrous governments.

The sad truth of the matter is that the West is SICKENING TRASH in its entirety!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:54 pm

There was hundreds of thousands of people who marched against Iraq war though, but I agree the media has silenced oppostion in the west.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 13, 2022 11:57 pm

Now where's that idiot DT, who overestimates his intelligence?

This ones' for you matey...

Will Russian Gold Sanctions Finally Reveal that The Emperor Has No Clothes?

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Last edited by Get Real! on Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:04 am

the media has silenced oppostion in the west.

...and what is Government, but to silence opposition, where, only in a Democracy do the People choose for themselves, their silence?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:08 am

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:I’m sorry LR, but when some fucker puts a gun to my head and demands my wallet or my life, I am happy to lose that battle and hand over my wallet and have the chance to go after him at another time. There’s no point losing my life and my wallet because that is what is likely to happen if I refused his demands. The guilty is the fucker with the gun, but he is also the fucker with the power at that time. No point in becoming a dead hero just to be right and stand my ground on principle.

Having taken virtually all of Europe (Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France) in a matter of a few weeks I suppose you could have said Hitler had a big gun at the UK's head in May 1940. Britain was offered very good terms for conceding a bloodless surrender. Cancellation of the planned German invasion being the first. People often don't surrender though. They fight. Using your logic the N Vietnamese should obviously have surrendered in 1969, when there were over half a million US troops there with overwhelming superiority in virtually every area. Moreover, the Ukranians are not going to have the chance to "go after" Russia another time.

The gun to their head hasn't turned out to be quite as effective as was originally thought either, has it? One reassuring thing to come out of this is the Russian army's quite poor performance. They clearly don't know how to do combined ops, for instance. Putin seems to be sacking Generals left, right and centre, with the top FSB honcho who had the responsibility for assessing the Ukrainian armed forces capabilities locked up.

Have to say - and after all these years of forums I should know better of course - I find it incredible (I appreciate it's getting repetitive) that when Russia sends its army across a neighbour's border, sets about killing large numbers of the population and destroying their cities not only is there virtually nothing to condemn that on this forum, people actually rush in to support and justify it. One clearly a headcase member beside himself with jubilation, enjoying the whole spectacle. :eyecrazy:

Not only that, but the carnage being wrought is apparently all the Ukrainian leadership's fault (not Russia's at all) because they've refused to surrender. That's inmates running the asylum logic :?

LR, you are barking up the wrong tree my friend, or better yet, you are comparing lemons and oranges. There is no need for you to revisit WWII, Vietnam or Afghanistan to make your point to counter my argument which was, had Zelenskyy accepted for Ukraine to remain neutral we may not even have a war at the moment. To me, that would have constituted as losing the battle, that’s all. From there his country would have been victorious which is million miles from where it is today. There would not be a war to lose. Your references to the wars detailed above are after the fact of wars being fought for few weeks to few years for the defending countries should not surrender. I am not advocating for Ukraine to surrender now because they will lose no matter what as it is too late. The time for Zelenskyy to have been smart was before the war started. That moment has come and gone and the Ukrainians and Ukraine will pay the price for Zelensky portraying himself as David vs. Goliath from biblical times to present, which he is not going to defeat Russia with a slingshot or with anything else.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:20 am

What do you guys make of this?

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:26 am

Love it when they tell it like it is... :lol:

When the West refused to give Russia iron-clad, legally enforceable, security guarantees after encroaching on the Russian border for decades, Russia made clear back in December and January,  if they could not get security through Diplomatic means, they would get it through military and military technical means.  They told the whole world.  Publicly.   Repeatedly.   It seems no one listened.

Then, shock . . . Russia actually DID what they said they were going to do.   Imagine that!

Now, the world has its knickers in a twist, and is throwing hissy-fits like spoiled brat children. ... ergy-costs
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:49 am

FOX News invites the "wrong" ex-military expert who shits all over Zelensky at their astonishment... :lol:

The last invite he's ever getting! :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Mon Mar 14, 2022 12:56 am

Lordo wrote:The only winner here is the Americans. They set up Russia to attack Ukraine with the threat that they were about to accept them in Nato, knowing that Russia would not tolerate it. All along with the intention of breaking the trading link between EU and Russia.

The real question is how long before the Europeans realise this and put a stop to it. In the meantime of course all those who have been killed as well as lost their homes have suffered. The guilty assholes here are the Yanks who play this game time and time again isolating any country that does not serve their interests.

May they rot in hell for all the deaths they have caused and it runs into millions of people.

In the meantime they are sucking up to that other asshole in Saudi Arabia to produce more oil. Saturday he beheaded 81 people in one day some no more guilty that critisizing the Saudi politcs.

In the mean time everybody's attention is diverted to Ukraine.

Absolutely! I couldn't agree more.
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