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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:00 pm

Lordo wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The psychopath is putting ideas in Putin’s head… :lol:

Russia can only take Kyiv if it 'razes it to the ground', President Volodymyr Zelenskyy says ... s-12563859

Absolute worse leader I’ve ever come across… you get the impression he wants nothing short of total Ukrainian martyrdom! :?

Good morning Vietnam!

Zalensky has been such a global inspiration. Maybe you lot should take a leaf from his book. Oh wait, on second thoughts, you should all surrender as it's both logical and safe. And you are good at it too.

There is wisdom to the fact that one can lose the battle, but still win the war. Zelensky is determined to lose the battle and the war from the beginning by risking his people and the country. That is not a sign of great leadership. Sometimes in life it is better to sacrifice a little if one must to save the rest and to fight another day. I suppose Zelensky’s way of thinking is that, if Russia razes Ukraine to the ground and he can still remain in power, he could use all of frozen Russian billions in foreign banks to re-build again. That is going to be a long shot to succeed.

Your conclusion leaves a lot to be desired. Which war did he win exactly? He is not a member of the EU or Nato. Let us assume that he has used the sanctioned money which I doubt he will get, to rebuild, what's to stop Russia knocking them down again claiming they were built with stolen money. Where exactly will he rebuild? Will he have a country to rebuild is another uncertain area.

Certainly America is the winner here because she has been trying to break economic ties of EU and Russia and at that they finally succeded. I suspect most of the sanction money will go to paying for the weapons they sent over to Ukraine. In the meantime EU has to find alternative resources all of which are under the control of the American and Israili corporations.

In the meantime the victims are the Ukranian and Russian civilians. Half of Ukrainians lost everything and most of the Russian civilians are suffering economically because of the sunctions.

Although there is a small ray of hope. The Europeans have finally started talking about defending themselves and not depending on outsiders. I read that to be the Americans and the British armies out of Europe. Lets see how it develops. Will the Americans respect their soverignty and let them do as they wish.

The battle lost would have been for Zelensky to forgo becoming a NATO member and remaining neutral and perhaps become an EU member would have meant winning the war with Russia. Instead, he went all in, and now he will lose the battle and the war!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:08 pm

Putin is no longer accepting calls from the EU or the exiled cross-dresser… it appears he will impose his will on the Ukraine in the way he sees fit, so Ukraine’s chances of having a say now seem lost.

Already some regions are being offered independence (one of which rejected and the other did not respond) so it seems like multiple states is Putin’s answer to his Ukrainian problem... nice and divided little state-lets to keep each other busy for centuries!

It’s very tempting to go independent for a region because they’ll have the automatic recognition of Russia (a UNSC permanent member) which is worth its weight in gold.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:19 pm

Kikapu wrote:The battle lost would have been for Zelensky to forgo becoming a NATO member and remaining neutral and perhaps become an EU member would have meant winning the war with Russia. Instead, he went all in, and now he will lose the battle and the war!

Just like the Taliban and N Vietnamese.

Zelenskyy is the leader of his people. The idea the current carnage is his responsibility, because he won’t surrender, is Orwellian absurdity. It’s a common mistake to believe that opinion on social media reflects the wider view. The man has established himself as a respected leader of a proud nation that’s fought determinedly against overwhelming odds. Standing much longer than the easy victory anticipated.

There’s no justification for what Putin’s doing in Ukraine and I suspect, sooner or later, it will prove his downfall. Which brings us to the subject of nuclear weapons.

Even the use of them purely in Ukraine would likely have devastating effects here. Ukraine is about 1500km away. Further than the N.African dust that regularly causes problems in Cyprus. Not to mention the food production disaster it would probably precipitate.

Only a mad man cornered would bring that about. Or, one sitting behind his keyboard eagerly promoting the idea,
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:39 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:The battle lost would have been for Zelensky to forgo becoming a NATO member and remaining neutral and perhaps become an EU member would have meant winning the war with Russia. Instead, he went all in, and now he will lose the battle and the war!

Just like the Taliban and N Vietnamese.

Zelenskyy is the leader of his people. The idea the current carnage is his responsibility, because he won’t surrender, is Orwellian absurdity. It’s a common mistake to believe that opinion on social media reflects the wider view. The man has established himself as a respected leader of a proud nation that’s fought determinedly against overwhelming odds. Standing much longer than the easy victory anticipated.

There’s no justification for what Putin’s doing in Ukraine and I suspect, sooner or later, it will prove his downfall. Which brings us to the subject of nuclear weapons.

Even the use of them purely in Ukraine would likely have devastating effects here. Ukraine is about 1500km away. Further than the N.African dust that regularly causes problems in Cyprus. Not to mention the food production disaster it would probably precipitate.

Only a mad man cornered would bring that about. Or, one sitting behind his keyboard eagerly promoting the idea,

I’m sorry LR, but when some fucker puts a gun to my head and demands my wallet or my life, I am happy to lose that battle and hand over my wallet and have the chance to go after him at another time. There’s no point losing my life and my wallet because that is what is likely to happen if I refused his demands. The guilty is the fucker with the gun, but he is also the fucker with the power at that time. No point in becoming a dead hero just to be right and stand my ground on principle.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:44 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Israel won’t be pleased that the Iran deal faces collapse but neither can they afford to get nasty with Russia… they’ll be walking a tightrope knowing that Russia is currently in aggressive mode and don’t back down.

Do you think Russia could possibly cooperate with Iran to help it develop nukes? I mean that would really scare the Israelis. Would the Iranians want that? They seem very eager to proceed with their peaceful use of nuclear energy, and get rid of the sanctions.

Israel would have no choice but to start pre-emptive attacks on Iran.

I didn't ask for YOUR opinion I asked for GR's opinion.
What's this reply have to do with my queries to GR anyway?

Ts, ts ts emplexamen me touton

Oh I'm sorry, but I thought this was an open forum.

I feel entitled to reply whenever you post stupidities like the best option is surrender.

How about you bozos surrender to Turkey and tell me how you like it. It's only logical after all, because you said so.

Let them attack and we will see who's going to surrender. Stupid cunt. Why don't you go fight in Ukraine?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:48 pm

Russia is concurrently maneuvering a global shakeup on multiple fronts… I suspect that this is designed to send American foreign policy into complete disarray.

Putin has hijacked and placed the Iran deal on the backburner, sparked attacks on US bases in Iraq, prevents the Saudis from talking with America thus cutting off oil production increase, has put the Taliban talking with Iran and Turkey, and is causing all sorts of unexpected events reshaping global alliances and changing the global theatre.

Yesterday, we touched on the likelihood of Iran receiving nukes from Russia as another powerful destabilizing option, but that remains a pretty complex move and we have no evidence of it so far.

Meanwhile, as the new aggressive Russia reshapes alliances and sends American agenda into turmoil, a weak America led by a moron can do nothing but watch the sweeping changes around them and pray for minimum damage having placed all their eggs in the cross-dressers basket as a “plan” to bring down Russia!

America will by now be having regrets on waking up the bear… they could’ve taken his offer of friendship and cooperation instead, but they thought they didn’t need to… they thought he could be dispatched so that they could reign supreme!

Good luck with that one America... for Biden only knows checkers.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:00 pm

Get Real! wrote:Just had another weird Iraqi domestic just after midnight...

Missiles target US consulate in Erbil, Iraq

I doubt anyone in this forum ever knew that KURDISTAN actually exists as an autonomous State in Iraq. Out of memory that's probably 1/4rth of the whole area of Kurdistan, the remaining territory is in neighboring countries- most of it in Turkey.
So this attack was against Kurdistan actually.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:02 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Just had another weird Iraqi domestic just after midnight...

Missiles target US consulate in Erbil, Iraq

Sounds like a Pootin sponsored terrorist attack.

Pootin really is pushing the criminal envelope now.

Now it's time the US put a bomb inside Pootin's 24 carat gold toilet bowl and blow his ass to smithereens.

There goes the "ΑΣΧΕΤΟΣ". :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:23 pm

Kikapu wrote:
The battle lost would have been for Zelensky to forgo becoming a NATO member and remaining neutral and perhaps become an EU member would have meant winning the war with Russia. Instead, he went all in, and now he will lose the battle and the war!

Hold on , Paphitoui is going to accuse you for advocating surrender. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Mar 13, 2022 1:34 pm

Kikapu wrote:I’m sorry LR, but when some fucker puts a gun to my head and demands my wallet or my life, I am happy to lose that battle and hand over my wallet and have the chance to go after him at another time. There’s no point losing my life and my wallet because that is what is likely to happen if I refused his demands. The guilty is the fucker with the gun, but he is also the fucker with the power at that time. No point in becoming a dead hero just to be right and stand my ground on principle.

Having taken virtually all of Europe (Poland, Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg and France) in a matter of a few weeks I suppose you could have said Hitler had a big gun at the UK's head in May 1940. Britain was offered very good terms for conceding a bloodless surrender. Cancellation of the planned German invasion being the first. People often don't surrender though. They fight. Using your logic the N Vietnamese should obviously have surrendered in 1969, when there were over half a million US troops there with overwhelming superiority in virtually every area. Moreover, the Ukranians are not going to have the chance to "go after" Russia another time.

The gun to their head hasn't turned out to be quite as effective as was originally thought either, has it? One reassuring thing to come out of this is the Russian army's quite poor performance. They clearly don't know how to do combined ops, for instance. Putin seems to be sacking Generals left, right and centre, with the top FSB honcho who had the responsibility for assessing the Ukrainian armed forces capabilities locked up.

Have to say - and after all these years of forums I should know better of course - I find it incredible (I appreciate it's getting repetitive) that when Russia sends its army across a neighbour's border, sets about killing large numbers of the population and destroying their cities not only is there virtually nothing to condemn that on this forum, people actually rush in to support and justify it. One clearly a headcase member beside himself with jubilation, enjoying the whole spectacle. :eyecrazy:

Not only that, but the carnage being wrought is apparently all the Ukrainian leadership's fault (not Russia's at all) because they've refused to surrender. That's inmates running the asylum logic :?
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