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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:43 pm

I was just watching the 8 o'clock news on ANT1 that as a rule together with all other local stations regurgitate foreign media. I was surprised they said that Israel suggested Zelensky to accept the Russian terms to end the war with the minimum possible losses.
Went on straight to Google punching the following keywords "Israel urging Ukraine to accept the terms".
And what did I get?
A million articles saying: "Israel Denies It Urged Ukraine To Accept Russian Stance" :shock:
Not even one article supporting what ANT1 said...
I decided to read one from Israel to get a better understanding of what actually happened. ... e-advisor/
Read it all and draw your own conclusions.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 9:45 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:I was just watching the 8 o'clock news on ANT1 that as a rule together with all other local stations regurgitate foreign media. I was surprised they said that Israel suggested Zelensky to accept the Russian terms to end the war with the minimum possible losses.
Went on straight to Google punching the following keywords "Israel urging Ukraine to accept the terms".
And what did I get?
A million articles saying: "Israel Denies It Urged Ukraine To Accept Russian Stance" :shock:
Not even one article supporting what ANT1 said...
I decided to read one from Israel to get a better understanding of what actually happened. ... e-advisor/
Read it all and draw your own conclusions.

I'm sure Israel did but they wouldn't want it to surface.

I explained the reasons why they would, some pages back today.

Here it is...

“Israel denies urging Ukraine to heed Russia's demands”

The truth of the matter is that Russia has Israel by the balls so they cannot deviate from Russia’s instructions.

Russia has done so on two fronts…

1. Without Russian permission Israel cannot enter Syrian territory.

2. Russia has recently wedged itself in the Iran nuclear deal preventing Iran from signing anything unless newly inserted Russian demands are met. These are very strategic demands that are very relevant to the fallout with the West.

Israel has no time for the Ukraine and couldn’t care less if they live or die… Israel only cares about Israel so they have no option but to follow Russia’s guidelines.

Israel is probably thinking right now... "Fuck off Ukraine, you're not important enough to be causing me problems and delays with the Iran issue!"
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 10:45 pm

Finally, the UN Condemns Meta For Allowing Hate Speech Against Russia and touches on Bio weapon labs…

Question: Yeah. I'm sorry. Yeah. Given the fact that Madame Nakamitsu said that UN is not aware of any signs of military biological programmes in Ukraine, does that mean that UN is not going to, like, look into the call of Russian Parliament to hold an investigation in this… of this situation, of these statements by Russian side? That's the first question, please. And the second is concerning Meta platforms, which now allows Facebook and Instagram to use… to do, in some countries, kind of a calls for violence against Russians, Russians military stuff, and according to some media reports, even allows a wish of death to Presidents [Vladimir V.] Putin and [Aleksandr] Lukashenko. Any comments regarding that? Thank you.

Spokesman: I think you may have seen our human rights colleagues express their concern. They said they would raise it directly with the company involved. I can tell you, from our standpoint, we stand clearly against all hate speech, all calls for violence. That kind of language is just unacceptable, from whichever quarter it comes from. Miss… I mean, I think we will continue to report on chem… on biological weapons. On what we know, the UN does not have a mandate to do an investigation, unless it's given a mandate, but we will, obviously, continue… I mean, Ms. Nakamitsu and others will continue to monitor the situation very closely. Ibtisam?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:13 pm

Get Real! wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:
When Greeks from Mariupol are actually interviewed, they reveal a different reality, with one even saying that he would be shot at and killed by the Azov Battalion if he attempted to leave the city. The Athens-based interviewer of course quickly changed the subject after this unexpected revelation. ... battalion/

...a most disturbing revelation.

What a surprise! The cowards want civilians to remain in the towns and cities so they can capitalize on the casualties rate!

You think we didn’t know that?

But good find Repulse… one of those rare moments when you find something relevant!

Give yourself a treat… :wink:

...fortunately it wasn't on YouTube, you would have had it banned.

My intention for the record is to inform. From the facts, and by providing them, my hope is that opinions can be formed which are helpful to everyone because they are reasoned. to my opinion it is quite clear. Putin's Russia represents "Russians" as he would have them defined. Russians are not "Russians". This Leader is neither Communist or Capitalist, he is an autocrat, not unlike a Hitler, an Erdogan, or a Xi.

This war is about power. His power over Liberty, and, Freedom. His power over the Peoples' will.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:22 pm

“Until now, around 20 people have been disappeared in Crimea. They were abducted by the security services and they are most likely dead. It has hugely influenced the morale of the people. Russia’s policy towards Crimean Tatars is that of terror.”

...who are Ukranians but not "Ukranians", and, not "Russians" either, must feel even less secure in such an environment. ... repression
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 11:35 pm

Just don’t start the funny talk with your inverted commas again or I’ll insist that you regurgitate that treat back! :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:39 am

Get Real! wrote:
“Israel denies urging Ukraine to heed Russia's demands”

The truth of the matter is that Russia has Israel by the balls so they cannot deviate from Russia’s instructions.

Russia has done so on two fronts…

1. Without Russian permission Israel cannot enter Syrian territory.

2. Russia has recently wedged itself in the Iran nuclear deal preventing Iran from signing anything unless newly inserted Russian demands are met. These are very strategic demands that are very relevant to the fallout with the West.

I saw that before but I don't agree that Russia's latest demands for Iran's new nuclear deal, hold Israel by the balls. Israel has nothing to worry about that. It's the USA and the Iranians that the Russians now hold by the balls. Because the new deal would lift all sanctions from Iran, enabling it to start selling oil. Russia (after what happened in Ukraine) doesn't want that unless the unsactioned Iran becomes it's outlet for bypassing her own sanctions. :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol:
See the Russians are not so dumb to trust the Turkish monkey for that.
Last edited by Pyrpolizer on Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:40 am

Not exactly relevant to the thread but couldn’t help the temptation to post…

Erdogan is a Turkish wolf in sheep's clothing

Israel, Cyprus face an opportunity for shared economic reservoir

France, UK, Germany say Iran deal could collapse on Russian demands ... 022-03-12/
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:46 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
“Israel denies urging Ukraine to heed Russia's demands”

The truth of the matter is that Russia has Israel by the balls so they cannot deviate from Russia’s instructions.

Russia has done so on two fronts…

1. Without Russian permission Israel cannot enter Syrian territory.

2. Russia has recently wedged itself in the Iran nuclear deal preventing Iran from signing anything unless newly inserted Russian demands are met. These are very strategic demands that are very relevant to the fallout with the West.

I saw that before but I don't agree that Russia's latest demands for Iran's new nuclear deal, hold Israel by the balls. Israel has nothing to worry about that. It's the USA and the Iranians that the Russians now hold by the balls. Because the new deal would lift all sanctions from Iran, enabling it to start selling oil. Russia (after what happened in Ukraine) doesn't want that unless so and so...

Israel won’t be pleased that the Iran deal faces collapse but neither can they afford to get nasty with Russia… they’ll be walking a tightrope knowing that Russia is currently in aggressive mode and don’t back down.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Mar 13, 2022 12:56 am

Get Real! wrote:Israel won’t be pleased that the Iran deal faces collapse but neither can they afford to get nasty with Russia… they’ll be walking a tightrope knowing that Russia is currently in aggressive mode and don’t back down.

Do you think Russia could possibly cooperate with Iran to help it develop nukes? I mean that would really scare the Israelis. Would the Iranians want that? They seem very eager to proceed with their peaceful use of nuclear energy, and get rid of the sanctions.
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