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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:08 pm

For the first time in 20 years the crazy guy in Ankara says something wise…

Erdogan says now is good time to reform UN

All the corrupt one-sided global establishments need to be torn down…
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:14 pm

Get Real! wrote:Your new “strategy” of going down your selective “memory lane” won’t cut it because the fact remains that you have FAILED in convincing us why the Ukraine is so special, and I don’t think you’ll find that answer in any of the forum’s past 20 years of irrelevant posts!

Sorry… :?

Your… “Let me take you to the past where I can hopefully score some brownie points” strategy isn’t gonna work mate...

So many "sorry's". Can't keep up! :wink:

Not my "new strategy" at all. I don't have one. And I am certainly not seeking brownie points. Of which I really - unlike your good self - couldn't give a flying fuck (there it is again).

If you want to exchange views on previous personal insults - most of those who you usually engage with are very well equipt with your past posts I'm sure. I have many more and they are certainly not irrelevant. They serve to highlight what a bully boy you can be. Some in here - for reasons which escape me - seem to be intimidated by you. A mystery. AFAIC you're a pussy cat keyboard warrior. Perhaps one day Lordo will keep his promise (not a threat). I think that's a bit OTT but the price on your part of a policy of provocation perhaps.

I'm not sure why you think I've been trying to convince anyone that Ukraine is special. My view is they're merely the unfortunate first. They've been invaded by a vastly more powerful neighbour for reasons which don't really bear scrutiny. There's absolutely no justification for what's happening. Apart from that in the mind of a lunatic (get it yet?). To talk about them as "baboons" and say that they're getting what they deserve (bitch slapping) for upsetting a neighbour underlines that. Not to mention your oft expressed view that nuclear weapons should be employed in Ukraine to settle the matter. It's hard work - trying to show what total fucking nut case you are. Do others in here really think your fascist, burn the Jews - sorry "Zionists" these days - views are in some way appropriate? if so, it's a funny ole world. :(
Last edited by Londonrake on Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:16 pm

Paphitis wrote:No I never said they were insignificant.

You were trying to portray them as such, starting from their GDP, comparing them with insignificant world powers like Spain, which was all irrelevant

But in comparison to the US, and if they were to go into a tit for tat economic war, they are a minnow and probably will be eating bread, and onions in 3 months time.

You are comparing apples with oranges.
I wouldn't expect anything better for a country that came out of communism just 30(?) years ago.All ex communist countries are far behind in economic power. But they are rising fast. Wait and see Poland becoming the new Industrial power in Europe.

Russia has a good military. It's a strong country. However, it seems the west has over estimated their conventional capability. From what we have seen in the Ukraine, they are no match for NATO. The only thing they have going for them, is the fact they are a nuclear power. But if it wasn't for that Nuclear capability, ordinarily, they do not have a military force that would be that much of a major concern to NATO.

You saw what they wanted you to see. The other day you were even telling us they did not even take one city. That's absolute nonsense.

Russia spends 50 billion on their armed forces. Pootin would rather spend the money on their military than to feed his people.

The Sanctiosn are not just about gas. mind you, Germany and Italy will only refuse for so long as they securte their own energy needs. For instance, germany shut down their nuclear reactors, which was a strupid move. They are just going to have to fire up some coal power plants and look at Niuclear energy again, and just forget about Green House emmissions.

You take it for granted that Russia won't cut it's gas supply, and bend them down to their knees right?

What a stuff up that was.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:24 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:Why are you licking LR's ass? Who is LR on the first place, some British PM.

You will have to help me there as I don't tend to read Paphitis's posts. :lol:

If it helps, I can assure you I've never been a Prime Minister.

Whilst I appreciate you're quite often sympathetic to GR's views, I suspect from a bloodline POV, I'd really be very interested in hearing whether you agree that the Ukrainians are "baboons" and the current apocalypse that's being inflicted upon them by Russia is a "bitch slapping" they deserve? Also, whether you think the Russians should employ nuclear weapons to resolve the situation? I would really appreciate your reasoning, either way.

You're clearly not a lunatic. Please don't behave like or sympathise with one.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:27 pm

Nobody is intimidated by me, you’re lying! :?

I have no administrative power to prevent anyone from posting their opinions, so I can’t possibly be obstructing anyone… your accusation makes no sense whatsoever.

But I see you feel more at home getting into such personal attacks/exchanges as opposed to debating the issue at hand, because bitching is seemingly your only expertise!

Anyway, henceforth I’ll just ignore you because I’m genuinely only interested in the politics, and you are a bloody bore!

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:29 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:No I never said they were insignificant.

You were trying to portray them as such, starting from their GDP, comparing them with insignificant world powers like Spain, which was all irrelevant

But in comparison to the US, and if they were to go into a tit for tat economic war, they are a minnow and probably will be eating bread, and onions in 3 months time.

You are comparing apples with oranges.
I wouldn't expect anything better for a country that came out of communism just 30(?) years ago.All ex communist countries are far behind in economic power. But they are rising fast. Wait and see Poland becoming the new Industrial power in Europe.

Russia has a good military. It's a strong country. However, it seems the west has over estimated their conventional capability. From what we have seen in the Ukraine, they are no match for NATO. The only thing they have going for them, is the fact they are a nuclear power. But if it wasn't for that Nuclear capability, ordinarily, they do not have a military force that would be that much of a major concern to NATO.

You saw what they wanted you to see. The other day you were even telling us they did not even take one city. That's absolute nonsense.

Russia spends 50 billion on their armed forces. Pootin would rather spend the money on their military than to feed his people.

The Sanctiosn are not just about gas. mind you, Germany and Italy will only refuse for so long as they securte their own energy needs. For instance, germany shut down their nuclear reactors, which was a strupid move. They are just going to have to fire up some coal power plants and look at Niuclear energy again, and just forget about Green House emmissions.

You take it for granted that Russia won't cut it's gas supply, and bend them down to their knees right?

What a stuff up that was.

I did not say that Spain was insignificant. Nor did I say that Texas was insignificant. On the contrary. Both Spain and Texas are quite powerful and wealthy parts of the world.

But the fact still remains, that Russia has a small economy that is only 30% larger than Australia, when compared to the US.

OK fair enough that you wouldn't expect anything better from a country that was under communism only 30 years ago. But this also applies to Ukraine, and yet they yearned to be a part of the west so that they can get away from Russia.

Yes they haven't taken any city yet. They have only surrounded some cities but they haven't taken any. And when they try, that is when the shit will hit the fan.

Russia can cut the gas supply. In fact I'm hoping they do. It will be a great lesson to Germany, and France for closing their Nuclear Power plants. I'm afraid that I can't tolerate stupidity too much so Germany gets what it deserves. They placed themselves in this position, and by doing so, compromised peace and security.

So Pootin should cut the gas supply.
Last edited by Paphitis on Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:33 pm

Paphitis wrote:
I'm not licking his ass. But I am a friend of his, and hope to meet with him in the next year or sp (more likely in 2 years time).

Well, it seems I also have a bit in common with him as well, as he use tio work at RAAF Edinburgh.

I seriously doubt anyone blames the west. Cypriuots can't be that fucked in the head like you are.

You are the one who is fucked up in the head and I mean constantly. It's not me who's been the forum "General". If you don't believe me come and watch live discussions yourself.

The west has done nothing to provoke the invasion of Ukraine. The invasion of Ukraine was always on the drawing board when the Ukraine people booted out the Russian Puppet regime - who is one of the rishest Oligarchs on the planet mind you and has a lot put away in Cypriot banks. Money stolen from the Ukrainian people.

You should learn all about Ukrainian oligarchy . It's not only him.
Biden's son is in Ukraine doing money laundering, through his offshore company in Cyprus too.

I challenge you to actually get out from the kafeneio and prove that Cypriots are that stupid to blame the west.

And as for Turkey, well, they have been arming the Ukrainian Military with Bayraktar Drones - which have been extremely effective as well.
You mean the 6 pieces they sold them? Congrats for beleiving fake youtube videos. The one I watched had the simulator buttons at the bottom
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:35 pm

There's meant to be a "liberated" area in there somewhere as claimed by the "brave" Ukrainian military... see if you can spot it! :)

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:37 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
I'm not licking his ass. But I am a friend of his, and hope to meet with him in the next year or sp (more likely in 2 years time).

Well, it seems I also have a bit in common with him as well, as he use tio work at RAAF Edinburgh.

I seriously doubt anyone blames the west. Cypriuots can't be that fucked in the head like you are.

You are the one who is fucked up in the head and I mean constantly. It's not me who's been the forum "General". If you don't believe me come and watch live discussions yourself.

The west has done nothing to provoke the invasion of Ukraine. The invasion of Ukraine was always on the drawing board when the Ukraine people booted out the Russian Puppet regime - who is one of the rishest Oligarchs on the planet mind you and has a lot put away in Cypriot banks. Money stolen from the Ukrainian people.

You should learn all about Ukrainian oligarchy . It's not only him.
Biden's son is in Ukraine doing money laundering, through his offshore company in Cyprus too.

I challenge you to actually get out from the kafeneio and prove that Cypriots are that stupid to blame the west.

And as for Turkey, well, they have been arming the Ukrainian Military with Bayraktar Drones - which have been extremely effective as well.
You mean the 6 pieces they sold them? Congrats for beleiving fake youtube videos. The one I watched had the simulator buttons at the bottom

I have watched live discussions.

And maybe it is true with some stupid loud mouths like yourself and Get Real, but it isn't the general consensus among the Government and the educated and more stable parts of Cypriot society.

I don't know how many they sold them General. I am not privy to that kind of information. All I know is that Turkey supplied some to Ukraine.

Yes I already knew Biden and his Son were criminals and was saying that during the Presidential Elections. The US media kept quiet about it, so he can beat Trump. But I already knew Biden was a criminal, and said so on this forum. Just as bad as the Russian Oligarchs in fact. Corrupt to the eyeballs.

But no one would listen, because Orange Man bad.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Sat Mar 12, 2022 6:41 pm

When your only “education” comes from nobodies posting sensational youtube videos in the hope of surpassing 1 million views for Google-money… you should be nowhere near political debates O’ General! :lol:
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