Oceanside50 wrote:Ukraine is the most corrupt place on earth.. NGO’s have been targeting that country for decades. This guy Zelenskyy was put in power by the state depts Victoria Nuland.. after the democratically elected Janakovic was overthrown in a coup.Janakovic was pro neutrality.. Hillbillies in the US congress like Lindsay Graham, praised Zelenskyy saying” Ukraine is an important ally of America, many Russians are being killed with zero American casualties”…. Another statement by The Hillibillies..”Russia is a country with 135tr dollars worth of resources, that’s unacceptable””. Now I ask you who started this war and why?
In February 2015, the Minsk II agreements were signed by Belarus' Alexander Lukashenko, Russia's Vladimir Putin, Germany's Angela Merkel, France's Francois Hollande and Ukraine's Petro Poroshenko.
Zalizmenos decdied he did not need to honour it and sent in the tanks to the east and the rest is history.