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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:18 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Maximus wrote:Here is something to think about.

If Ukraine has to stay neutral, why doesn't Belarus?

Belarus is more soviet than Russia! :lol:

I didnt fully realize what a hostile country it was until the incident on the Polish boarder, but that Lukashenko is Putins satrap.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:28 pm

Londonrake wrote:With respect (you're not GR) I think your bully analogy is wrong. 180 wrong. More importantly, there's absolutely no justification for what Putin has done in Ukraine. You simply don't invade a neighbour and set about demolishing their country and killing the population

What Putin was asking before the war, was very clear (No Nato in Ukraine) and absolutely realistic without harming anyone other than the imaginary Ukrainian right to unlimited self determination.
Russia was intimidated rejected and provoked for years, more so in the last few months.
If you think there was any other way to solve the problem then tell us.

because you lust for the good ole old days and want them to be part of your "sphere of influence". There's no justification for it at all. It seems already clear, he's opened up a can of worms and in fact the exact opposite of what he's brought this catastrophe about for is in the process of happening.

Nonsense. You 've been brainwashed by Western propaganda. What will certainly happen is another Invasion in Finland if it proceeds to it's Nato dreams. And this time there won't be any more sanctions left to deter Russia.

I'm sure there are a million "The US did this and that" type of arguments. Although, they always seem to assume people agreed with those actions.

The fact is nobody punished the US, and no Europe ever said a word. Now Europe is willingly going to pay a huge price for those punishments to Russia whereas it's doubtful that Russia will even lose a penny.

Falsely in many cases I'm sure. Certainly mine. GR can keep posting how wonderful it's all turning out for Russians but that's extreme myopia.

Putin's set about a chain of events which will send his country back to the bread-queue Soviet era. It takes time to turn things like energy policies around but he's brought about a seismic change in Western views. That Russia is an unreliable supplier of energy. He's miscalculated. Fucked up - big time.

In your opinion of course indoctrinated by western malarkey. We will certainly have a new world order after this, but I am sure it won't even be close to what you think. I won't be surprised if it's going to be the exact opposite.

My great worry is what he'll be willing do when the chips are finally down. What would Napoleon or Hitler have done when they realised the end was coming - their dreams of great empire lay in dust - and they had nuclear weapons at their finger tips?

I've heard these arguments before.
Are you seriously trying to portray Putin as mentally unstable ? Ask Trump.

GR tells us that if Putin goes down everyone goes down. That's a measure of his insanity. Will Putin feel the same paranoia?
The sicko thinks that will be a great day, apparently.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 09, 2022 10:50 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Maximus wrote:Zelensky's 3 biggest miscalculations.

1. Over estimated western support.
2. Misread Ukraines importance to the west.
3. Misread Putins warnings and intent to invade.

I'm not sure 3 was the case. On two occasions I can recall Putin assured that he had no plans to invade Ukraine. It was apparently all western propaganda.

That's what they call "lost in translation". Putin attempted multiple times to reach a peaceful agreement while showing everyone what would be next. Only a fool would believe all those forces at the borders were just fart in the air.

I also thought it clear - and I'm a nobody of course - there was no way the west would get involved militarily, beyond supplies.

I think Ukraine is important to the west. Much more so now though of course. As Yamamoto said, just after Pearl Harbour "“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby DT. » Thu Mar 10, 2022 12:39 am

Get Real! wrote:And they all miscalculated how much Russia had fortified in preparation for detachment with the West.

One thing is for sure… they can never hold Russia back again with any threat of sanctions for the West has completely lost any leverage they may have held.

Everything points to a more aggressive Russia in the future… completely unreliant on the West’s trade and relationships.

I suspect Putin will commence reeling China into his scheme of global dominance, something that is very doable if the Chinese have a common vision.

Here’s my issue with your logic and you can choose to ignore it. The west according to you has committed every mistake possible to make the west weaker (your wish) Russia more resolved and stronger (your wish) and the Ukraine non existent (your wish)

If the war is going so well and Russia is kicking ass…why the hell are you posting every 10 minutes in full anger at how the west is losing. Aren’t you happy?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Thu Mar 10, 2022 1:20 am

The real issue here is not Ukraine it is isolation of Russia and cutting the dependence of Europe on Russian resources. Russia will do fine selling to the China, India, Pakistan and a few other socialist states. In the meantime the Europeans will pay more for their purchases and will have to buy from the Americans and their puppet regimes like the Arabs and such.

It does not bode well for the future though. How many people here actually realise the real reason WW1 started. Sure you will say the excuse of the Arch Duke who ever was killed. That was the excuses used. The real reason was the fact that German Industrialists wanted to export steel to the empire and Britain had a protectionist policy for trade and would not allow it.

There is one light at the end of the tunnel though, unlike 1914 where Germany was restricted to trade with most of the world, Russia can trade with more than half the world and that should help sweeten their isolation.
As to the bullshit pushed out by the western media that he is crazy and he is trying to rebuild the old USSR is exactly that buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit.

Most of the old Soviet states are now part of Europe and Nato. If you can't see that you must be fuckin blind.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 10, 2022 3:21 am

...he asks a good question.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:11 am

...the West has made it pretty clear that they will not join Ukrainians in the fighting.

NATO membership. it appears is on the table.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 10, 2022 5:44 am

DT. wrote:Here’s my issue with your logic and you can choose to ignore it. The west according to you has committed every mistake possible to make the west weaker (your wish) Russia more resolved and stronger (your wish) and the Ukraine non existent (your wish)

If the war is going so well and Russia is kicking ass…why the hell are you posting every 10 minutes in full anger at how the west is losing. Aren’t you happy?

As an EU resident/citizen I don’t appreciate being led by buffoons and my livelihood hanging in the balance thanks to their incompetence and miscalculations.

I also don’t appreciate the criminal US forever using and abusing the EU’s naivety and stupidity to spread death and destruction, which in turn lowers our standard of living and prosperity for the US’ sick entertainment!

Every single EU citizen should be out on the streets right now… not to support those criminal corrupt clowns of the Ukraine who are getting their comeuppance after fucking around with Russia for years, but to CONDEMN our EU buffoons who keep leading us down the path of misery and destruction to appease the US!

The Ukraine can go fuck itself for all I care… they blew their chances at peaceful solution so they are a sucker for punishment. Any shitty country that thinks can play power games by getting itself wedged between two superpowers, can eat shit and die as its prize!

The reason you’re not angry just yet… is because you don’t know what’s coming, like most you’ll just wait till it actually comes... but by then we won’t be able to get out of this shithole and you’ll remember my words.

My advice to you… buy property in Latin America or Asia, and start preparing for the big move while you still can... for the EU is now a sinking ship.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:19 am

Listen to the hypocritical American clown…

Video of Joe Biden Warning of Russian Hostility if NATO Expands Resurfaces ... ar-AAUMVjI

The criminal US caught with its pants down again…

Nuland: US Working With Ukraine to Keep US ‘Biological Research Facilities’ Out of Russia’s Hands ... ias-hands/

China urges U.S. to release details of bio-labs in Ukraine ... 495/c.html

US official: Russian invasion of Ukraine risks release of dangerous pathogens ... pathogens/

Found 30 biological labs in Ukraine, possibly for bioweapons, claim Russian forces ... ces-460189
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Thu Mar 10, 2022 6:43 am

And so it begins DT…

Φωτιά σε τιμές σιτηρών: +38% στο καλαμπόκι, +24% στο κριθάρι ... o-krithari

I’d like to have said “we’re toast” but we can’t even afford that now! :?
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