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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:19 pm

Get Real! wrote::idea: Why don't you post your set of credible news links Londonfella? :)

Pahh - I don't post links often. I doubt most people (all 6 of us! :lol:) bother with them. Certainly you've no interest in other people's. Or their points of view - for that matter.

Just keep on broadcasting GR. "Gooooooood mornin' CF!". :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Mar 09, 2022 7:33 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Londonrake wrote:All this US bio-lab in Ukraine crap was floated during the Covid saga. The Russian's have just dusted it off and thrown it out to a more general audience.

All Ru stuff is Russian state controlled media. Do you understand what that means? It lacks credibility, is an insult to the intelligence and it's rank hypocrisy to suggest that they're telling the (Putin's) truth whilst denouncing the vast array of Western info sources as just fodder for people who can't think for themselves, Actually, it's entirely the other way around. :wink:

Actually it's very hard to find just a single information from official Russian sources like Tass and Sputnik. Probably one announcement per day as for example the possible meeting between Putin and Zelensky in Turkey.

You have to differentiate between Russian state controlled media, and affiliated media. The same thing happens in UK and the US. Our own RIK in Cyprus regurgitates hundreds of fake news from Western media. Now if you can't tell the difference between "possibly true", "propaganda" "more likely to be true" and "no doubt it's true", then you should stop listening to anyone.

But if you think the western media do not stink of hypocrisy, and are not an insult to your intelligence then I pity you. Just a few days ago they were telling us Poland and a few other countries would be giving their MIGS to the Ukrainians in fact saying Poland would deliver 60 pieces some other country 12 pieces and so on....

I submit that all Russian media, being entirely state controlled, requires at best a lot of hard work to sort out (any) wheat from the chaff. It's a brave man in the Russian media sphere (there are none :wink: ) who doesn't simply reflect Putin's views, absolutely verboten.

Sorry but I don't accept your quasi-excuse about western media. On the whole very little of it is directly state controlled. In fact, the media tend to be a nightmare to whoever happens to be in government. Ask Trump and Bojo. The entire array of western media is massive. From Socialist "stop the war" Worker to the Daily Mail in the UK. In the US the media is a massive and a seemingly chaotic spectrum of views. Anarchy. So, no need to pity me. I fully understand the differences between Russian, entirely state controlled media, and the freedom to use my personal judgement in evaluating the huge array of news sources in the West. Why don't you?

Your example of the Polish MIGS is AFAIC a non story. Much like "Russia discovers plans in Ukraine of US bio war facility" Shock! Horror!. It's farcical bollocks, aimed at the gormless. Desperation.

The avalanche of obfuscating bullshit and persistence in here of people not acknowledging the simple truth - that Russia has invaded a neighbouring country and is earnestly involved in pulverising the population into submission - is rank hypocrisy and a depressing reflection of human nature. There's no excuse for it at all. GR's views are I suspect nothing more than the wind ups of a person who lacks meaningful stimulation in the real world and instead seeks a resolution in provoking people by his trolling hobby. I'm disappointed you seem to want to be associated with his wind ups. The man's obviously fucking bonkers. :eyecrazy:

Take care. :wink:

My case started watching a bully (The US and UK hiding behind Nato) trying to harm a huge guy (Russia) using a trainee (Ukraine) despite the very logical advice and pledges of the huge guy to stop. At some point the huge guy lost his patience and reacted really hard.

I still consider Russia's reaction absolutely justifiable, and considering for how long Russia was humiliated and ignored and even provoked, there could be no other reaction other than invading Ukraine.

Now I actually feel very sorry for the tragedy that fell on the Ukrainian people, but what can I do?
I tried to follow my own logic that the Russians would simply encircle the cities cut off all supplies and get an agreement without much bloodshed from either side.
Reality proved me wrong, and my sorrow grows everyday to the point I told myself to stop watching the news and stop participating here...
But I still do....
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:22 pm

With respect (you're not GR) I think your bully analogy is wrong. 180 wrong. More importantly, there's absolutely no justification for what Putin has done in Ukraine. You simply don't invade a neighbour and set about demolishing their country and killing the population because you lust for the good ole old days and want them to be part of your "sphere of influence". There's no justification for it at all. It seems already clear, he's opened up a can of worms and in fact the exact opposite of what he's brought this catastrophe about for is in the process of happening.

I'm sure there are a million "The US did this and that" type of arguments. Although, they always seem to assume people agreed with those actions. Falsely in many cases I'm sure. Certainly mine. GR can keep posting how wonderful it's all turning out for Russians but that's extreme myopia. Putin's set about a chain of events which will send his country back to the bread-queue Soviet era. It takes time to turn things like energy policies around but he's brought about a seismic change in Western views. That Russia is an unreliable supplier of energy. He's miscalculated. Fucked up - big time.

My great worry is what he'll be willing do when the chips are finally down. What would Napoleon or Hitler have done when they realised the end was coming - their dreams of great empire lay in dust - and they had nuclear weapons at their finger tips? GR tells us that if Putin goes down everyone goes down. That's a measure of his insanity. Will Putin feel the same paranoia?

The sicko thinks that will be a great day, apparently.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:41 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote::idea: Why don't you post your set of credible news links Londonfella? :)

Pahh - I don't post links often. I doubt most people (all 6 of us! :lol:) bother with them. Certainly you've no interest in other people's. Or their points of view - for that matter.

Just keep on broadcasting GR. "Gooooooood mornin' CF!". :lol:

I don’t understand you… on the one hand I seem to annoy, and on the other you encourage me to broadcast! :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:46 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Get Real! wrote::idea: Why don't you post your set of credible news links Londonfella? :)

Pahh - I don't post links often. I doubt most people (all 6 of us! :lol:) bother with them. Certainly you've no interest in other people's. Or their points of view - for that matter.

Just keep on broadcasting GR. "Gooooooood mornin' CF!". :lol:

I don’t understand you… on the one hand I seem to annoy, and on the other you encourage me to broadcast! :?

Well, you're clearly having a good time. Who would want to spoil that? Wars like this don't come along every day.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:47 pm

Zelensky's 3 biggest miscalculations.

1. Over estimated western support.
2. Misread Ukraines importance to the west.
3. Misread Putins warnings and intent to invade.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Mar 09, 2022 8:53 pm

Maximus wrote:Zelensky's 3 biggest miscalculations.

1. Over estimated western support.
2. Misread Ukraines importance to the west.
3. Misread Putins warnings and intent to invade.

I'm not sure 3 was the case. On two occasions I can recall Putin assured that he had no plans to invade Ukraine. It was apparently all western propaganda.

I also thought it clear - and I'm a nobody of course - there was no way the west would get involved militarily, beyond supplies.

I think Ukraine is important to the west. Much more so now though of course. As Yamamoto said, just after Pearl Harbour "“I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:15 pm

And they all miscalculated how much Russia had fortified in preparation for detachment with the West.

One thing is for sure… they can never hold Russia back again with any threat of sanctions for the West has completely lost any leverage they may have held.

Everything points to a more aggressive Russia in the future… completely unreliant on the West’s trade and relationships.

I suspect Putin will commence reeling China into his scheme of global dominance, something that is very doable if the Chinese have a common vision.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:16 pm

Here is something to think about.

If Ukraine has to stay neutral, why doesn't Belarus?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Get Real! » Wed Mar 09, 2022 9:17 pm

Maximus wrote:Here is something to think about.

If Ukraine has to stay neutral, why doesn't Belarus?

Belarus is more soviet than Russia! :lol:
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