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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 07, 2024 12:59 pm

Londonrake wrote:You've completely ignored my last post:


Oh well.

It didn't deserve a reply1 Your post was just the usual dig at anything Russian,

Tell me, do YOU have a connection to a main sewage system? I still have a septic tank as do most properties outside the main cities in Cyprus and there are many houses in the remote villages that still have outside toilets. So what the article you posted promotes is an selective idea which is intended to give the impression Russia is a backward country.

Having watched Alex Christoforou (DURAN) walking around Moscow and St Petersberg a few weeks ago, I was impressed by the cleanliness and lack of graffiti, the tended public spaces and the standard of driving ......... with all due respect it made Limassol look like a dump. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:39 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:You've completely ignored my last post:


Oh well.

It didn't deserve a reply1 Your post was just the usual dig at anything Russian,

Oh no! I'm in disgrace. :cry:

You keep misrepresenting me. It isn't a "dig at anything Russian". As explained, my main beef/concern is with their one-man leadership. Aka Dictator. Although, half a million of them rampaging around a neighbouring country laying waste to it and killing thousands doesn't tend to promote a loving demeanour towards them.

Moreover, from a man who's spent the last decade and a half (in my experience) with quite an absorbing, time consuming, hobby of posting anti-West vitriol (from "independent" sources) that seems a bit rich. :wink:

Tell me, do YOU have a connection to a main sewage system? I still have a septic tank as do most properties outside the main cities in Cyprus and there are many houses in the remote villages that still have outside toilets. So what the article you posted promotes is an selective idea which is intended to give the impression Russia is a backward country.

That's a disengenous comparison. Like you, I have a septic tank system. From a functional POV though you'd have no idea. After 20 years I've had no problems at all and haven't even needed to have it emptied. In fact, most of the people I know with such a system say the same. The single exception being one who for some bizarre reason decided it would be a good idea to pour Caustic Soda into the chambers. :shock:

Having watched Alex Christoforou (DURAN) walking around Moscow and St Petersberg a few weeks ago, I was impressed by the cleanliness and lack of graffiti, the tended public spaces and the standard of driving ......... with all due respect it made Limassol look like a dump. :roll:

Are you sure you read the post? I appreciate how busy you must get responding to all the others. Let me help:

Londonrake wrote: What you describe is metro-centric and even there not the Utopia you're suggesting. Outside the main urban areas, Moscow/St Petersburgh, etc you very quickly find yourself basically in a feudal environment.

Not that experience counts with you - well, apart from your own of course - but I have a close friend who lived and worked in Russia for 3 years. In your old line of work actually. He was quite fond of telling me all about his global adventures and many years ago related to me what rural Russia was like (a taste for Borscht and vodka helped), including the sanitation systems. Had you read the article I posted a link to you would have gotten a feel for it. Like I said though, I've found it's better not bothering with links usually.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 07, 2024 5:55 pm

Lordo wrote:Can somebody who has knowledge of the Clingon language explain to my SwineCunt friends that my friends ship has been severed with the, so to stop wasting their time posting comments about my posts as they are blocked.

Talk to the hand baby the face ain't listening no more.

I realise that being born in slum sort of formulate a person's character but we have come a long way since then and there is plenty of therapy available for those who need it.

What a witty and cutting put-down. I'm devastated! :cry:

Not only but......................... a miracle. Here's a man responding to a post from somebody he's blocked! In that respect I think Max hit the nail on the head. :wink:

Congratulations on managing a couple of sentences without including "Swinecunt". A light at the end of the tunnel?

I'm sure somebody can make sense of the illiterate jumble of that post. It's "Klingon" by the way. :D

Yes, it was quite hard at times, growing up in a bombed-out area of London. Pass me a hankie. Did sort of toughen you up a bit though. If that wasn't enough, joining an Agoge at 16 finished the job. A kind of "therapy" I suppose. Anyway, on here your heart often bleeds for the much abused slum dweller type. When you aren't managing your property portfolio that is.

I don't care if you're not listening. :lol:

You're a foul-mouthed racist bore and I'll just keep "talking to the hand" until the day a miracle occurs and you decide to act in a more civilised manner. Or, probably much more likely, go home.

Pity you can't actually read this. :wink: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 07, 2024 8:06 pm

Robin Hood Cyprus and there are many houses in the remote villages that still have outside toilets. So what the article you posted promotes is an selective idea which is intended to give the impression Russia is a backward country.

Missed this bit.

Others on here will be more knowledgeable on the matter of course but over the past 40 years I've spent a fair amount of time travelling around Cyprus and staying in villages, various. During all that I can't honestly recall anyone having an outside loo. Or lacking what we consider basic utilities. I doubt you've wandered much beyond the confines of Limassol for a very long time.

Russia's in the global top 10 for lack of things for its population like domestic toilets and household running water. Between Indonesia and Bangladesh. That, whilst Mr Putin's spending $140 billion a year on his military, in order to pursue his vain glorious dreams of a Peter the Great destiny.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:12 am

Others on here will be more knowledgeable on the matter of course but over the past 40 years I've spent a fair amount of time travelling around Cyprus and staying in villages, various. During all that I can't honestly recall anyone having an outside loo. Or lacking what we consider basic utilities. I doubt you've wandered much beyond the confines of Limassol for a very long time.

Russia's in the global top 10 for lack of things for its population like domestic toilets and household running water. Between Indonesia and Bangladesh. That, whilst Mr Putin's spending $140 billion a year on his military, in order to pursue his vain glorious dreams of a Peter the Great destiny.

Between 1994, when we first moved into our villa and 2001, I had 2-3 week holidays every 3 months as that was my leave cycle whilst working. We covered Cyprus from Pomos to Cape Greco and most of the towns and villages in between. Many of the roads that are tarmac now were dirt roads in those days. We did it all in a Jaguar XJ6 that we bought from the UK and, on several occasions the locals had to move their chairs out of the road so we could get through. We had many encounters and invite’s to join them for a drink and even a meal, although I will admit I didn’t make a habit of inspecting the sanitary facilities as you appear to have done, but then I was never a Janitor so I had no interest in toilets!

So you are wrong again and ’what-you-think’ has become your real world and nothing other than your usual self opinion which you seem to regard as being infallible! :roll:

Russia's in the global top 10 for lack of things for its population like domestic toilets and household running water. Between Indonesia and Bangladesh. That, whilst Mr Putin's spending $140 billion a year on his military, in order to pursue his vain glorious dreams of a Peter the Great

A short history of Cyprus toilets ................... 8)

Early on (2001) we met a couple of Brits who had moved into a newly decorated rented village house ........ and it did have an inside toilet and running water. After a few months they started getting the stench of s**t but could not find the source ..... nor could they find the septic tank. They called in the ‘honey wagon’ and he found the source because he knew what the owners had done.

The house until recently, like most of the properties around them, had originally had the ‘toilet’ at the bottom of the garden. Basically a hole in the ground, a plank with a hole in it as the seat and a shed round it for privacy........... and they used to put the used paper in a bucket which they collected and burned maybe once a week.

The house modification added an internal toilet ........ and it was plumbed straight into the old ‘shit-hole’ with no septic tank! They then put a concrete slab over the top with a small (6") hole in it to pump it out when required.

Along come the Brits and carried on just as they do in the UK and flushed all the paper down the toilet ....... as she thought putting the used paper in a bucket was disgusting. The ‘shit-hole’ filled up in a few weeks because of that. Now you know why most toilets in Cyprus still have a bucket for used toilet paper? Old habits take a long time to die !

Virtually all the toilets in the villages were the same and were altered over time. Then they realised that they worked better with a septic tank. So the fact you didn’t see any outside toilets was because you had no knowledge of the history of the Island as it had been for centuries.

I would suggest that given the massive land mass know as Russia, there will be thousands of remote communities that have yet to catch up with the sanitary facilities of the 20th Century ...... let alone the 21st Century,........... but I’ll bet the younger generation still use the outside toilet ...... where they can sit down and use their I-Phone in comfort! :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 09, 2024 11:41 am

Robin Hood wrote:Londonrake
Others on here will be more knowledgeable on the matter of course but over the past 40 years I've spent a fair amount of time travelling around Cyprus and staying in villages, various. During all that I can't honestly recall anyone having an outside loo. Or lacking what we consider basic utilities. I doubt you've wandered much beyond the confines of Limassol for a very long time.

Russia's in the global top 10 for lack of things for its population like domestic toilets and household running water. Between Indonesia and Bangladesh. That, whilst Mr Putin's spending $140 billion a year on his military, in order to pursue his vain glorious dreams of a Peter the Great destiny.

Between 1994, when we first moved into our villa and 2001, I had 2-3 week holidays every 3 months as that was my leave cycle whilst working. We covered Cyprus from Pomos to Cape Greco and most of the towns and villages in between. Many of the roads that are tarmac now were dirt roads in those days. We did it all in a Jaguar XJ6 that we bought from the UK and, on several occasions the locals had to move their chairs out of the road so we could get through. We had many encounters and invite’s to join them for a drink and even a meal, although I will admit I didn’t make a habit of inspecting the sanitary facilities as you appear to have done, but then I was never a Janitor so I had no interest in toilets!

So you are wrong again and ’what-you-think’ has become your real world and nothing other than your usual self opinion which you seem to regard as being infallible! :roll:

Russia's in the global top 10 for lack of things for its population like domestic toilets and household running water. Between Indonesia and Bangladesh. That, whilst Mr Putin's spending $140 billion a year on his military, in order to pursue his vain glorious dreams of a Peter the Great

A short history of Cyprus toilets ................... 8)

Early on (2001) we met a couple of Brits who had moved into a newly decorated rented village house ........ and it did have an inside toilet and running water. After a few months they started getting the stench of s**t but could not find the source ..... nor could they find the septic tank. They called in the ‘honey wagon’ and he found the source because he knew what the owners had done.

The house until recently, like most of the properties around them, had originally had the ‘toilet’ at the bottom of the garden. Basically a hole in the ground, a plank with a hole in it as the seat and a shed round it for privacy........... and they used to put the used paper in a bucket which they collected and burned maybe once a week.

The house modification added an internal toilet ........ and it was plumbed straight into the old ‘shit-hole’ with no septic tank! They then put a concrete slab over the top with a small (6") hole in it to pump it out when required.

Along come the Brits and carried on just as they do in the UK and flushed all the paper down the toilet ....... as she thought putting the used paper in a bucket was disgusting. The ‘shit-hole’ filled up in a few weeks because of that. Now you know why most toilets in Cyprus still have a bucket for used toilet paper? Old habits take a long time to die !

Virtually all the toilets in the villages were the same and were altered over time. Then they realised that they worked better with a septic tank. So the fact you didn’t see any outside toilets was because you had no knowledge of the history of the Island as it had been for centuries.

I would suggest that given the massive land mass know as Russia, there will be thousands of remote communities that have yet to catch up with the sanitary facilities of the 20th Century ...... let alone the 21st Century,........... but I’ll bet the younger generation still use the outside toilet ...... where they can sit down and use their I-Phone in comfort! :roll:

Well, we seem to be stuck on toilets. The price of cherry picking, in extremis, I suppose.

My point basically being that Russia is a wealthy country. Yet, it appears among the worst for something so basic as domestic sanitary factilities for the population - amidst the third world countries I mentioned - with almost a quarter of the population having no indoor plumbing at all. That, whilst its dictator's spending 8% of their GDP ($140 billion a year) on the military. Apparently, in order to counter an imminent invasion from neighbouring Nazis.

Sorry but I wasn't wrong at all. Your nostalgic reminiscenses from long ago are just that.

Londonrake wrote: I doubt you've wandered much beyond the confines of Limassol for a very long time

seems applicable to me. You're quoting events of over 20 years ago. I think that - FYI :wink: - qualifies as "a very long time".

Can't understand what the history lesson or the interesting story of your British friends' experience has to do with it. :? Perhaps it might just be faintly possible - like the now tarmaced dirt roads from 20+ years ago - people here have much better domestic sanitary arrangements. I think you will have a tough time convincing anyone that a quarter of them are having to pump water and crap out in their gardens

As far as Russia's size goes, China, India and even the lowly US seem to be much better off for taps and crappers and here also, with a GDP a fraction of Russias. Then again, the ROC defence expenditure is proportionally about an eighth of Russias I believe. Seems they prefer spending the money on improving the lot of their people rather than facing off a fairy tale, imminent attack from Nazis. Even though they have their own neighbourly, unpredictable one-man band to deal with. Surely, a much more realistic potential threat?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Sun Mar 10, 2024 2:13 am

So what was BoZo really doing visiting Venezuela last month?

Boris Johnson ‘held unofficial talks with president of Venezuela in February’
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Thu Mar 14, 2024 5:45 pm

It has been alleged that once Putin wins the upcoming presidential elections with 80+% of all the votes cast, he is promising to have a referendum where the Russian people can vote to spend all the money allocated for the military, about $160 billion, to have indoor flushing toilets for all and in return, lose the country to the collective West by not having a strong military. A simple majority will decide.

I hear Victoria Nuland will be in Moscow passing out toilet papers during the referendum in the hopes of the people choosing toilets over country. She sees this as better chance for the collapse of Russia than using Ukraine in her proxy war against Russia. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Thu Mar 14, 2024 7:42 pm

Kikapu wrote:It has been alleged that once Putin wins the upcoming presidential elections with 80+% of all the votes cast, he is promising to have a referendum where the Russian people can vote to spend all the money allocated for the military, about $160 billion, to have indoor flushing toilets for all and in return, lose the country to the collective West by not having a strong military. A simple majority will decide.

I hear Victoria Nuland will be in Moscow passing out toilet papers during the referendum in the hopes of the people choosing toilets over country. She sees this as better chance for the collapse of Russia than using Ukraine in her proxy war against Russia. :wink:

And I get bollocked for sarcasm. Welcome to the club. :wink:

Londonrake wrote:Well, we seem to be stuck on toilets. The price of cherry picking, in extremis, I suppose.

Twasn't me who extracted a single sentence out of quite a long post and led it down that path. Check it out.

My point basically being that Russia is a wealthy country. Yet, it appears among the worst for something so basic as domestic sanitary factilities for the population - amidst the third world countries I mentioned - with almost a quarter of the population having no indoor plumbing at all. That, whilst its dictator's spending 8% of their GDP ($140 billion a year) on the military. Apparently, in order to counter an imminent invasion from neighbouring Nazis.

The idea "the collective West" had a cunning plan to invade Russia's ridiculous. Even more absurd, that the "Nazi" Ukranians were planning it. I mean, does a man like you really believe any of that? All spun by Putin to sell the idea of invading a neighbouring country to his population. Nothing like invoking the ghosts of 1941-45 to stoke up a bit of Russian nationalism. An invasion which has led of course to the collectve deaths of hundreds of thousands and Refugeeing of millions. Although, IIRC you seemed quite blase at the idea of Ukraine being emptied out to make way for a more compliant regime. All the deaths an obvious and necessary part of it all. That, whilst concurrently expressing outrage at events in Gaza. :?

There's never been any doubt Putin would win his election with a crushing majority. Although, those few who would have perhaps thrown their hat in, likely gaining minimal votes, have been - err - well - crushed. Nothing like a bit of unanimity. The election's a farce - and the result just as predictably massive a win for the resident dictator as those held in other countries which have the misfortune to be ruled by one.

Didn't Russia have quite an impressive military anyway? We could start off with their 5.5k nukes. Which it seems get brandished every couple of weeks. How does anybody go about invading that? :eyecrazy: Moreover, you’d have to be pretty paranoid to fear being invaded with that sort of armory at your fingertips.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Thu Mar 14, 2024 8:55 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:It has been alleged that once Putin wins the upcoming presidential elections with 80+% of all the votes cast, he is promising to have a referendum where the Russian people can vote to spend all the money allocated for the military, about $160 billion, to have indoor flushing toilets for all and in return, lose the country to the collective West by not having a strong military. A simple majority will decide.

I hear Victoria Nuland will be in Moscow passing out toilet papers during the referendum in the hopes of the people choosing toilets over country. She sees this as better chance for the collapse of Russia than using Ukraine in her proxy war against Russia. :wink:

And I get bollocked for sarcasm. Welcome to the club. :wink:

Londonrake wrote:Well, we seem to be stuck on toilets. The price of cherry picking, in extremis, I suppose.

Twasn't me who extracted a single sentence out of quite a long post and led it down that path. Check it out.

My point basically being that Russia is a wealthy country. Yet, it appears among the worst for something so basic as domestic sanitary factilities for the population - amidst the third world countries I mentioned - with almost a quarter of the population having no indoor plumbing at all. That, whilst its dictator's spending 8% of their GDP ($140 billion a year) on the military. Apparently, in order to counter an imminent invasion from neighbouring Nazis.

The idea "the collective West" had a cunning plan to invade Russia's ridiculous. Even more absurd, that the "Nazi" Ukranians were planning it. I mean, does a man like you really believe any of that? All spun by Putin to sell the idea of invading a neighbouring country to his population. Nothing like invoking the ghosts of 1941-45 to stoke up a bit of Russian nationalism. An invasion which has led of course to the collectve deaths of hundreds of thousands and Refugeeing of millions. Although, IIRC you seemed quite blase at the idea of Ukraine being emptied out to make way for a more compliant regime. All the deaths an obvious and necessary part of it all. That, whilst concurrently expressing outrage at events in Gaza. :?

There's never been any doubt Putin would win his election with a crushing majority. Although, those few who would have perhaps thrown their hat in, likely gaining minimal votes, have been - err - well - crushed. Nothing like a bit of unanimity. The election's a farce - and the result just as predictably massive a win for the resident dictator as those held in other countries which have the misfortune to be ruled by one.

Didn't Russia have quite an impressive military anyway? We could start off with their 5.5k nukes. Which it seems get brandished every couple of weeks. How does anybody go about invading that? :eyecrazy: Moreover, you’d have to be pretty paranoid to fear being invaded with that sort of armory at your fingertips.

At least the Russians get the opportunity to vote for their leader! Did the population of the UK get to vote for any of their Prime Ministers in the last hundred years? Is there a limit to their term in office in the UK? Do you regard the British PM as a dictator? :roll:
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