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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Thu Feb 29, 2024 12:10 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:

...from the other "side".

(a little over one hour long)

Thats very interesting RW especially when you consider what happens to refugees in Gaza when they are displaced.

Shall I start counting the differences?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Fri Mar 01, 2024 9:40 pm

This is very interesting. Just like WW1, nobody wanted a war but step by step they could not avoid it. Here is one more step towards total war.

French President Emmanuel Macron hasn't ruled out NATO deploying troops to aid Ukraine. The main issue, according to him, lies in the absence of consensus on this matter at present.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:03 am can see there is an opposition to Putin's rule
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 02, 2024 3:16 am

...the Russian connection; who started the PLO, and why. (And in Syria why Israel has no longer a need to play nice).
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Mar 02, 2024 5:59 am

...a "Navalny generation" exists, this man suggest.

"Putin risks politicizing this depoliticized generation."
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sat Mar 02, 2024 10:29 am

repulsewarrior wrote: can see there is an opposition to Putin's rule

Does that then not mean there is a Democracy in Russia by definition, Warrior? :wink:

Where is the opposition in Ukraine? :shock:

Oh, wait a minute, there isn’t one as there are no elections being held! :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 02, 2024 6:08 pm

Kikapu wrote: Does that then not mean there is a Democracy in Russia by definition, Warrior? :wink:

Where is the opposition in Ukraine? :shock:

Oh, wait a minute, there isn’t one as there are no elections being held! :roll:

That's an unreasonable comparison.

In response to your first question, do you think there is? :?

There was an election in Ukraine March 2019. 39 candidates, None received a majority, so there was a run-off between the top two. Zelenesky, a TV personality, won over his rival Poroshenko, the previous President. FWIW the far right (add a few picures of idiots in uniforms and Nazi flags, much of which has been made of in Russia and here - the Ukrainian "Nazis") received an abysmal total of votes. Can't find the figure now but think it was something like 2%. All contenders in the 2019 election are alive, free and well.

Since Feb 2022 Ukraine has been fighting for its survival as a sovereign nation and although another national election would normally be due at the end of this month - as in most countries - when the state is under maritial law the rule is usually suspended (Example - UK 1939 - 45).

Do you truly believe that Russia is a democracy? Putin has been in power for almost 25 years. Mostly as President but he pretended to respect the 4 year Constitution rule becoming the lesser Prime Minister for a few years whilst his Puppet Medvedev took the role as President. Since, he has changed the Constitution to allow him to be, effectively, in power for life. What price your "Does that not mean there is a democracy in Russia by definition?"

With total control over all State organs, including every aspect of the population's media, Putin has always been assured of a significant majority in any "election". Nevertheless, anybody at all who's shown not only the potential to be a political rival but even some who could act as a focus for anti-Putin protest (much of which can - as ordinary folk like you and I - result in significant porridge time) has been "dealt with".

And yet, Putin, with absolute control of his country for decades, invading neighbours and annexing the territory of other countries, is a democrat? Whilst Zelenesky, is leader of a country of Nazis? :eyecrazy:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:10 pm

Kikapu wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote: can see there is an opposition to Putin's rule

That's very interesting RW. As are most of your YouTubes.

I'm curious though. Do you actually have an opinion on any of them? One which you would be willing to defend against challengers? :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:31 pm

Lordo wrote:There are a million people who walked the streets in London against the war and yet they are ignored. Such is life it sucks. It is almost like in the RamboLand and BucketOverTheHeadLand.

Well, the UK population is something like 67 million, so I'm not sure how significant that is. In Feb 2003 about 2 million protested against the imminent Iraq war. You should perhaps sit down. I was there! :D It didn't of course make any difference. As neither will what's going on in the UK these weekends regarding events in Gaza.

"Rambo". Clearly, a new playground slur you've dreamed up. Like "Diaper army". Why "Rambo" though? What's the thinking behind that? :? Let me know, I will put on my short trousers and join you to discuss it.

I think Max and CG have bagged "Bordo". A pity, as it pretty much sums up your presence on this tiny forum. You've bored so many people into giving up (not sure if any have slashed their wrists) having taken over and posting more than double everybody else's efforts put together - as part of your Lordo Blog That's what this forum has become. Lordo's Blog. I think it's now down to an active membership of about.................... 6.

I will have to think of something else. How about "Thicko"? That's not too far from the truth.

Fucking Swinecunt. Living in Swineland. May you rot in Hell. Innit. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Mar 02, 2024 7:35 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:Hello LR,

I am around, just not posting much at the moment.

It appears Russia is taking the fight to Ukraine/NATO methodically in reaching their goals, I meter at a time, at least that’s how it has been up to this point on the eve of the two year anniversary of the war, however, the crushed and demoralized Ukraine/NATO will likely get crushed at faster rate from here on. I haven’t posted much on Ukraine lately since the war is coming to a close not to far in the future. I believe both Paphitis and Pyro feel the same way, hence not posting on the subject. No one takes pleasure in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of soldiers, regardless whether they are Russians or Ukrainians or mercenaries along with civilians. Let’s just wait for the final chapter of this war, which may be here much earlier than expected!


We - sort of - agree on some points. Yes, it's 2 years tomorrow I believe. Yet, Russian gains in all that time, given their overwhelming superiority in most areas, have been relatively modest. We hear that this or that village has been "liberated". Casualty and equipment loss figures are always contentious but there are certainly some credible accounts of how the body-count and loss of armour has been eye watering. Not that it would be a concern for Mr Putin.

I would ask. If given what you say were to happen - and I still can't see how the West could allow Putin to conquer the whole of Ukraine (surely, Moldova at least would be next) - how do you see their occupation going afterwards? There would be a nation of 40 million who despised Russians, armed covertly to the teeth in a way that would make the US armament of the Mujahadeen look like a nursery affair. Any Quisling Ukranian puppets would be taken out like flies. Step up? A non pensionable job for sure? It would surely be a total shit fest for the Russians? I've seen estimates it would take occupational forces of well over a million to maintain what would be a draconianly repressive rule.

What's your view on that?

Sorry for the delayed response LR. I had some pressing matters to deal with.

I don’t remember Russia ever saying they wanted to take the whole of Ukraine. In fact, had the Minsk accord was accepted by Ukraine, Russia would not have taken any Ukrainian territory which they hold now since Feb 2022. But thanks to NATO’s insistence that Ukraine decline Russia’s offer for a peaceful settlement despite murdering 14,000+ Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas regions, they choose to roll the dice and fight on NATO’s behalf, and now we are where we are.

The way I see it, Russia is fighting their war in the order of importance to them, and not anyone’s else’s. Their main objectives were to prevent Ukraine from joining NATO and it has been achieved so far. Secondly, it was to decimate the Ukrainian military, and they are achieving that too 1 meter at a time. Russia does not need to have a Wild Wild West style shoot-out with the Ukrainians all across the front line at the same time, but instead, concentrate on specific locations where Ukraine sends in endless troops to defend and the Russians take them out. After all, why go after your enemy to kill when your enemy comes to you to be killed? That is a win-win strategy for Russia. They are fighting this war on their own terms.

Since Russia has been forced to enter this war, they will take more Ukrainian territory in order to protect the greater Russia, which means taking ALL of the Black Sea Coastline from Ukraine, even if there were to be a negotiated settlement, just so to protect their Black Sea Fleet in the future. When I said that the war will be over soon, I did not mean that the guns will be silent. It just means that Ukraine has lost the war, but hasn’t given up the fight yet.

How far will the Russians push to the West in Ukraine depends how long range missiles the collective West gives to Ukraine to reach Russia? Russia might take 1/3, 1/2, 3/4 or 100%. Ukraine is lucky if there are 20 million citizens left in the country now. Should Russia go for the 100%, almost all of the Ukrainians will cross their borders to other countries. EU will love that...not! Russia does not need to go into Moldova or any other country for that matter unless of course they decide to follow Ukraine’s foolish lead to become another proxy war base for the collective West. Then all bets are off and the war will just continue on with the West’s blessings, in the hopes of the West getting a second bite at the apple to defeat Russia. Typical gamblers sickness.

OOPs! Apologies. I've been dealing with "life" for a few days now and missed this.

Hopefully to give it some attention when things settle down a bit. :oops:
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