Robin Hood wrote:I have the same attitude to drinking as Prince William that got him the nick name of 'two-pints-Willy'I still have have left half of the 24 pack cans of KEO I bought last Summer. I drink very little,
I started to comment on Cameron's speech ........ but gave up! There were just too many lies and distorted claims and it was becoming as long as a Ron Unz article! Did you listen to it? If you agreed with him ..... you have my sympathy as you must be drowning in disinformation!
Yes, I know. But that doesn't give your writ to make such baseless accusations. As I said - what's the justification? There are some who post when drunk. Usually clearly evident. Mr Lordo isn't above such things.
I am certainly no fan of Del Boy Cameron. I've seen his referendum speech many times "What happens is up to you. Not us politicians. The result will be binding" Etc. Then he campaigned with his mate George, the BoE, big business - et al - for a remain vote, full of lies and distortions. So, you won't get much of an argument on the man from me. Having said that, you've put a spin on Gadaffi which more suits your agenda than the man or his demise.
If anything ensured Sunak's inevitable demise I suspect it will have been resurrecting the corpse of Cameron and placing him - via a House of Lord's fiddle - into one of the great offices of State in the UK.