by repulsewarrior » Sun Jan 07, 2024 3:40 am
"Their" wars in Afghanistan did not produce success Lordo, what makes you think that things are different here; are Ukrainians a lesser people?
...the Yemenis have only to do nothing to succeed, the damage has been done; not to the ship owners by the way, what with the rising insurance costs other choices were made: on the rising revenue they will make greater profits.
...and on the other hand should the Yemenis go too far they will face many adversaries willing to act independently as well as in a coalition; against such rebels: under Maritime Law.
And, i suggest to you Lordo that the rest of the world has been pretty even handed in this fight just because the Ukrainian people have represented themselves to be even handed too. Imagine this war with Ukraine having ten times the weapons (equal in numbers rather than capacity) what would that as a result accomplish? It would create the very "Nazi" (which in affect does not yet exist institutionally) that Putin rails about, in my opinion, something just as unforgiving, just as mindlessly brutal as the "Russian" horde in the Ukraine that is crushing everything to dust in their path before they drive their men to slaughter and to be slaughtered...
...frankly i worry that living in this kind of misery for too long, it becomes a habit, a resistance to change and that living differently is strange.