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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Thu Oct 19, 2023 5:30 am

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Thu Oct 19, 2023 7:13 pm

Londonrake wrote:So, what’s your criteria for being categorised “Fascist”?

Kikapu wrote:People understand what Nazism is, hence the endless and hopeless apologies by Canada to what had happened at the Canadian Parliament and Zelensky’s relationships with the Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazi Genie supported by collective West is already out of the bottle and cannot to reversed. All the millions who had died fighting the Nazis during WWII has been in vain and must be turning in their graves! :evil:

No. That's just flannelling. With the usual, signature, thick coating of indignation.

I asked "What's YOUR criteria for being categorised "Fascist"?

You carefully avoided that one but gave a couple of so-called examples. One the Canadian Parliament.

Under Trudeau, Canada has surely become the most Woke country on the planet? The idea that it's parliament is a hotbed of fascism is so ridiculous as to be hilarious. It was a total cockup, which brought about an immediate apology from Trudeau and resulted in the resignation of the Speaker, the man responsible for the incident. Most members hadn't got a bleedin' clue about the man. ... -for-nazis

Your second example was something about Zelenskiy and some soldiers released by Turkey. Haven't looked into it but there can't surely be a clearer case of a mountain out of molehill affair.

Yet, you make the extraordinary extrapolation from those, basically trivial, incidents to an absurd claim about the West widely supporting fascism. I mean, is that all you've got?

It's an indication of the paucity of Russia's claims that they - and of course all their useful idiots - have had to make so much out of so little.

Mate. You're just parroting the shite Putin's propaganda machine has been pumping out since the very beginning, to justify his Ukrainian debacle. A Ukrainian fascist threat to the Motherland. Nothing in Russia like the ole fascist threat and talk of the Great Patriotic War to unleash the usual nationalistic patriotism wind up so beloved of dictators throughout history. Then you talk about others being "gullible". :roll:

Meanwhile of course, as far as the definition of fascism goes, the elephant in the room is being completely ignored.

"Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition"

Dare I say? I suspect you might just recognise where that definition most appropriately sits. T'would be akin to arguing about God with a religious zealot of course.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sat Oct 21, 2023 1:12 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Londonrake wrote:So, what’s your criteria for being categorised “Fascist”?

Kikapu wrote:People understand what Nazism is, hence the endless and hopeless apologies by Canada to what had happened at the Canadian Parliament and Zelensky’s relationships with the Nazis in Ukraine. The Nazi Genie supported by collective West is already out of the bottle and cannot to reversed. All the millions who had died fighting the Nazis during WWII has been in vain and must be turning in their graves! :evil:

No. That's just flannelling. With the usual, signature, thick coating of indignation.

I asked "What's YOUR criteria for being categorised "Fascist"?

You carefully avoided that one but gave a couple of so-called examples. One the Canadian Parliament.

Under Trudeau, Canada has surely become the most Woke country on the planet? The idea that it's parliament is a hotbed of fascism is so ridiculous as to be hilarious. It was a total cockup, which brought about an immediate apology from Trudeau and resulted in the resignation of the Speaker, the man responsible for the incident. Most members hadn't got a bleedin' clue about the man. ... -for-nazis

Your second example was something about Zelenskiy and some soldiers released by Turkey. Haven't looked into it but there can't surely be a clearer case of a mountain out of molehill affair.

Yet, you make the extraordinary extrapolation from those, basically trivial, incidents to an absurd claim about the West widely supporting fascism. I mean, is that all you've got?

It's an indication of the paucity of Russia's claims that they - and of course all their useful idiots - have had to make so much out of so little.

Mate. You're just parroting the shite Putin's propaganda machine has been pumping out since the very beginning, to justify his Ukrainian debacle. A Ukrainian fascist threat to the Motherland. Nothing in Russia like the ole fascist threat and talk of the Great Patriotic War to unleash the usual nationalistic patriotism wind up so beloved of dictators throughout history. Then you talk about others being "gullible". :roll:

Meanwhile of course, as far as the definition of fascism goes, the elephant in the room is being completely ignored.

"Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition"

Dare I say? I suspect you might just recognise where that definition most appropriately sits. T'would be akin to arguing about God with a religious zealot of course.

I don't know what part of my post on page 1181 you do not understand/refuse to understand on what had happened inside the Canadian Parliament by them ALL applauding a soldier from WWII whose credentials were read out that he was fighting the Soviets/Russians to free Ukraine way before he was found out to be Nazi, and yet, his credentials can only make him a Nazi.

Why are you making excuses to ALL the cunts who stood up and gave to obvious Nazi a standing ovation and clapping? It was bad enough by inviting Nazi praising Zelensky into the Parliament without the rest.

So what if Canada has become the most WOKE country in the world. It does not excuse what happened in their Parliament. It is like saying that Trudeau is a loving husband, but only beats his wife once a month (before his wife recently left him that is). :wink:

I know you want to interject Putin as much as you want as a distraction and add Fascism to the conversation on hand, but I am not going to indulge you at all to change the subject.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Oct 21, 2023 4:30 pm

Kikapu wrote:I don't know what part of my post on page 1181 you do not understand/refuse to understand on what had happened inside the Canadian Parliament by them ALL applauding a soldier from WWII whose credentials were read out that he was fighting the Soviets/Russians to free Ukraine way before he was found out to be Nazi, and yet, his credentials can only make him a Nazi.

Why are you making excuses to ALL the cunts who stood up and gave to obvious Nazi a standing ovation and clapping? It was bad enough by inviting Nazi praising Zelensky into the Parliament without the rest.

So what if Canada has become the most WOKE country in the world. It does not excuse what happened in their Parliament. It is like saying that Trudeau is a loving husband, but only beats his wife once a month (before his wife recently left him that is). :wink:

I know you want to interject Putin as much as you want as a distraction and add Fascism to the conversation on hand, but I am not going to indulge you at all to change the subject.

You're missing (that is, ignoring) the main points. The Canadian Parliament episode was clearly a total cock up. The link I posted, more-or-less explained that. Plus, the other triviality you've hyped up into a ridiculous "WW2 Nazi fighters must be turning in their graves" load of bollocks, demonstrates the absurd paucity of your argument. Frankly, in a global context, who really gives a flying fuck? The Canadian farce is no more significant that something that happened in the Mongolian Parliament. Pathetic.

Zelenskyy is a "Nazi" because that's what the Russian propaganda machine has made him, as part of the myth. The objective being to conjure up a fantasy Ukrainian Nazi threat to the Russian Motherland. That, in order to justify the invasion of their country (Yes! That's what happened!) . A Nazi threat being very evocative in that part of the world of course. Total bollocks. Does anybody really believe that the Ukraine represented a Nazi invasion threat to Russia?

As far as "interjecting Putin" is concerned. I understand why there is always such an indignant reaction. I'm not intimidated though. Let me explain:

March 1938. German troops move into Austria and the country is annexed. Anschluss. This is met with much popular acclaim in Germany. The west largely ignore it.

March 2014. Russian troops move into Crimea and annexe it. This is met with much popular acclaim in Russia. The West largely ignore it.

March 1939. On the pretext the ethnic population of the Sudetanland area of Czechoslovakia were being oppressed, Germany sends troops in to "save" them. The west largely ignore it (Munich "Peace in our time").

Post Crimea. Putin, on the pretext that the Russian speaking population of eastern Ukraine were being oppressed, arms and militarily supports separatist movements there in order to "save" them.

September 1939. With a justification that parts of Poland had historically been German Hitler invades the country. The rest being history.

February 2022 with the justification that parts of Ukraine had historically been Russian Putin invades the country.

I sincerely hope that the last chapter ends up the same for both of them.

You're an intelligent man. If you can't for some reason acknowledge that Mr Putin fully fits the definition of Nazi then I think you are deluding yourself. In which case, as an academic matter, I would honestly be interested in how you perceive the man.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:07 pm

Londonrake ........
March 2014. Russian troops move into Crimea and annex it. This is met with much popular acclaim in Russia. The West largely ignore it.

In your version maybe but in the real world: There were 18.000 Russian military personnel in Crimea in 2014 out of the 25.000 allowed for in the Treaty made with the elected Government of Ukraine ...... so they did not ‘move in’ (invade?) they were already there and legally !

A US instigated coup in Kyiv in 2014 prior to Crimea’s ‘annexation’, put an extremist right wing anti-Russian, US selected government in power in Kyiv. Within 24 hours Yatsenyuk (The US’s chosen man) threatened both the Crimean’s and the Russian’s. Crimea being an independent autonomous self governing region had a referendum where 97% of the population voted to leave the Ukraine and become independent. Russian troops locked down the Ukraine military ..... they even let them keep their weapons, and transported those that wanted to return back to Ukraine. Apparently very few took up the offer and decided to stay in Crimea or go on to join the Russian Forces.

That is what the UN defines as being self determination and the death/destruction toll was almost zero.

An enraged Yatsenyuk then set out to take Crimea by force and several extreme right wing military brigades (These NAZI’s that you say don’t exist!) started moving South. As a result of that action by Kyiv, Crimea asked to become an independent state within the Russia Federation. Again by referendum and again with a 97% majority voting in favour. With that came Russian Protection ....... Kyiv changed their mind!
Post Crimea. Putin, on the pretext that the Russian speaking population of eastern Ukraine were being oppressed, arms and militarily supports separatist movements there in order to "save" them.

More fairy tales ..... can you never tell the truth?

The Kyiv forces sent against Crimea continued south and broke up the opposition from the eight Oblasts in the SE that were opposed to the US installed government.

Faced with this, many of the resistance fighters fell back toward the Donbas, taking most of their weapons with them. The resistance gradually slowed Kyiv’s advance and it became a stalemate. It stalled on the Minsk LoC ...... Merkel admitted they went along with that to allow time for Kyiv to rebuild its forces.

Resistance was now confined to the Donbas and remained a stalemate until early 2020 when the good ole USA started supplying Kyiv with weapons for their genocidal civil war. Russia involvement was minimal. That is proved by the complete lack of Russian casualties/prisoners and the fact the Russian air forces were not used against the Kyiv forces until 21st Feb 2022.

In 2021, fitted out with US weapons and trained by the US and UK, Kyiv moved some 60.000 troops along the Minsk LoC in preparation for an escalation of the genocidal civil war that had been raging since 2014. That was when Russia warned with a build up of its own border forces that there would be consequences. With the US watching their back Kyiv gave Russia the finger! Around the 14th Feb 2022 the Kyiv forces mobilzed and invaded the Donbas. That was more than a week before Russia responded.

Within hours Donetsk and Luhansk declared independence from Ukraine, asked to join the Russia Federation ...... and in a show of friendship Russia blew the ass off the Kyiv regime on the 24th and the following weeks and literally destroyed their air and naval power and a lot of their ground troops and equipment. Russia did this with the help of the Donbas resistance fighters (Or ....what I expect you would call terrorists ?)
February 2022 with the justification that parts of Ukraine had historically been Russian Putin invades the country.

The justification was a response to Kyiv’s attack on the newly declared Independent States of PRD and the PRL with whom Russia now had a Responsibility to Protect Agreement.

Why do you always have to tell lies? All this can be found in the history books ....... maybe not in the Western MSM ...... which is where you seem to trawl all these fairy stories. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Oct 21, 2023 6:22 pm

I could address all of your points but life's too short and the post wasn't actually in response to your royal highness anyway.

Right now - I would urge caution.

In your last half a dozen or so posts you've called me a drunk/self opinionated/pompous/idiot/brain-walking dead and liar (several times). I am none of those, although, some of your past activities have confirmed to me that you are a cowardly person without integrity. Had you bothered to observe a modicum of respect from when you re-joined the forum - and I welcomed you - none of this unpleasantness would have occurred. I was willing to let bygones be bygones and hopefully re-join those interesting lunches but it seems you just can't resist.................

If you don't behave yourself then perhaps you and I should discuss the matter? Out with the safety of our keyboards. Face to face? Nothing like that to clear the air.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Mon Oct 23, 2023 7:53 pm

Just to keep an important thread active.

A few items recently.

"UN finds further evidence of Russian war crimes in Ukraine
Report points to ‘wilful killing, torture, rape and other sexual violence, and the deportation of children to the Russian Federation’" ... in-ukraine

Perhaps a case where those who sometimes cite the organisation in support of their posts think the UN have got it wrong this time - again?

The well publicised use by Ukraine using ATACMS to attack Russian targets in Crimea. Resulting in significant losses. The implications of that for Russian asset dispersals there now?

Also, reports that the Russian advance around Avdiivka has so far proven disappointing. Added to which, Ukrainian troops have supposedly crossed the Dnipro at 2 points and created a bridgehead around Poima and Pishchanivka. There's some doubt about their ability to sustain it though.

Clearly, none of these events is earth-shattering and they could ultimately amount to nothing. I don't see that as the point though.

Here we are, 20 months in to Putin's rapid blitzkrieg takeover of Ukraine (feel free to check out Russia's stated initial objectives and their attack method) and all the news is about how the Russians are effectively bogged down, with the idea they will "tame" Ukraine seeming increasingly likely to depend upon political events in the West, rather than military ones on the ground.

I'm sure soothing rationale will come thick and fast - with "independent" links of course, backed up by YouTubes from the like of Ritter and Macgregor. Nevertheless, the idea that this war is going to be settled anytime soon militarily seems further away than ever. It's proving to be a colossal Putin fuck up.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Oct 25, 2023 9:50 pm ... a636abe87d's the Chinese, they did it (and not intentionally).
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Wed Oct 25, 2023 11:46 pm

repulsewarrior wrote:'s the Chinese, they did it (and not intentionally).

Where is Kiks when you need him?

Is it not customery that sailors pull in the anchor before moving off?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Thu Oct 26, 2023 6:50 pm

Lordo wrote:
repulsewarrior wrote:'s the Chinese, they did it (and not intentionally).

Where is Kiks when you need him?

Is it not customery that sailors pull in the anchor before moving off?

You called? :lol:

What happens is, that to set the anchor properly and securely, is to reverse the boat/ship a little so that the anchor really digs in at the bottom. Now, when the times comes to leave, the windlass may not be powerful enough or do not want to burn it up, the boat/ship powers forward “running over the anchor” to free it from the bottom by pulling the shank from opposite direction from it’s set position, which then it pulls the flukes out of the position it has dug in. As the ship is now moving forward, it start to drag the anchor on the bottom while at the same time the anchor chain is being pulled up, however, if the anchor is catching something else, like the gas pipeline and communications cable, then the anchor would not come up, which the crew would think that the anchor did not free itself yet, so they would add more power to go forward so to free the anchor. What may have happened, is that the anchor is tearing into the gas pipeline and the communications cable at such a great force, one of the flukes breaks off and remains at the bottom as an evidence piece and finally, the anchor is raised and the ship sets sail to it’s next destination, but the crew not knowing that they had only raised half an anchor until few days later perhaps. :shock:

Or it was intentional! :wink:

It is funny when the collective West cunts can quickly solve the culprit as to who may have damaged their gas pipelines in matter of days, but are unable to solve the Nord Stream 2 after a year or so. After all, which criminal entity like the collective West would want to solve their own criminal activity? :wink:

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