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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 01, 2023 11:59 pm

...Sanctions; "Russians" and Russians: 'us' and "Them". (Who/"Who" ignores the difference, "Who" exploits it?)

The world is a complicated place.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:12 am

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Lordo wrote:First a Nazi is allowed a platform in Canadian Parliament and now an Australian proudly hangs the Nazi flag in his garden. I wonder if he is originally from Ukraine.

In the USA, this TV network would be taken to the rafters, and the police will be done for violations against the US Constitution 1st Amendment on freedom of speech and expression.

This is what it means to be in the USA and everything it represents, where there is actually a Bill of Rights enshrined for all eternitry into the Constitution, for "we the people".

This is what you Pootin loving bitches do not understand, and can not fathom. Not even in Australia, do Australians actually understand the true notion of freedom and democracy, as well as human rights for all.

I find NAZISM appalling, but apparently you bitches do not, and support it and fascism at its most evil.

I support freedom, democracy and free speech. And therefore, can only support this guys right to express himself how he wishes. Both US and Australia, harboured actual real NAZIs who were given asylum in both countries. In Adelaide in particular, there were quite a few actual NAZIs who made a new beginning and were working throughtout the 1950s and 1960s on the UK's and Australia's Nuclear Tests, and Rocket and Missile programs at the DSTO and Woomera.

The NASA Scientist who invented the Saturn 5 Rocket which took man to the moon, was a leading NAZI.

Australia has a lot to learn from Merika, bitches.

Quite frankly, this guy is no different to you bitches. You are both offensive, but in Merika, your rights are protected and preserved. The very country that sets the global standards in human rights and sets the highest benchmarks is the very country you despise, as you all rush off to support the most demonic of evils in Ukraine committed by the despotic, evil and truelly fascist pootin.

This guy is not a danger or a threat to society. YOU ARE!

It is becoming more and more evident that the governments of the collective West are very much supportive of Nazism than we had ever thought, and helping the Nazis in Ukraine is a conformation of that. If that wasn’t bad enough, the whole of Canadian Parliament members, Prime Minister and guests, including the German Ambassador to Canada gave an standing ovation to a Nazi on the Parliament floor. All those cunts who gave a standing ovation to a Nazi were given a clear explanation who the Nazi was by the speaker of the house, and yet they they loved it, and now they making excuses that they did not know that the person they applauded was a Nazi. All these motherfuckers should resign for being a Nazi lover, or at the very least, not knowing their history of who fought the Russians in WWII. Just to be anti Russia, the collective West is willing to be in bed with the Nazis. :evil:

Said the guy who supports an invasion of a sovereign nation _ Ukraine, by a brutal and actual Authoritarian regime and fascist behaving thug.

Yes we have heard all those arguments before.

On the one hand, you will argue that the collective west supports Nazism but you furnish no evidence. All you can do is support the violation of an individuals human rights in his own home. And on the other hand, you will say that the collective west is in decay because they support the human rights of people who are Homosexual, Transexual or whatever other category of individuals identify themselves as.

Yes that makes perfect sense doesn't it.

The NAZISs committed a holocaust against Jews, Poles, Roma Gypsies, and also Gay people and the frail and disabled.

In the collective west, we endeaver to protect the most vulnerable people, including gay people and the disabled and have legal frameworks in our Consitutions and laws to protect them, protect their human rights and try to protect them from hate crime and discrimination in workplaces and even in getting jobs or work.

It is YOU once again that piints to this as the collective wests decay, as you rush off to support your actual fascist tyrant in Pootin in Russia where these people are not protected by their Government or society and where these eople are viewed to be ill or subhuman or simply not normal.

So who is the fascist here and who is more NAZI like?

YOU ARE! It's you for supporting the closest thing we have to Nazism today.

The collective West, is no where near NAZISM at any level.

But yeh, if you must know, I have been looking into the contributions of what NAZIs have made in both USA and Australia. And these Germans were paid up members of Hitler's NAZI party, and hence were NAZIs. BPeople like Wernher Von Braun. He was a NAZI scientist. A very intelligent man. A sophisticated man. A man who made a new beginning. He committed no actual war crimes but he did design the V1 and V2 rockets.

Then, after WW2, he started a new life in wonderful USA and was one of NASAs leading Engineers and Scientists.

And you know what. His place in history is cemented for all eternity. He designed the Saturn 5 that took Neill Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin to the Moon.

And this man was a pleasant man who could have lived next door to you and invited over for a Barbie. A very pkeasant individual to say the least.
Last edited by Paphitis on Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Maximus » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:15 am

Lordo wrote:What fuckin idiots we have on this forum. The governments of right wing parties move further to the Nazi world and socialists get the blame.

Somebody feed the monkey will ya.

For the idiot down under, the cunt who put the nazi flag up has a neighbour who was in a Nazi concentration camp during WW2 with his number on his arm to this day. There is no way that Nazi cunt did not know about his Jewish neighbour so one can only conclude that he put the flag up to annoy his neighbour deliberately.

What governments of right wing parties are moving further to nazism you mong?

Canada is as far left as it can be.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:26 am

Maximus wrote:kikapou,

Paphitis and I have been saying for years now how the political left in western countries have shifted too far to the left that they have become fascists.

Wait until Trump to gets re-elected, he will sort this mess out. :roll:

The very opposite to Nazism.

And it's this far left, along with the far right, who will rush off to support real NAZISM. The far left and far right are far more likeminded than most people think.

But the end of the day, the West is always guided by human rights and democracy. This means, the far left and far right have an enshrined right to freedom of speech and expression.

And to be fair, this can only be correct. Because if somehow we infringe on these rights for certain individuals in the far left, then you are on a slippery slope towards actual NAZISm potentially.

The very slope Pootin is on right now, towards fascism and NAZISm.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:29 am

Maximus wrote:
Lordo wrote:What fuckin idiots we have on this forum. The governments of right wing parties move further to the Nazi world and socialists get the blame.

Somebody feed the monkey will ya.

For the idiot down under, the cunt who put the nazi flag up has a neighbour who was in a Nazi concentration camp during WW2 with his number on his arm to this day. There is no way that Nazi cunt did not know about his Jewish neighbour so one can only conclude that he put the flag up to annoy his neighbour deliberately.

What governments of right wing parties are moving further to nazism you mong?

Canada is as far left as it can be.

Yeh that's right! Probably the most socially left country in the world. Canada is a great country.

Canada does not need to answer to any country. It's one of the best countries in the world in virtally every single metric you choose.

To even put Canada in the same sentence as Ruzzia, would be an insult to all Canadians.

Canada is shoulder to shoulder with the very best such as perhaps Switzerland, Austria, other Scandinavians, Australia and NZ. It's one of the most desirable countries on the planet.

But the Pootin loving bitches are equating Canada to NAZISm now. Because they need to bring the best down in order to defend themselves as the REAL NAZI supporting fascists.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 02, 2023 12:50 am

As for the current political situation in Merika, we currently have a Government that has performed extremely well in a very challenging period.

The Biden Administration has outperformed OBAMA who in my opinion contributed to this environment. Yes you can argue that Pootin saw the sometimes incoherent Biden as an opportunity. But the current administration has been extremely productive, and pro-active in bringing Pootin down to his very knees.

There is no doubt who has the upper hand right now and who is in charge. The message has been sent to all the deplorables such as Chy-na, and Iran, that Merika is the global force and will remain so for the foreseeable future. As the collective west, we need Merika.

As for Trump, well in the current environment, he can only be a risk to not just the USA, but to Merika's allies. Europe is on the cusp of all out war. It's on the knife edge and Europe (EU and NATO) needs Merika to be on its game and ready to provide an actual deterrence against Fascist Ruzzia. We can not be certain that Trump is the right man for the job or is even capable or even willing to stand up to this very evil.

Right now, Merika is on its game and has made all the correct moves.

Merika's actions and willingness to support Ukraine and consequently the rest of Europe (NATO and EU) has been nothing short of OUTSTANDING. Merika is back bitches.

Merika is back!
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Mon Oct 02, 2023 1:40 am

And make no istake about it bitches but very soon, Europe may well have another war as Serbia is sending thousands of Soldiers and equipment to the Kosovo Borders.

NATO's resonse will need to be very quick and decisive, the minute the very first Serbian Soldier crosses the border.

I know you bitches will support Serbia but the massive ethnic cleansing and genocide against ethnic Albanians and Muslims can never be forgotten. Neither the war crimes where hundreds of thousands of people were trapped inside a city and bombarded with thousands of Artillery shells every day.

Another message will need to be sent here, even if it means NATO planes over the city of Belgrade to give the Serbs a small taste of what will happen to them if they start to commit more crimes against civilians.

Is Serbia feeling like it wants to roll the dice?

Merika will answer many more questions if they do. And there is no Ruzzia to protect them neither. Ruzzia can't even protect itself.

Is Serbia wanting to be blown to smithereens? NATO is waiting bitches...
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Mon Oct 02, 2023 2:48 am


...this incidence has opened a whole can of worms.

(i don't doubt that there are many countries who should also start to look at themselves.)
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Mon Oct 02, 2023 5:55 am

Paphitis wrote:
The collective West, is no where near NAZISM at any level.

But yeh, if you must know, I have been looking into the contributions of what NAZIs have made in both USA and Australia. And these Germans were paid up members of Hitler's NAZI party, and hence were NAZIs. BPeople like Wernher Von Braun. He was a NAZI scientist. A very intelligent man. A sophisticated man. A man who made a new beginning. He committed no actual war crimes but he did design the V1 and V2 rockets.

Then, after WW2, he started a new life in wonderful USA and was one of NASAs leading Engineers and Scientists.

Yes, it is wonderful to know that there are “good” Nazis and “bad” Nazis.

If they build V1 and V2 rockets for Hitler and later Saturn 5 rockets for the West, then he must be a “good” Nazi. :lol:

Why don’t you ask LR to tell you how his parents lived under the V1 and V2 rockets fired at them in the UK?

How many of these rockets killed civilians in the UK, and you say this Nazi guy you admire so much did not commit war crimes? Really. :roll:

So, smart Nazis are good Nazis in your book as long as these same Nazis were helping the West, which is what is happening in Ukraine today, that the Nazis are dying for the West, so they must be good Nazis. :roll:

Zelensky could have chosen a peaceful solution with Russia, but his Western puppeteers pushed him to figh the Russians, and now most of his military is destroyed, and you blame Russia for that? :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Mon Oct 02, 2023 11:31 pm

I don't think the poor ausi sod realises that the reason why the Yanks picked up these people was not because they were nice Nazis, it was because they had knowledge was vital to their own arms industry and to be honest even that you would have been hard pushed to see the difference between German Nazis and Yank Nazis. Two peas in a pod. Funny enough the Russians did the same, they picked up German Nazi scientists too.
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