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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:29 pm

Lordo wrote:The Yanks also have facilities to bring down any aircraft they sell to their friends.

Wow. I'm totally astonished at this. This is next level lunacy... :?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:36 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
It seems to me that, for Russia to protect itself from the collective West’s nuclear arsenals aiming at her as well as their defensive missiles against Russia’s nuclear Arsenal, Russia wants to spread nuclear weapons to countries who are not inline with the collective West. In doing so, the collective West will face more nuclear weapons against them and their defensive systems in place now, which may or may not be adequate to deal with the increase threat. If not, the collective West will need to increase their military spending for more defensive weapons and/or, more offensive nuclear weapons against the new countries possessing Russian aid in nuclear weapons.

Belarus has already received Russian nuclear weapons which has caused alarms in Europe. Now North Korea will add more to their stockpile. Who’s next to receive Russian nuclear weapons, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Egypt and some other African nations along with some South American countries? Will BRICKS countries all become nuclear power with the aid of Russia to balance the nuclear threat equally around the world to the much dislike of the collective West. So, rather than trying to weaken Russia via a proxy war in Ukraine by the West, Russia might try to weaken the West too by passing out nuclear weapons like candy to the like minded countries against the collective West! The world will only get more dangerous, but that’s what happens when the collective West wants more security for themselves at the expense of others. Now the others may be pushing back to protect themselves also with the help of Russia.

You didn’t think that out very well! I think what you describe would be the last thing the Russians would do?

Russia will do just what the US does and make sure governments are on their side and anti-US, and then build military bases in these countries manned mainly by local forces that they will train and arm but, with command in the hands of Russian officers and an overall Russian Command and Control. They will paint the countries national flag on each missile, fly their flag at the gates of each compound, giving the illusion that the locals have some control. Just like the US does with its partners …… very few actually control their nuclear weapons …… they just like the population to think they do!

It is happening already ..........

These countries will then join all the other Russian ‘partners, friends and allies’ ……. and the US will shrink back into its own greatly reduced sphere of influence, because unlike the US/UK the Russians have never been a colonial power! They will make friends through trade and commerce …… with military support as a bonus to friendly governments.

In my opinion, that is ……………… :wink:

Oh yes, I can see nation after nation lining up with the likes of Iran, South Korea and Venezuela. :lol:

Also, the US does not hand out its Nuclear Codes o other nations, not even its closest allies like Australia, Canada, UK or NZ or other partners like Japan, South Korea, or Singapore or any NATO members like Germany or Poland. And so they shouldn't either.

The US Nuclear Arsenal is a deterrence, not a weapon of choice to wage a war against another. It's a last resort weapon and only likely to be considered for use when the US or one of its major allies are attacked by a Nuclear Weapon.

And if Ruzzia helps proliferate these weapons to other countries, then there goes the non-proliferation treaty out the window and it is very probably likely that the US will have to also arm certain countries with these weapons also - mainly South Korea, Australia, Canada, and Poland.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 10, 2023 12:51 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
This was actually my post and not Pyro's.

Of course, it goes without saying that Russia will control the launch codes regardless which countries she might station her nukes. :wink:

My apologies .... sorry I screwed up

I agree with your comment ..... the US controls all the launch codes of their 'partners, friends and allies' nuclear missiles because 'friends' can become 'enemies' over night if there is a sudden change in government ..... just like happened in Ukraine in 2104! :roll:

They are US Nuclear Missiles. Ergo, US has the launch codes.

They do not belong to "their partners" even if stationed in these "partner countries"

For instance, the US may station some Nuclear Weapons in Turkey. It doesn't provide Turkey with any launch codes. And that's just common sense, because if it did, it would undermine Nuclear Security.

If it did, then what happens if there is a Coup in Turkey and some mad man gets access to the codes and then decides to launch a missile to Cyprus for whatever reason? Out there, yes, but for security and integrity, US POTUS is the only person with the codes and even he can't use these codes to launch unless they are matched with other codes. Nuclear Launch from the USA has a number of safety procedures and checks before a code becomes active and is launched against another country. These decisions are never to be taken lightly or with such blatant disregard to some kind of due process and control.

Reality however, is that true military power lies with Merika's Conventional Military Forces. It's these conventional forces that are able to project true power if needed. Merika can not really project power with its Nuclear Arsenal because the idea behind these weapons is to avoid their use.

To provoke Merika to use it's Nuclear Arsenal, can only occur if it or one of its partner allies are attacked with Nuclear Weapons. And then the response will be so severe that this country would be wiped off the face with many millions of their citizens, men women and children, will be vapourised. Not a great situation obviously. It would be a holocaust that will exceed ww1 and ww2 many times over and all that death and destruction will happen in a very short space of time.

So drop all this Nuclear shit. It just shows Ruzzia's weakness and desperation in a losing war. And even so, Ruzzia also knows it will be literally gone and destroyed, and this will happen very quickly too.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:03 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
This was actually my post and not Pyro's.

Of course, it goes without saying that Russia will control the launch codes regardless which countries she might station her nukes. :wink:

My apologies .... sorry I screwed up

I agree with your comment ..... the US controls all the launch codes of their 'partners, friends and allies' nuclear missiles because 'friends' can become 'enemies' over night if there is a sudden change in government ..... just like happened in Ukraine in 2104! :roll:

Do they control the launch codes of UK, France, or Israel?
Who was that crooked face PM who said she would launch nukes against Russia. Liz Truss?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:06 pm

Wow, if the idiotic 292038 ® was rain, we would get drowned in 24 hours... :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 10, 2023 1:11 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
This was actually my post and not Pyro's.

Of course, it goes without saying that Russia will control the launch codes regardless which countries she might station her nukes. :wink:

My apologies .... sorry I screwed up

I agree with your comment ..... the US controls all the launch codes of their 'partners, friends and allies' nuclear missiles because 'friends' can become 'enemies' over night if there is a sudden change in government ..... just like happened in Ukraine in 2104! :roll:

Do they control the launch codes of UK, France, or Israel?
Who was that crooked face PM who said she would launch nukes against Russia. Liz Truss?

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
This was actually my post and not Pyro's.

Of course, it goes without saying that Russia will control the launch codes regardless which countries she might station her nukes. :wink:

My apologies .... sorry I screwed up

I agree with your comment ..... the US controls all the launch codes of their 'partners, friends and allies' nuclear missiles because 'friends' can become 'enemies' over night if there is a sudden change in government ..... just like happened in Ukraine in 2104! :roll:

Do they control the launch codes of UK, France, or Israel?
Who was that crooked face PM who said she would launch nukes against Russia. Liz Truss?

No they don't Bitches!

The UK and France have their own launch codes Bitch! And likewise, they don't share their launch codes with Merika. It's common sense bitch.

As for Israel, well they are just gonna say "what codes".

But if we are to presume they have them, then they also have their own launch codes and since they maintain a high level of secrecy over their existence, they surely too would not share them with the Merikans. :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Sep 10, 2023 2:55 pm

Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
This was actually my post and not Pyro's.

Of course, it goes without saying that Russia will control the launch codes regardless which countries she might station her nukes. :wink:

My apologies .... sorry I screwed up

I agree with your comment ..... the US controls all the launch codes of their 'partners, friends and allies' nuclear missiles because 'friends' can become 'enemies' over night if there is a sudden change in government ..... just like happened in Ukraine in 2104! :roll:

Do they control the launch codes of UK, France, or Israel?
Who was that crooked face PM who said she would launch nukes against Russia. Liz Truss?

No they don't Bitches!

The UK and France have their own launch codes Bitch! And likewise, they don't share their launch codes with Merika. It's common sense bitch.

As for Israel, well they are just gonna say "what codes".

But if we are to presume they have them, then they also have their own launch codes and since they maintain a high level of secrecy over their existence, they surely too would not share them with the Merikans. :lol:

You didn't understand the point of my rhetoric question to RH idiot.
Well, since you never will, the point was to remind RH, that what he said was true in the 50s, but not anymore. And as such, no it's not common sense like you fallaciously assumed, idiotic 292038 ®. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:16 pm

Pyrpolizer wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote:
Robin Hood wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
This was actually my post and not Pyro's.

Of course, it goes without saying that Russia will control the launch codes regardless which countries she might station her nukes. :wink:

My apologies .... sorry I screwed up

I agree with your comment ..... the US controls all the launch codes of their 'partners, friends and allies' nuclear missiles because 'friends' can become 'enemies' over night if there is a sudden change in government ..... just like happened in Ukraine in 2104! :roll:

Do they control the launch codes of UK, France, or Israel?
Who was that crooked face PM who said she would launch nukes against Russia. Liz Truss?

No they don't Bitches!

The UK and France have their own launch codes Bitch! And likewise, they don't share their launch codes with Merika. It's common sense bitch.

As for Israel, well they are just gonna say "what codes".

But if we are to presume they have them, then they also have their own launch codes and since they maintain a high level of secrecy over their existence, they surely too would not share them with the Merikans. :lol:

You didn't understand the point of my rhetoric question to RH idiot.
Well, since you never will, the point was to remind RH, that what he said was true in the 50s, but not anymore. And as such, no it's not common sense like you fallaciously assumed, idiotic 292038 ®. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Yes it is common sense idiot.

The UK has been a pioneer in Nuclear arms and believe me bitch, I as an Australian should know. There were 12 Nuclear tests in Australia between 1952 and 1957. And as a matter of fact, these tests were co-jointly done bilaterally between the UK and Australia. At the time, Australia was going to be the recipient of Nuclear weapons.

This only ultimately did not occur because Australia unilaterally decided at some point afterwards that it did not want Nuclear weapons and later was one of the biggest supporters and instigators of the Nuclear Non Proliferation Treater and later on be a big supporter for global Nuclear disarmament. Isn’t that nice from the western country?

The US was not part of the Nuclear Tests at all. There was no transfer of technology. Everything was developed from good old British and Australian know how. There were some assistance from German Scientists I’m believed from WW2 Germany who ended up being the early pioneers of the fledgling Australian Rocket Industry in Adelaide, Woomera and Maralunga which was were the Nuclear weapons were detonated.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Sun Sep 10, 2023 3:25 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:The Yanks also have facilities to bring down any aircraft they sell to their friends.

On this small forum, where competition can sometimes be stiff, your capacity for conjuring total nonsense out of thin air remains unchallenged.

In fact .... if you give it some thought he is most probably correct! The wording maybe a bit off but what he says has some credit.

How far would you get in your Nissan/Mitsubishi etc if the main dealer refused to sell you spares? Why does Ukraine have to strip down damaged weapons ...... for spare parts ...... because the local dealership has run out of spares! Would you want to fly a combat aircraft kept in the air with parts salvaged from a crash site of a similar destroyed aircraft? :o

The wing tip nav. lights on a Cessna 172 were the same as in many cars. For a car they cost maybe (1980's) about a fiver. For the Cessna they were £40+ but you did get them in a posh box and all the paperwork that goes with it, for the records. :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sun Sep 10, 2023 4:51 pm

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Lordo wrote:The Yanks also have facilities to bring down any aircraft they sell to their friends.

On this small forum, where competition can sometimes be stiff, your capacity for conjuring total nonsense out of thin air remains unchallenged.

In fact .... if you give it some thought he is most probably correct! The wording maybe a bit off but what he says has some credit.

I doubt even his recently breathing the heady air of Cambridge will have endowed Lordo with a capacity for subtlety. And there's certainly nothing you could teach him when it comes to hatred of the West.

In here, he's even managed to introduce it into discussions as diverse as Cypriot food and astronomy.

The man means what he said. :wink:
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