And in creeps a bevy of the old Conspiracy Theories about Bio warfare facilities.

Gleaned from RU - Pravda/Tass/Sputnik - and Antiwar. All famous beacons of light and the unbiased truth. It's called "a note of desperation".
Meanwhile, things are not going quite to plan. Militarily (it's all taking too long), economically (Oh no! Who'd have thought they'd all get together?) or diplomatically (they're queuing up to join NATO and who gives a fuck about the Chinese? They're just going to sit back and watch with dispassionate interest. There will be some juicy spoils for them out of this debacle) .
Mr Putin miscalculated on some key elements of his plan. Badly. And the chickens are beginning to come home to roost. The harder they pound the Ukrainians (and now it's come down to that) the worse the situation becomes for them.