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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jul 04, 2023 6:27 pm

Paphitis wrote:The globe has responded very well against the Ruzzians and Putlar and turned the Ruzzian world upside down and bringing them to their knees. Ruzzia will never recover from this for at least 30 years.

Paphitis’ posts on Ukraine should come with this warning!

BEWARE: Reading this post can and will damage your brain, which ALL common sense and FACTS will become FICTION! :D
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Tue Jul 04, 2023 9:44 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:The globe has responded very well against the Ruzzians and Putlar and turned the Ruzzian world upside down and bringing them to their knees. Ruzzia will never recover from this for at least 30 years.

Paphitis’ posts on Ukraine should come with this warning!

BEWARE: Reading this post can and will damage your brain, which ALL common sense and FACTS will become FICTION! :D

Does it matter which way the wind is blowing?
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:29 pm

Lordo wrote:I can't believe that there are people here who actually think that the President of USA or any other leader in the west has any real power. They have to do what they are told like good little boys and girls.

I take up an issue with what Trump did when he got elected.

Republicans passed a sweeping tax cut for two-thirds of Americans in 2017, saying it would pay for itself and the American public would thank them.

Now, as Americans finish filing to the IRS for the first time under the new system, the law has swelled the deficit and surveys show just one-fifth of taxpayers believe their taxes have gone down. That’s made it hard for President Donald Trump to leverage the tax cuts as an issue in 2020.

That, at the same time as he was trying to remove Medicare with nothing to replace it. Anybody who supports Trump is a cunt. Has to be and a very selfish cunt at that.

Of course people will say that. They always say they pay more tax.

The reality of course is that as a percentage, Merikans pay less tax than what they did in 2016.

In addition, as a monetary value, Metikans could pay more tax as a result of the average wage being higher today than in 2016, and as a result of higher revenues in rents, investments and company turnovers and profits and of of course a more robust job market with ultra low unemployment.

Also, Merikans are the beneficiaries of one of the lowest tax systems in the world. Much lower than Australia and EU as well as non EU countries.

In fact, tax in the US is very low and the USG has a lot of upside and they still won’t come close.

Merika is the world’s biggest tax haven for the worker.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:32 pm


Stop talking about Nuclear weapons and destroying threats at the source.

The US is desensitised about any Nuclear Armageddon right now. And no one is going to any negotiating table if a Nuclear Weapon is ever unleashed on Merika or one of its allies.

It will be game over for Ruzzia. Put simply, Ruzzia will cease to exist. Fun fact bitches!

The days of talking are over bitches.

There will be no negotiating to legitimise illegal invasion and annexation. Just eat till the end and final liberation of Ukraine. The Europeans are the first to understand because they know it will not end with Ukraine but will eventually affect many European countries like Poland, Moldova, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Tue Jul 04, 2023 11:51 pm

OK brace yourselves bitches.

Ruzzian sources are already spreading rumours of an impending Ukrainian attack on the Nuclear power plant.

Nuclear meltdown predicted by the West to occur within the next 24 hours.

This is a terrorist attack on millions of people in Ukraine and NATO and EU countries.

Possible Nuckear war could follow after that as under the definition, Article 5 should be invoked.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 05, 2023 8:14 am

Londonrake wrote:RH

Re Ukr. Long, ranting POV. Not commensurate with events but riddled with your usual prejudices and bias confirmations. Your “facts”, often as not, anything but.

You’ve enthusiastically supported just about every dictatorial tyranny on the planet as long as I’ve known you. All of them having domestic police/security apparatuses that Stalin would approve of. Yet, when you hear of a potential change in CYPOL related legislation which could impact upon yourself you erupt into a fit of indignation.

I imagine you must be running out of ways of trying to make off-forum life difficult for me. Your last effort reached a new low though. Pathetic.

]I have always regarded you as a pompous, self opinionated, small minded, sarcastic individual and very heavily biased when it comes to Russia. But I never thought you were stupid ..... just brainwashed!

I have explained to you many of the points in the Ukraine conflict that you chose to ignore. I provide an indication of the source where you can check the facts for yourself, As you always have done, you claim anything that is contrary to your own views as being 'Russian propaganda' as your anti-Russian bias dictates your opinion. You disregard any inconvenient facts and believe that is indication of support for ".... just about every dictatorial tyranny on the planet" as opposed to me not supporting the very British views you hold. To me your heavy bias dictates every response you make.

Between the 10th and the 24th Feb 2022 the OSCE SMM in daily reports on Ukraine, showed events on the LoC n Donbas. OSCE is not Russian or a Russian biased group they were engaged by the 'western' side to monitor events in the region. What they recorded was a build up and then an invasion of Donbas to escalate the genocidal war against ethnic Ukraine Russian speakers. The Kyiv regime invaded Donbas, armed and supported by the US, around the 15th/16th Feb 22. That is a fact, a matter of record, irrefutable and [b]NOT propaganda. But it paints a different version of events that you would rather ignore than the ' unprovoked invasion of Ukraine by the Russians' you prefer as a description! I

That irrefutable evidence alone shows that it was the Kyiv regime that were the aggressors not Russia! Russia responded to Kyiv's aggression that started almost a full week before Russia responded to an RTP from the break away states.. You can't argue otherwise so you just ignore the FACT.

If the Von der Leyen proposal to investigate Russian Aggression AFTER they responded to an RTP from the Donbas States, then the enquiry is completely biased because it will not investigate any of the events I listed which explained the lead up to the Russian response. Which is why I question the start point of your time-line. IMO:THAT is a Kangaroo Court ....... not justice.
I imagine you must be running out of ways of trying to make off-forum life difficult for me. Your last effort reached a new low though. Pathetic.

You are paranoid ! I don't have a clue about your latest accusations of some vendetta against you? I have nothing to do with you 'off forum' now .... I learned my lesson. At least, unlike you I don't threaten to work you over with the assistance of others, because of events within the forum, with threats like "We know where you live!". Do you still keep the filing cabinet full of 'evidence' you can give to your lawyer?

You are a bloody joke and need to grow up! :x
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jul 05, 2023 9:49 am

For those with no interest in this long-running spat I advise scrolling by. It's been made inevitable though and not by me.

Robin Hood wrote:You are paranoid ! I don't have a clue about your latest accusations of some vendetta against you? I have nothing to do with you 'off forum' now .... I learned my lesson. At least, unlike you I don't threaten to work you over with the assistance of others, because of events within the forum, with threats like "We know where you live!". Do you still keep the filing cabinet full of 'evidence' you can give to your lawyer?

Really? Tell it to the birds :roll: Your little bit of keyboard spite backfired. The people involved "fingered" you.

Paranoid? Hush - the Master speaks. :lol:

The "working you over" was pure fantasy (from your mental "Me, the perpetual victim" factory) created as self justification for your vindictiveness. You know full well what happened. Let me help though- yet again.

I was approached by somebody you knew personally, who felt aggrieved by whatever took place between yourself and his wife (sounded like she deserved it actually. :lol: ), who wanted to pay you a visit. I told him to get a life (as in - it's a small forum FFS, not the centre of the bleedin' universe.). I then warned you about it, pointing out the level of anger your forum efforts were fomenting and that sooner or later you could end up getting yourself into a serious situation (you are not a "physical" person) . Tick, tock. Your factory managed to turn that into my being part of a gang conspiracy to commit violence upon you, your house and wife (you do like your conspiracy theories to be big :wink: ) . All fictitious nonsense.

And - I've known where you live for 10+ years, with no interest at all. Even when you've invited me there! :wink:

FWIW, that wasn't the only angry person that wanted to talk things over with you. I know of another who went as far as sitting outside your house (you're in the phone book!).

Given the above (and, ohh the irony of this) for a time you were hinting, although quite clearly, you were considering trying your luck with some sort of litigation. You, of all people (you could certainly teach Pyrpro a thing or two about driving members off forums - I lost count over the years) were so offended. Which, given your output was ROFLMAO hilarious. I was advised to keep a record of your penchant for barbs. Your charming last missive on CEO sealing things.

To reiterate. YOU have lead us down this road yet again. I bent over backwards to head it off quite a few times, pointing out where things were going. But - you are what you are I suppose.

The disaster Russia has visited upon the people of Ukraine, the worst conflict in Europe since 1939 - 45, speaks for itself and IMHO supporting it is nothing less than morally reprehensible. Their justifications patently contrived. The idea they should be understood, sympathised with and mustn't be "demonised" would be laughable, were it not all so tragic.

As always your views are distorted by your psychotic (as ever, grudge based) anti-Western attitude. Your "proof" the results of bias confirmation searches which are no more conclusive than that which showed the US blew up the WTC. They "secretly" exploded a nuclear device at Fallujah (as it seems did the Israelis in Syria). That the Russians have developed a weapon which freezes all electronic devices (Shhhhh! Big secret that one). Much in evidence in the Ukraine conflict. :roll: The Syrians never had any chemical weapons, their Shiites gassing thousands of their own to make Assad look bad. The Iranians weren't responsible for shooting down a civil airline taking off from Tehran airport. There's a long list of your so-called proofs.

SEARCH: The Earth is flat. RESULT: umpteen pages of "proof". Sorted.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Robin Hood » Wed Jul 05, 2023 10:08 am

Londonrake wrote:For those with no interest in this long-running spat I advise scrolling by. It's been made inevitable though and not by me.

Robin Hood wrote:You are paranoid ! I don't have a clue about your latest accusations of some vendetta against you? I have nothing to do with you 'off forum' now .... I learned my lesson. At least, unlike you I don't threaten to work you over with the assistance of others, because of events within the forum, with threats like "We know where you live!". Do you still keep the filing cabinet full of 'evidence' you can give to your lawyer?

Really? Tell it to the birds :roll: Your little bit of keyboard spite backfired. The people involved "fingered" you.

Paranoid? Hush - the Master speaks. :lol:

The "working you over" was pure fantasy (from your mental "Me, the perpetual victim" factory) created as self justification for your vindictiveness. You know full well what happened. Let me help though- yet again.

I was approached by somebody you knew personally, who felt aggrieved by whatever took place between yourself and his wife (sounded like she deserved it actually. :lol: ), who wanted to pay you a visit. I told him to get a life (as in - it's a small forum FFS, not the centre of the bleedin' universe.). I then warned you about it, pointing out the level of anger your forum efforts were fomenting and that sooner or later you could end up getting yourself into a serious situation (you are not a "physical" person) . Tick, tock. Your factory managed to turn that into my being part of a gang conspiracy to commit violence upon you, your house and wife (you do like your conspiracy theories to be big :wink: ) . All fictitious nonsense.

And - I've known where you live for 10+ years, with no interest at all. Even when you've invited me there! :wink:

FWIW, that wasn't the only angry person that wanted to talk things over with you. I know of another who went as far as sitting outside your house (you're in the phone book!).

Given the above (and, ohh the irony of this) for a time you were hinting, although quite clearly, you were considering trying your luck with some sort of litigation. You, of all people (you could certainly teach Pyrpro a thing or two about driving members off forums - I lost count over the years) were so offended. Which, given your output was ROFLMAO hilarious. I was advised to keep a record of your penchant for barbs. Your charming last missive on CEO sealing things.

To reiterate. YOU have lead us down this road yet again. I bent over backwards to head it off quite a few times, pointing out where things were going. But - you are what you are I suppose.

The disaster Russia has visited upon the people of Ukraine, the worst conflict in Europe since 1939 - 45, speaks for itself and IMHO supporting it is nothing less than morally reprehensible. Their justifications patently contrived. The idea they should be understood, sympathised with and mustn't be "demonised" would be laughable, were it not all so tragic.

As always your views are distorted by your psychotic (as ever, grudge based) anti-Western attitude. Your "proof" the results of bias confirmation searches which are no more conclusive than that which showed the US blew up the WTC. They "secretly" exploded a nuclear device at Fallujah (as it seems did the Israelis in Syria). That the Russians have developed a weapon which freezes all electronic devices (Shhhhh! Big secret that one). Much in evidence in the Ukraine conflict. :roll: The Syrians never had any chemical weapons, their Shiites gassing thousands of their own to make Assad look bad. The Iranians weren't responsible for shooting down a civil airline taking off from Tehran airport. There's a long list of your so-called proofs.

SEARCH: The Earth is flat. RESULT: umpteen pages of "proof". Sorted.

Who gives a s**t about your opinion .... not me! Lot's of the usual waffle and sarcasm but ..... still you avoid the OSCE reports from the Donbas LoC leading up to the Kyiv invasion to which Russia responded.

Please don't bother to reply to any of my posts they won't get a reply in future. :x
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Wed Jul 05, 2023 11:03 am

Robin Hood wrote:Who gives a s**t about your opinion .... not me! Lot's of the usual waffle and sarcasm but ..... still you avoid the OSCE reports from the Donbas LoC leading up to the Kyiv invasion to which Russia responded.

Please don't bother to reply to any of my posts they won't get a reply in future. :x

There’s the rub. You don’t give a shit about anybody’s opinion. In 15 years of following your posts, being involved in a lot of the threads, I can’t think of one single occasion where you’ve modified your Mount Sinai views an iota. But………. I’m arrogant? :lol:

Anyway, far more “facts” about what really happened than opinions, like your mental gymnastic fantasies that is.

Thanks for the uncharacteristic “please” but I’ll reply to whichever posts I choose. :wink:

Happy now are we? :roll:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jul 05, 2023 1:13 pm

How the Ukrainians will attack the ZNPP with bombs filled up with radioactive waste, and then scream "Russia did it". ... 2160351251

In the meantime here's what Asterovich says:
He assures the Ukrainians that when they blow up the Zaporizhia NPP, it will be nothing terrible, it is clear that there will be no radioactive contamination. The reactors are separate. There will be a small leak about a kilometer around... ... 6079935488
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