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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:24 pm

You should calm down or you’ll hurt yourself. :eyecrazy:

Perhaps something we have in common then? A fondness for M&W. Classics. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:16 pm

Londonrake wrote:
Kikapu wrote:LR, after 16 months of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, it seems you really do not understand what this war is really about and what the objectives are/were for Russia from the beginning, which is very evident from your constant repeated supposedly failures of the Russian military’s objectives in this conflict, because you only see things as Black & White, therefore, it’s no point discussing them with you again and again on what you cannot see.

I was busy over the weekend so I did not have much time for the news. Is the so called coup still continuing with the destruction of mother Russia into little bits yet? :lol:

Ukraine celebrates anything in the slightest as being very significant, including in taking over destroyed and abandoned few sheds from the Russians during this so called “Spring offensive”. :roll:

Well, that's disappointing.

I don't recall any "Discussing them with you again and again" TBH. When? :? Most of your responses are short, unengaging and pretty dismissive. "I can't be bothered/I'm too busy". You don't tend to actually say much at all. Just respond with patronising comments :? Not too different from your principle colleague's normal get-out responses really. "It's he same old rubbish. I didn't get past the first line". When he's not simply bully-boy ranting that is. Easier than actually addressing any points made and engaging in a debate about them I suppose. :roll: Who wants any sort of discussion on these matters/events anyway?

As far as the failure of Russia's military objectives go - are you serious? The very fact that - as you point out - this "Special military operation" has been going on for 16 months is a tad indicative don't you think?

Putin clearly thought - apparently it seems upon very poor advice - that the Russian army could take Ukraine as quickly as it did Crimea. With his receiving the same plaudits. He messed up - big time - though, and the whole thing has degenerated into a complete fuckfest.

As far as the so-called "coup" goes, who knows? Putin doesn't come out of it looking like an iron-man in total control though. In fact, given his national address, personal actions during the largely unimpeded Wagner advance and the subsequent "forgiveness" - after going on national TV, talking about being stabbed in the back by traitors and calling for support - pretty much makes him look a bit of a prat.

Whilst you have a tendency to view these events - Bakhmut for instance - as Machiavellian Russian plots (rather than the Occam's Razor of their being simple fuck ups), it doesn't come across to the non acolytes, and it seems most of the World's press, that way.

Anyway, if you're belief is there's " point discussing them with you again and again."(you haven't) perhaps it's best not to. Which begs the question, what's a forum supposed to be about? :?

LR, you are so soaked to the core in the Western propaganda pickle that you cannot see the Ukraine-Russia conflict clearly as you continue with the mantra that Russia failed to capture all of Ukraine as it did with Crimea! This is one of many things which you cannot see that is not Black & White, which I am not willing to go over with you again and again in discussing it as it has been done many times over the last 16 months. It’s the old adage with you that you can take the donkey to the water but you cannot....which I’m sure you know what follows! :wink:

Bottom line is, Russia is winning the Ukraine conflict hands down in every possible way and Ukraine, NATO and the collective West are losing it hands down. So far the conflict is meeting all of Russia’s objectives and more. Initially, Russia had it’s sights just to get a better deal for the Russian speaking Ukrainians in the Donbas regions which the collective West refused to accept. Now, Russia has been forced into degrading Ukraine, NATO and the collective West militarily and economically no matter how long it takes, so yes, get the popcorn out and stay tuned with your fellow popcorn gang, “Team Popcorn”! :wink:
Last edited by Kikapu on Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Tue Jun 27, 2023 7:27 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Londonrake wrote:The silence is deafening.

Two murdering lunatics go head-to-head. Hopefully, leading to the death of one. The survivor's reputation trashed, regardless.

In it perhaps a glimmer for the Russian people regarding the reality of Putin's Ukrainian war. Rather than the usual state media diet of repelling a Nazi Ukrainian/NATO invasion of the blessed Homeland.

Judging by the delay. it seems even the likes of the St Petersburgh I.R.A. can't come up with one of its usual "false flag" fantasies to cover these events, to be promulgated by the ever faithful.

Don't give up hope though. I'm sure there are lots of meetings going on and ultimately they will think of something.

They are going to frame it as being a coup attempt by the collective west and Merika especially. Then they will threaten the world with Nuclear annihilation which the west will just continue to ignore them.

This is the standard Putlar playbook script. Putlar is just becomming an internet meme these days. :lol:

Be careful not to fall into the Russian False Flag Bear Trap on the supposedly coup attempt in Russia. :wink:

I think it is a carefully choreography action by the Russians for Ukraine to commit it’s forces to attack the Russians on all fronts in smelling blood and victory in thinking Russia is falling apart, so to decimate the remaining Ukrainians forces before Russia goes on the offensive to finish it’s goals in Ukraine. :wink:

Larry Johnson pretty much supports my theory that the so called coup was a carefully choreographed action by the Russians who had set up the Russian Bear Trap to the collective West and they gotten themselves caught by the balls! :D

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Tue Jun 27, 2023 11:24 pm

Here's Scott Ritter analyzing the events on the very first day without having the benefit of retrospect.
I agree fully with him, and admire his logic. Prigozhin is a traitor and acted like one for a long time now. Not a double agent, just a plain traitor.

All the public accusations he made in the last few months proved to be plain lies aiming to harm the Russian moral and public opinion. E.g. He said he's going to leave Bakhmout and the Russian military would lose it in a week.Proved totally wrong.Just a few days ago he was claiming the Russians would wake up very shortly and realize they lost Crimea! While the reality on the ground proves the exact opposite.
He started these theatrics by publishing videos showing his troops, presumably been bombed by the Russian military in their camps in Donesk, a few hours before they started marching to Rostov-Don.
He made public statements that soon Russia will have a new President, then changed his tune saying he only wants Shoigu and Yerasimof to be replaced...
Generally he is an illiterate idiot, who thought he could become the new President.
It's just a matter of a few days before the FSB would bring in hard evidence about his treasonous coop with the Anglo-Saxons , signing his death sentence.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Wed Jun 28, 2023 10:48 am

I don't know if you were following what this traitor Prigozhin was saying these days. Did you notice he started his rants stressing he was always against the SMO because iho Ukraine did not pose any threat to Russia, and there was absolutely no reason to do it? And at the same time saying he's going to "have a new President in the next few days, replace the incompetent heads of the army etc etc..." and have this war finished in a month?" He never clarified how he would finish it, but he was giving the impression it would be via full mobilization. If that was so, then that's an antithesis to his stance on the SMO, if not then it becomes clear how we would have finished it....

Here's Scott Ritter again, on the day after. Covers too many important issues, an eye opener for those who are still sleeping in the forum, thinking that either Russia will collapse, or be strategically defeated. If ANY of these happens, and particularly had Prigozhin not backed off, President Putin would have already nuked the whole west, starting with London and NY.

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:01 pm

..."Russia's" problem: realpolitik
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Wed Jun 28, 2023 9:49 pm

...this guy presents a more plausible explanation; what are ultra"Z".
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:00 am

There’s more to come to light, I’m sure on what actually went down with the so called attempted mini mini coup in Russia. Surely much bigger and bigger coup attempt would have been needed to have a successful one to change the leadership in Russia. :wink:

It is very possible that Putin took a page from the so called coup attempt in Turkey in recent years, which many believe it was an inside job planned and executed by Erdogan himself in order to purge people from different positions deemed a threat to him and his presidency. This event in Russia looks and smells similar, which everyone seems to have known it was coming, including the Americans and Ukraine.

Prigozhin may have been recruited by Russia to act as a Patsy to give false hopes to the collective West and Ukraine for them to come full force in their counter offensive so to be wiped out. It also gave Russia the opportunity to purged Priganzhin from his position as the head of the Wagner group so not to listen to his constant irritable rantings. All this ONLY makes Putin a much stronger president to the much dismayed anti Russian “Team Popcorn” crowd in the collective West. :wink:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Thu Jun 29, 2023 12:43 pm

Let's summarize the "facts" or "lies" or "staged" events just for the record, and see what happens eventually.

a)The Russians blew up a fuel depot in Rostov to eliminate Progozhin's refueling capability.
b)Progozhin shot down 5 Helicopters and a reconnaissance plane killing 12 pilots plus 22 flight personnel of the plane.
c)According to Western media Progozhin is locked up in a hotel room without windows in Misk. The Russian media say he is currently in Moscow for "discussions".
d)Lukashenko looks very happy to have him, together with his fighters and made public statements on TV.
e)Rumors say that after the Nato meeting in July, Poland will send troops to East Ukraine. Belarus will react by sending the Wagners to eliminate them...
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Lordo » Thu Jun 29, 2023 2:00 pm

Anyway lets get back to the behavior of some western nations. A court in Sweden has allowed people to publicly burn the Quran. Now that is amazing. It seems the rednecks in America and the Nazis were the ones burning books and breaking records. So now the Swedes are up to doing it as well and of course Erdogan will crap all over them as he can still block their entry to Nato.

Amazing how the whole west has sitted ohps I mean to say shifted to the right.
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