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Ukrainian Issue

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Londonrake » Sat Apr 22, 2023 7:46 pm

Robin Hood wrote:Just for you LR ..........
Why the Media Don’t Want to Know the Truth About the Nord Stream Blasts JONATHAN COOK • APRIL 11, 2023

No one but the terminally naïve should be surprised that security services lie – and that they are all but certain to cover their tracks when they carry out operations that either violate domestic or international law or that would be near-universally rejected by their own populations.

Which is reason enough why anyone following the fallout from explosions last September that ripped holes in three of the four Nord Stream pipelines in the Baltic Sea supplying Russian gas to Europe should be wary of accepting anything Western agencies have to say on the matter.

In fact, the only thing that Western publics should trust is the consensus among “investigators” that the three simultaneous blasts deep underwater on the pipelines – a fourth charge apparently failed to detonate – were sabotage, not some freak coincidental accident.

You must watch the first video ........ in case it misses you .... it’s all Russian propaganda! :lol: :lol:

Thanks. I will watch it. I think though that it would be better if I reverted to taking a back seat. Although I believe a lot of them are shite :lol: - joke :wink: - you have always posted interesting stuff.

Do you still have those monthly things? Or is it another aspect of our lives obliterated by the pandemic? :(
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sat Apr 22, 2023 9:36 pm

There is some relevance between A) the report of the Federal Emergency Management agency in 2008 about what happened to WTC 7 in 9/11/2001 , and B) the American explanation regarding the blow up of the Nord stream pipelines by an independent pro Ukrainian group on a yacht, which was released one month after Seymond Hersh's revelations.

The are both hilarious, way off postmortem, cover up stories. But then again if this is what you ask from the MSM this is what you'll get. :wink:

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby repulsewarrior » Sat Apr 22, 2023 10:42 pm


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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:01 am

Good evening bitches! Pahitis is in da house! :lol:

Now bitches, how is the Ukraine War going? Has Bakhmut fallen yet? Got to be comming up soon hey bitches?

Friggin hell, I thought Ruzzia was a superpower! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Bitches, Ruzzia will eventually get Bakhmut, but it will get it as the Ukraine Military gradually withdraws to protect the lives of its soldiers but they just won't let you have it before taking out throuands more Ruzzians.

And not until they start their spring offensive.

Wat does this tell you bitches? It tells me that the Ukrainians are controlling the battle space, and that means they are winning bitches and when the offensive starts, this is where the potential death blow is delivered from which point there is no comming back bitches.

I hope you are all enjoying the total destruction of the Ruzzian Military and Ruzzia's new status of a junk tin pot failed state.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 23, 2023 12:11 am

Robin Hood wrote:
Londonrake wrote:
Pyrpolizer wrote: Russia can produce better war planes than the US at 1/10th of the price.
China itself has more industrial output than the US and EU combined!

Sticking my neck out here.

Do you truly believe that?

If you consider the statement in a broader sense it is probably true!

The sophistication in US military aircraft is extremely expensive. I read somewhere that the helmet alone for an F-35 pilot costs $500K. When the US sells these aircraft outside the US a lot of this does not come as part of the package, so the specified capability will be downgraded.

The Russian military aircraft are designed for rough airfields and for use where quite often there is no ground back-up. So rather than ‘fly-by-wire’ like US aircraft, the Russians are flown by ‘the seat-of-the-pants’ type pilots.

As I have said to Paphitis, once a modern pilot loses all the sophisticated electronics designed to take the load off the pilot and they are suddenly faced with blank screens and a lot of flashing warning lights …… they are ‘f*****d’! Pilots of Russian jets drop down to road level and fly by road signs and the Mk.1 eyeball.

Did you know only Russian helicopters are fitted with ejection seats for the crew …….and NO, they do not eject vertically into the rotors! :roll:

The helmet of the F-35 is over $1 million, and it isn't just a helmet. The entire HUD is displayed through the helmet no matter where the pilot is looking, and is highly configurable to display any flight or mission critical information to the pilot and is even used for target acquisition. It's worth $1 million, because it is actually worth it with all the tech built in, designed to give the pilot the upper hand.

Apache Pilots have been using these helmets for years as well. So the technology isn't exactly new, but without doubt, the F-35 helmet will be more cutting edge. This cutting edge tech will also filter through to the Apache and other types.

All this stuff does come as part of the package. At least the British, and Australian F-35s do anyway and I would say it will be part of the package for all NATO members who are F-35 partner nations. Partner Nations are actually involved with the design, and even involved with the construction of the F-35. Some parts of the F-35 are manufactured in Australia for instance, the UK is involved with the design and manufacture of other components and so on and so on. All the reports from the British, Australians and Israelis who are already flying F-35 is that the F-35 is a game changer. There are no negative reports other than random software glitches early on in the testing phases which are always expected with tech so advanced, but all issues as far as I know and we all know is that they are just random bug fixes not design faults. Every new plane has had them - from the F-16 to the F-15, F-18 and everything else since.

The same thing will occur with the eventual design and construction of the new AUKUS Submarines. Billions will be spent and when the first one goes to sea trials, there will be reports of massive failures and issues and it will take months, to iron out.

And aside from the F-22, which has a primary strike capability, the F-35 is cutting edge and superior to anything Ruzzia has at present and by a long margin.

The West has many aircraft that are far superior to Ruzzian aircraft - F-35, F-18, EW-18 Growler, Typhoon, Eurofighter. Rafale, SAAB Grippen are all cutting edge and will demolish any Ruzzian Aircraft. It simply just wouldn't be a contest. So it isn't just the Yanks, but the Europeans are churning out some cutting edge aircraft in their own right and which are at the very least arguably just as good.

So it isn't just the F-35 Ruzzia must worry about.

And no, pilots are not fucked when things break down. There is so much redundancy built in that the chances are practically zero for starters, but all pilots are trained with limited panel flight data just in case. Each time we go to the sim, we do about 6 Take offs and Aprroaches, 5 of which are with one engine out, and about 10 v1 cuts, at least 1 is on limited panel, and all in 0 visibility.

Limited Panel means flying on the gyros - everything else is failed or switched off to simulate BUS1, and BUS2 failures. Every pilit has been trained on the 6 pack gyro Flight Instrument Panels, and from their they will even fail the everything except for your Artificial Horizon and Direction Gyro. All these exercices are designed to overload the workload of the crew to see how the crew implements their flight FCOM Flight Procedures in highly stressful situations. Not fun, but there is a good sense of accomplishment afterwards, and everyone breathes a sigh of relief when the door opens and you walk the gangway out of the complex for a beer.

The only variation you get if you breeze through it, and believe me, it's not easy to breeze through it and even the best veteran pilots can struggle, but you may get an engine fire, dpressururized cabin, and emergency descent from about 35000 feet.

That's how the training and checking is. It's repetitive over and over until everything is etched into your brain and you forget nothing even to the day you gop to the grave.

And if you fail just one, you fail your check and have to repeat. Fail again, and you go back to Ground Training or get sacked.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 23, 2023 1:10 am

Greek Apache Pilots have been using these helmets for 20 years now.

So when Greece acquires the F-35, they will be getting the F-35 helmet, and so too will all other NATO member states which acquire the F-35.

I know the Yanks are trying to get Greece on board as an F-35 partner. There are currently 11 partner countries. If Greece does become a partner, then the expectation is that Hellenic Aviation Industries will be involved in some capacity with the project. Each partner country is involved in some way - according to their capabilities which in Greece's case may not be much and only be symbolic.

The other expectation is that Greece will have to buy the F-35 and if they do buy them, then the Hellenic Air Firce will have very advanced capabilities and the F-35 will be complimented with another advance fighter in the form of the Rafale which is a French Aircraft. Can't get much better than being equipped with F-35 and Rafale in my opinion.

The only thing that can top this is Early Warning Control.

The British, Australians, Canadians, and other Western NATO European countries will however get more out of their F-35s. because the F-35 needs to have AWACS (e3 or Wedgetail), or paired with EW-18G. That's a force multiplier which countries like Greece will lack and will need to rely on American or NATO Support.

Hence why you see Australia buying Wedgetails and EW-18G. When you have that, then potentially you can take out an entire Air Defence Network in literally hours. The EW-18g will always be first in to deliberately activate the foes Air Defences. Once that is activated, then the EW-18G can destroy all the radars. Then F-35s and F-18s will come in the second wave.

And that is why the S400 is literally useless. The RAAF has designed its capabilities for a theoretical war with Indonesia which has many S400s for Australia to destroy if this theoretical war comes to fruition into the realms of reality like it did in 1999. All fantasy of course, and Australia and Indonesia get along these days anyway.

I'm a big Growler fan boy. As far as I am concerned, the EW-18G is the best. You see bitches, the Americans have so much tech which you all overlook. You think the F-35 is the game changer but this is only a small part. You don't know anything else. The Growler though is what will fuck Ruzzia up along with all the other stealth options the Americans have.
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Paphitis » Sun Apr 23, 2023 2:45 am

Oh and bitches, someone talked about Chy-na's production capabilities.

I mean the West's production capabilities in Chy-na bitches. Because let's face it bitches, just because Chy-na makes all our Apple Products in Chy-nese factories, they are still an American product, owned by a massive Amerive Corporate with boardrooms in Silicone Valley.

Yes bitches, chy-na has the production capability because an American Board of Directors decided to use Chy-nese slave labour (illegal in the USA) to reduce manufacturing costs and maximise their profiteering.

The Amerikans can taketh away bitches anytime they want.

And that is pretty much about 70% of Chy-na's production capability. It's all either Amerikan, canadian, Australian and EU Corporates outsourcing their labour to Chy-na.

And one of the biggest profiteers is Australia, which feeds all these industries with coal, iron, steel, and other raw materials as well as Energy. Cha-ching for Australia. Thanls for coming bitches.

So, unless the Chy-nese come up with something better, all the Chy-nese are is a cheap source of labour - which in our jurisductions would amount to slave labour to boot.

And if the Emerikan's decide to not make Apple Products in Chy-na, not make General Motors Holdens in Chy-na, not make Reebok and Nike Sneakers in Chy-na, then there goes most of Chy-na's production and GDP.

See bitches, we in the west are capitalist free marketeers. We use Chy-na for its labour because we can make a Nike Sneaker in Chy-na and it will cost us $30 bucks and sell them for $250 and make a $220 profit whereas in Amerika it will cost us $100 to make and as a result the profit for these seakers is only $150. :lol:

Oh bitches! You have such a slave mentality, much like our Chy-nese slaves!

But at least the Chy0nese slaves in the Chy-na Plantation are a lot smarter than Ruzzians. I mean it isn't a hard feat to be smarter than the Ruzzians I must say but it does appear that Chy-nese are smart - till they f2ck up like Ruzzia has bitches. Let's hope so bitches, otherwise Amerika will turn Chy-na into another tin pot like it did to Ruzzia bitches.

I can see advantages in this bitches. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 23, 2023 8:59 am

Oh the hitchy beachy poutanitsa is back suffocating the place with her endless nonsense in essays.
I wonder if anyone reads more than 3 lines.
Raise your hand if you do. :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Pyrpolizer » Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:18 am

Introducing Alex Christoforou of Duran, a Cypriot living in the UK, with lots of brains and sarcastic commentary. But do you know what I admire more on this guy? The way he mimics ZelenSKY, Ursula and the rest of the clowns. In this episode enjoy watching him doing the Justing Trudeau baby boy or girl, at ~ the 35' timeline :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Ukrainian Issue

Postby Kikapu » Sun Apr 23, 2023 10:29 am

Pyrpolizer wrote:Oh the hitchy beachy poutanitsa is back suffocating the place with her endless nonsense in essays.
I wonder if anyone reads more than 3 lines.
Raise your hand if you do. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh, I tried to speed read his latest posts 3 times just to count the number of the word “bitches” he has used, but kept on losing the count, so in the end, I had given up! :D

Was there anything else other that the word” bitches” written? :wink: :lol:
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