Lordo wrote:repulsewarrior wrote:...Ukraine (should) may join, and in my opinion so too Russia; NATO's mission may change ("Russia"/Russia too): piracy, and other matters that put International Trade at risk are a threat where NATO serves well.
...indeed, China has demonstrated their own contempt toward a transparent approach in social (and political) - economics: as such they are a hostile player, and willful in their acts like "Them".
I remind you Lordo, that preparing for War is the best way to be prepared to negotiate for Peace.
...one hopes that cooler heads prevail.
He has bot mentioned peace once. He will drive the Russians out he claims. He and the Ukrainians are in for a nasty shock soon when Americans turn around and tail it out like they did in Afghanistan.
...too late now. For Putin to escape a War Crime Tribunal he must solve this problem, and one hopes that these three men for reasons of their own, solve the Problem in doing so.