miltiades wrote:Paphitis wrote:miltiades wrote:Although for medical reasons and my doctor's advice in writing, I can not have the jab against Covid, I firmly believe, in spite of the fact that the vaccines can not give one 100% protection, that every one, Novak included, ought to have it. There is nothing else they tell us against the Virus, my suggestion of trying my very personal " cure" BORED, has unfortunately been rejected just as my suggestion of having the Cypriot language as the EU"s official language
At least Ursula had the decency to reply, albeit just with a single word, " ASSIHTIR"

And that is why the vast majority of people are STUPID! That includes you Milti.
You see, no one can force or should be allowed to mandate what other people do with their bodies. Novak is free to make his own decisions.
And the stupid part of all of this is the fact that NOVAK has had Covid twice. Hence, he doesn't need the jab at all, presuming it is eficacious to begin with. Novak has antibodies against Covid that will protect him a hell of a lot more than any bogus vaccine.

Indeed General, you can not force anyone to have the vaccine but you can force them to abide by the laws of the land they are in. In Novacs instance it has become clear that he did not obey the laws of Australia perhaps he , like The Clown, considers himself above the law. Make sure you continue with your nonsense on Brexit, Syria, Russia, Pilot in and all other areas thst you .....excel at

There is nothing lawful about this whatsoever!
The rules in Australia are that if you have had covid, then you are exempt from vaccines. The reason for that should be obvious. Novak had an exemption but they still detained him at the airport. Hence why Novak defeated the AUSG in the Federal Courts. The judge was according to reports very scathing aginst the AUSG.
So Novak had embarrassed the AUSG but you can tell AUSG wasn't going to let him get away with it.
So in the end, the minister used his powers of discretion and decided to deport him for other reasons - falsifying a travel document or not answering truthfully and for being a potential health risk to the Australian People by stoking anti vax support.
But, all this will generate anti vax sentiment anyway so even that isn't the reason. it's just the only thing they could get him on and circumvent the Federal Court.
Make no mistake about it. AUSG do not care about the health and safety of Aussies whatsoever. All they care about is looking good to the Australian People who have suffered draconian lock downs. And because public opinion was against NOVAK, they waited for him to arrive, then detain him. But it backfired but there was no way the AUSG was going to stop. The AUSG wanted to create this circus.
The motive of course are the upcomming elections.