Lordo wrote:If you want to save the planet, there is only one solution and that is to have sex with the opposite sex. Although admittedly if you ply the lady with drinks, she is more likely to agree to a legover situation finalising. And then the world would be saved indeed.
You are not off the mark, Lordo when you stated that to save the planet, sex is needed with the opposite sex, but not just humans but every living thing, including plants.
Recently I came to realization that sex’s main purpose is not only to enjoy and procreate, but to sustain life on earth by providing food for the living in order to continue the cycle of life. That’s it. All dead provide food for other living things which is what nature has planned for us all. Perhaps we have pandemics so that many more will die to be added to the food supply for other living things. Wars the same thing along with natural disasters. Nature has sense of humour it seems, that the reasons we have all been chasing for sex all our lives was not just for ourselves, but for nature to sustain life on Earth!