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Postby Simon » Thu Feb 02, 2006 5:22 pm

am a Greek Cypriot, living in the USA and I am proud of my heritage. I find our Cypriot government lacking a clear view for the future. IF we really want a solution we need to get a clear view now. We can not play the tough guy because after all we DID lose the war. I was there. I have seen it happen. We DID lose it. There is no other way to put it.

Leonidas, you seem to be really struggling to come to terms with reality. I am sorry this breaks your heart, but the Americans are nothing but bullies, they are one of the clear conspirers in Cyprus, and they wanted partition all along. ALL evidence that you look at point to this. If you want to ignore facts to make you feel better and stay in your own ignorant world, that is up to you. They give us a ridiculous Plan (Annan) and think we will accept it? You keep on going on about Cyprus' size and insignificance. This is a typical arrogant American. Do I have the right to beat up a 12 yr old, because I am bigger and harder than him. Or have the right to blackmail him, or bully him, or make him feel insignificant?? No, I don't, so what the hell makes you think America does. The USA is supposed to be the beacon of liberty and freedom! And yet you are the biggest oppressors of all. You love freedom so much, MAKE THE TURKISH ARMY LEAVE??? Oh no, you don't want to upset your bum buddies would you.

Lala your crap is really boring now. I get told to move with the times. So let me tell you something that is up to date. No junta exists anymore, no coup is obviously ever going to be planned now, Cyprus is now part of the EU, it has to abide by Human Rights laws etc. So don't keep going into the past, because I could say a million and one evil things that the Turks have done over the years. But there is no point. The only point now is to look to the future.
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Postby Mikros » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:18 pm

Simon congratulations, you gave the best answer to both sides :)
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Postby Leonidas » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:42 pm

Simon wrote:I
am a Greek Cypriot, living in the USA and I am proud of my heritage. I find our Cypriot government lacking a clear view for the future. IF we really want a solution we need to get a clear view now. We can not play the tough guy because after all we DID lose the war. I was there. I have seen it happen. We DID lose it. There is no other way to put it.

Leonidas, you seem to be really struggling to come to terms with reality. I am sorry this breaks your heart, but the Americans are nothing but bullies, they are one of the clear conspirers in Cyprus, and they wanted partition all along. ALL evidence that you look at point to this. If you want to ignore facts to make you feel better and stay in your own ignorant world, that is up to you. They give us a ridiculous Plan (Annan) and think we will accept it? You keep on going on about Cyprus' size and insignificance. This is a typical arrogant American. Do I have the right to beat up a 12 yr old, because I am bigger and harder than him. Or have the right to blackmail him, or bully him, or make him feel insignificant?? No, I don't, so what the hell makes you think America does. The USA is supposed to be the beacon of liberty and freedom! And yet you are the biggest oppressors of all. You love freedom so much, MAKE THE TURKISH ARMY LEAVE??? Oh no, you don't want to upset your bum buddies would you.

Lala your crap is really boring now. I get told to move with the times. So let me tell you something that is up to date. No junta exists anymore, no coup is obviously ever going to be planned now, Cyprus is now part of the EU, it has to abide by Human Rights laws etc. So don't keep going into the past, because I could say a million and one evil things that the Turks have done over the years. But there is no point. The only point now is to look to the future.

Of course you know it all Simon. ALL about how we think in the USA.

Well IF you where a 12 year old brad, that ALWAYS caused problems and always went against me, what do you think I should do? Bend over and take all the abuse from you or just ignore you and not deal with your whineass ways of doing things?

That is what you guys are doing. Whinning and leaving in the past instead of looking forward. Only forward thinking will solve the Cyprus problem.

God helps those who want to help themselves. That is what is all about.
And you are just not trying to help yourselves.

So call us Americans ALL you want. We are tired of dealing with whineass kids.

And like it or not I DO want to see a solution so I can get to do what I want to do with my house.
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Postby Leonidas » Thu Feb 02, 2006 7:47 pm

One more comment

The Turks have supported us in many ways for many years now.

What did the Greeks and Cypriots do?

Besides burn our flag and be the voice of opposition in everything we do?

OH you also want us to help resolve your problems too after that?
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Postby Rude Gal » Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:05 pm

Leonidas, i iz proud of you. Tell it like it is bro! There are plenty of people who want to bury their heads in the sand because they reckon the current status quo is better than a solution that requires compromise.

Still, as they not running the show, we got no worries!

Reading Cyprus Mail online, I noticed an amazing letter (A good offer by Ankara) from a GC in London talking about the merits of the Cyprus plan put forward by Turkey's Foreign Affairs Minister Gul. What was most amazing was his vision. He could overcome past trauma to see mutual benefits of joining forces with Turkey for benefits of GCs (trade etc) and the island. It was this type of vision that helped created the EU after WWII and made old enemies become friends (oops, was just about to quote Faithless, God is a DJ :lol: can't help the raver in me!)

And today, a week on from Straw's visit to Cyprus and Talat meeting, I read about Putin and his more neutral approach to Cyprus. Mmnnn.

So, the people writing in this thread. Who's got their finger on the global pulse - Leonidas or the nationalists? Is Papad. gonna "do the do" or end up in doo doo!!!!!!! :wink:

I know who my money on...
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Postby Leonidas » Thu Feb 02, 2006 8:41 pm

Thanks Gal.

That's the way I am. I tell it like it is.

One would think that after ALL these years of looking back and talking about the same old crap, putting blaming on others and still nothing changing, that they would look at a different approach.

That is what I am offering them. A different approach to resolve this. But they don't want to listen.

Right off they use the I am thinking the American way. Well I got news for them. Thinking the GC way did NOT get us ANYWHERE did it? Ohhhh we can just continue to use the..... "Pali me xronia me kerous pali dika mas thane." The 1453 slogan. (Translation: Again in years to come they "Konstantinoupolis and the empire" will be ours again)

How many years it has been? GEEEEZ I need a fricking calculator........553 YEARS !!!!!!! hmmmmmmmmm And the fact is, that will never happen. Dream on........................................................

Okay lets sit on our same ancient ways and wait ANOTHER 520 plus years!!!!!! Then MAYBE they (Northern Cyprus) will be ours again. ?????
:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:

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yeah right.

Postby kalamaras74 » Thu Feb 02, 2006 10:33 pm

Sure. Allow all of them to sweep Turkey's obligations under the carpet. If you think you will come out on top on this one, you are wrong. Turkey is not interested in a just solution, but only a stamped piece of paper that will enable them to get into the EU. They have painted themselves in a corner. They have signed an agreement where they have to recognize Cyprus, Europe is not buying the declaration that the customs protocol does not amount to recognition. I can't believe the gall of their foreign policy. It is almost as arrogant as that of their US patron. If they are pushing the envelope with the EU this much now, can you imagine what they will do when they join? No wonder the Americans have made this a priority. The Greek Cypriots function in absorbing all the blame for a thirty year policy of unilateral occupation. How absurd.

TURKEY MUST BE HELD TO TASK and the responsibility is theirs. As the military in Turkey is not accountable even to the civilian government how is anything that the GC's vote for or against going to change anything.

You blame Papadopoulos. How would you react if you were confronted with Ozkok saying that Turkish troops will never leave Cyprus. "Yes OK, let's work around that."? It is not mere bravado or political points that he is trying to gain by raising objections to this. Come on. It is not unreasonable to demand this especially when you have UN resolutions to support this stance. This is truly messed up. No proposal ever challenges the Turkish military presence. How dare anyone suggest they withdraw. How can a country be independent if there is a foreign army present? We all know where these ideas originate: from the same people who say that the US has "liberated" Iraq. To the US politicos in Washington this makes perfect sense; say one thing and do the exact opposite. A year or two ago, Richard Boucher said that the increased militarization of Northern Cyprus was perfectly legal and the US had nothing to do with it because they had "not puchased those tanks with actual aid money from the US." Nai kala- if you give them billions a year for other purchases how is this any different? Are you going to trace the funds? I guess they bought them with their own money and not the money they were given by the US. He might as well have farted in response to that question. It would have been a better response.

Of course, you can jump on the blame the victim bandwagon. Go ahead.

And now, I am just waiting for some numskull to write about EOKA-B or the junta. Totally irrelevant in 2005 of course, but it makes perfect sense to people who choose to frame the Cyprus Problem in this way.

And of course there are those of you who will say "Cypriots are insignificant and should just take what they are given." Thanks for the lesson in Realpolitik, but I prefer justice over pragmatism.
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Postby Lala_Mustafa_Pasha » Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:18 pm

And now, I am just waiting for some numskull to write about EOKA-B or the junta

So writing about EOKA-B and the Greek Junta makes you a numbskull but hating Turks and pretending their army went on a happy summer holiday to Cyprus just for the fun of it makes you a genius :roll:

People like you are all the same, you want the world to believe in history as you tell it, when it comes to Cyprus that means, Ottomans destroyed the Island for 300 years, then there is a hundred year gap untill 1974 when the Turkish Millitary intervined, DONT ASK WHY THEY INTERVINED, never ask that question cos it makes you a Numbskull, yes it seems in Kalamaras's world Numbskulls are the ones who like to think for themselves and not believe what a biased side with hatred to another side says.

Hey Kalamaras wouldn't it be great if you could convince the world into not asking questions and erase pre-1974 history, I mean you got away with it for 30 years its only recently that the wider world has actually started questioning, "hey wait a minute, Turkish millitary intervined but I wanna know WHY, and I wanna know who EOKA-B is and I wanna know what the Greek Junta was doing on Cyprus in non-war times and I wanna know what Enosis was.

Ah, Kalamaras you see, you cannot pull the wool over peoples eyes forever :wink:
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Case in point.

Postby kalamaras74 » Thu Feb 02, 2006 11:33 pm

It doesn't take a genius to know what happened. To you the threat of enosis is still very real apparently. And you are all flowers and roses to the Greeks. This world view assumes that all Greek Cypriots are bloodthirsty mongrels, hell bent on killing all Turks. Wouldn't you like the world to believe that one? NO ONE DOES.

Yes from your point of view Turkey solved the problem. To those Greek Cypriots who were displaced, raped or killed, Turkey exacerbated it.

Before you call me a racist, examine your own racism.


Yeah right.
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Postby The Italian » Fri Feb 03, 2006 12:48 pm

Lala_Mustafa_Pasha wrote:Itallian, NO I CANT

My families home was burned to the ground, the land robbed and razed and our family forced to flee.

There is no compensation, no house back, no land back, boo hoo we got over it and worked hard and have a home in the Turkish Cyprus now.

You fools think everything will be handed to you on the plate while you laze around, we learned a long time a go this is never the case and you goto work to get what you want.

Also our home was destroyed in NON-WAR TIME, by Greek Junta while we were UN-ARMED get it. Non-war sistuation where Greek Army attacks innocent villagers.

You try to compare this to 1974 in which there was a WAR.

Now lets try break this down for you so you maybe just maybe may get it.

pre 1974 = Non-War scenario, innocent Turks massacred by Armed Greek Junta

1974 = War scenario, Armed Turks vs Armed Greeks, means fair war, Greeks lost, Turks were liberated, we have our state and are free and safe and so do you.

Let me give a little history lesson for political reason the three powers U.S.A., U.K. and U.S.S.R. wanted Cyprus divided in order to manipulate Turkey and Greece. They used propaganda in order to achieve the divide. Turkey was used to achieve their goals since the country has been troubled by the Cyprus issue. The same with Greece trying over the years to compensate for the part they played in the invasion.

So you can’t really get over it because it will haunt all the Cypriots, Greeks and Turks until it is resolved.

Sadly your abhorrence as well as your bravado are ill directed.
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