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Re: Capitalism

Postby Maximus » Thu Dec 30, 2021 3:04 am

Bordo, it happened in Cyprus, under a leftist "working peoples" government.

Now dont take me the wrong way, even governments to the right screw things up. Take Erdogans regime for example but it is less likely to happen.

Erdogans regime is more like a conservative theocracy. He did raise his peoples living standards for quite some time, until the theocracy took over. :roll:

It is usually leftists that are anti-capitalism, so what is there instead of that? Socialism? Communism?

Like that raises people out of poverty. That sends people there and keeps them there.
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:26 pm

More bullshit from the toilet boy.

The first thing that happens whenever a remotely left wing government wins an ellection, there is a run on the currency which causes inflation. The rest just follows because we live in a capitalist system. Workers want higher wages to counteract inflation and on it goes.

Lets take Cuba. Now there is a left wing government that has survived embargoes from the US not UN but from US since first day. And how did they fair. They have a better education, health and sport system than US despite all the embargoes. This is not embargo from just US, this is US applying an embargo to any country that trades with Cuba.

Bidon wanted to increase the minimum wage and he is in and has been able to? no. Why not? because he has a very slim majority in the Senate and a few members of his own party will not support it. This despite the fact that in the US there has been states which have implemented the living wage and those that have not and there has been no problems with implementing living wages. There is no drop in employment and no conpany has gone bunkrupt.

Given half a chance socialist system will work but it is not allowed to and idiots like you become the pole bearer for them.

Talk of supporting the very people who are working againt your interest. Shit man.
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Maximus » Thu Dec 30, 2021 1:29 pm

Time to wake up, :roll:

One of the first things Biden did was print a shed load of money, devaluing the Dollar and making Americans poorer.

Do you share the means of production with your employees re Bordos (not Bezos)?

Do you want to rely on the government for everything, including your food? :roll:
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 30, 2021 4:13 pm

There is nothing worse in the world than an idiot who does not recognise his idiocy. You are worse than that. You just follow the right wing shit propaganda.

Where can I start from. Biden you say caused the drop in the dollar after proposing I think it was 3 Trillion to sort the problems with caused by the pandemic. Eventually the senate approved 1 trillion. It was Biden who wanted to increase the minimum wage to 15 dollars an hour you stupid cunt.

So when did the dollar fall?

World Currencies Gain Against U.S. Dollar After Biden Win
2020 ELECTION by Katharina Buchholz Nov 9, 2020
On a first day of regular trading after Saturday’s announcement that Democrat Joe Biden had won the 2020 U.S. presidential election, world currencies showed a tendency to gain on the dollar.

What are you? You are a fuckin idiot. He did not take over till 20 January and the dollar was faling on the day of the anouncement of the result of the election.

Now repeat after me for 1000 times. "Toilet boy is an idiot". Stand in the corner in a round room facing the wall. You hear?

The rest of what you posted is shit so I have no intention to post agaist that. There is no point. It goes through one ear and comes out the other.
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Maximus » Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:04 pm

Wake up Bordos (not Bezos), you are the idiot that doesn't recognize his own idiocy.

Why dont you share the means of productions with your employees?

In your world, your business would be usurped by the government and you would have to share equally with the cleaner.

Do you need the government to make that decision for you Bordos?

All that garbage and insults to try to deflect away from your hypocrisy. :roll:

You lost the debate.
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:40 pm

How many times have I got to tell you, you must think for yourself boooooy. You cannot just repeat what I say. It is so important to think of something original.

Where did I say everybody should get paid the same you idiot. Do you understand the difference between a fair distribution and an equal distribution but not below a living wage means.

Now than what have you done with the furquine brush again. The toilets are blocked and you are just sitting here bullshitting all over the net.

The only debating you know is the master debating kind reh mouchosmenos.


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Re: Capitalism

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 30, 2021 5:49 pm

It really is very simple. If you as a boss do not pay the effort your worker is putting in, you are stealing from them. Legal or not.Here is a song which explains it perfectly.

Yu get an idea what it is saying.

gün doğmadan yollardayız - we are on the road before dawn
döktüğümüz terdir bizim - it is our sweat being poured
işimiz ekmeğimizdir - our work is our bread
ekmeğimiz kuru bizim - our bread is dry

çalışan biz alan sensin - work we do the you take
aşımızı çalan sensin - you steal our food
doğru biziz yalan sensin we are right you are wrong
dillerimiz ayrı bizim - our languagees are different

mala mülke doymayansın- Nothing is every enough for you
söz verip de tutmayansın - you make promises and then you break them
hakkımızı vermeyensin - you do not give us our worth
yollarımız ayrı bizim - our paths are different

eken biziz, biçen sensin - we saw the seed you reap the harvest
kanımızı emen sensin - you are the one sucking our blood
kalleşçe vuruşan sensin - you are the one who fights cowardly
silahımız ayrı bizim - our weapons are different

sabır taşı çatlayacak - the patiance stone will crack
emekçiler çağlayacak - workers will rise
patladı ha patlayacak - its cracked it is about to crack
öfkemiz vardır bizim - we are very angry

halaylara durulacak - dance of war wil start
zulüm çarkı kırılacak - opression wheel will break
meydanlarda sorulacak - in the squares
hesabımız vardır bizim - you will have to account.
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Maximus » Thu Dec 30, 2021 6:15 pm

Shut it you deranged fool.

Go get the toilet brush and start scrubbing you hear?
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:04 pm

Can somebody explain why as soon as pandemic hit, all the governments of the world forgot about capitalism and awarded monet to the companies as well as pay the employees wages to the tune of 80%.

Question1. Why couldn't the capitalist world cope with the pandemic. Surely market is in control and has all the amswers.
Question2. Government paying the eemployees is a socialist idea, or is it not?
Question3. In UK our national debt double in the last 10 years to what it was in 2010 since 1945. I thougght the capitalists were better at managing the economy and coutnty's finances.

It just makes you wonder sometimes.
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Re: Capitalism

Postby Lordo » Thu Dec 30, 2021 8:08 pm

Now this is capitalism at its best.

In 2008 and 2009 the Peanut Corporation of America (or PCA) entered into quite the scandal. It was discovered that many of the peanuts used in their products were tainted with salmonella, and worse yet, the CEO and many other employees and managers were aware of it. As expected, 1,800 products were recalled by the factory, due to 654 reported illnesses and nine deaths directly caused by the company’s salmonella outbreak (Irlbeck, Akers & Palmer, 2011). This particular case provides an excellent example of poor crisis management, and provides a framework of what corporations should avoid doing or not doing during a scandal. It also demonstrates the power of media in the public’s response to a corporate crisis.

Now did these CEO and his henchmen deserve the millions they got paid as directors and managers?
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